Pepper is indeed very beautiful, but Lu Yuan does not really want to pursue her, because Pepper’s attention is only on Tony alone, so he will not be so ignorant.

In addition, Tony finally printed out the drawings of Mark’s generation and handed them to Lu Yuan.

After some discussion, he also agreed with Lu Yuan’s statement.

Now that there is an inner ghost, he is also going to harm Tony, wanting to kill him.

Lu Yuan was obviously already a target of suspicion, otherwise he would not have said that he would give the drawings to that person.

However, it is still only doubt, and unless the person actually does something, there is no evidence.

So Tony gave the drawings to Lu Yuan, and at the same time, he also began to update the Mark generation according to Lu Yuan’s instructions.

The original drawings were bulky iron pimples, and after some improvements, Tony removed the mess and added new things, and finally revealed the classic, familiar Iron Man suit.

But this is just the beginning, how to develop it, you need to experiment slowly little by little.

At this time, Lu Yuan had already come out alone.

Carrying drawings in a suitcase, wearing a black suit, tie, and sunglasses, he arrived alone at Stark Industries.

As a result, before he went upstairs, he was stopped by a person on the first floor.

“Sir, you are Mr. Lu Yuan, right?” A man also wearing a black suit blocked Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan had to stop, nodded and agreed, “It’s me.” ”

The man immediately said, “We are from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, and now I would like to ask you to come with us.” ”

“Huh? What is it? Trouble you repeat? Lu Yuan was stunned.

It’s not that he really didn’t hear clearly, but this mess is too much of a twist, right? Are you talking about tongue twisters? So I want the other person to say it again and see if he can say it again.

The other party opened his mouth, but finally gave up: “Anyway, please come with us.” ”

Lu Yuan shrugged his shoulders and muttered, “Wouldn’t it be nice to call S.H.I.E.L.D.?” ”

The other party froze and looked at Lu Yuan incredulously.

That’s right, this messy homeland strategic defense attack and logistics support agency, don’t look at the name now, in fact, it is the famous S.H.I.E.L.D.

Not a predecessor, because according to the setting, S.H.I.E.L.D. was established back in the eighties and nineties, when Tony’s father, Howard, was one of the founders.

Therefore, the full name of S.H.I.E.L.D. is this, but later the name was changed and it began to be called S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maybe they also know that such a long name is difficult to remember.

But the other party was puzzled, why did Lu Yuan know about S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Because the current S.H.I.E.L.D. is not so famous, and has not yet decided to start claiming S.H.I.E.L.D. to the outside world.

Lu Yuan just shrugged, he also knew that this guy in front of him was Colson.

Agent Colson, full name Phil. Coulson, the most trusted person of S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury, is also one of the few agents with the highest authority.

It was he who came to find Lu Yuan at this time.

“I’m okay, can’t I do it another day?” Lu Yuan asked tentatively, he also planned to send the drawings to Obadiah so that he could get the Iron Overlord out as soon as possible.

That’s right, although Lu Yuan didn’t say the person’s name to Tony, he knew that it was Obadiah who was ghosting, he was the Iron Overlord and Iron Man’s original enemy opponent.

But Coulson would not budge, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, it won’t be delayed for too long.” ”

Believe you are a ghost, you are a bad old man, there are already a lot of agents waiting in the car outside, and Nick Fury is also watching everything here from the upstairs not far away, obviously personally leading the command.

Even the heavily armed Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye Clinton were already quietly lurking nearby.

All this can’t escape Lu Yuan’s eyes, and others don’t know that he has super vision and super hearing.

Even Lu Yuan heard Nick Fury’s order, and he had already given instructions to Hawkeye and Natasha on the radio: “If he has any changes, shoot him directly and take him down with anesthetic.” ”


Natasha and Hawkeye agreed together.

Then Natasha couldn’t help but ask again: “Head, is he really an alien?” It doesn’t look any different from us. ”

Hawkeye is also curious: “Is there really an alien?” It’s so fresh. ”

Only Nick Fury’s oldest god is there, and the heart says that Lao Tzu has dealt with a group of shape-shifting Skrulls more than ten years ago, and even met the Meta-Eater, do you dare to believe that there are such dangerous guys in the orange cat?

But he didn’t say it, because it was a world view that belonged to the later Captain Marvel movie supplement, at least for now, so far, maybe Lu Yuan is really the first alien that the Earth of the Marvel world has come into contact with, right?

Lu Yuan heard these exchanges and conversations, and already understood in his heart that it must be those soldiers who betrayed themselves in the end.

So they provoked S.H.I.E.L.D., and they were going to take themselves to question.

It seems that it is impossible to dodge.

“Okay, I see,” Lu Yuan could only obediently comply, mainly because he didn’t want to cause too much trouble, otherwise not to mention the weapons of the earth today, that is, in the entire Marvel universe, the weapons that could hurt him were very limited.

Including the full set of Infinity Stones added together, it will not work.


It’s really not an exaggeration, the reason is that Thanos of the Infinity Gauntlet has fought with Darkseid, and the result is that Darkseid has abused Thanos, and with the emergence of the concept that Darkseid has an ontology, the strength of all previous Darkseid has automatically decreased by a large level.

And Lu Yuan had just faced Darkseid himself, although Lu Yuan lost in the superhuman state and died once, but after the resurrection became Doomsday, even Darkseid himself was defeated by him.

Especially now that Lu Yuan has been in the core of the sun for 100,000 years, now even the Darkseid body is not enough to see, let alone Thanos?

Lu Yuan had been amazed before, in the Marvel world without kryptonite, wouldn’t he be invincible?

Unless the OAA is out in person.

How did that phrase come about? I’m not targeting anyone, but everyone in this universe, garbage.

It’s just that now it’s not necessary.

Lu Yuan now obviously wants to stay on the earth of the Marvel Universe for a while, he doesn’t want to be an enemy of the world, it’s too troublesome, don’t finally conquer the earth, and then have to work hard to manage, annoyed to death.

So Lu Yuan obediently followed Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D.

By the way, before leaving, he did not forget to give the suitcase in his hand to a nearby person, and asked him to give it to Obadiah, and explained: “Tell him that if you want to know the mystery of the contents inside, you have to add money.” ”

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