I Don’t Want To Fall In Love with the Heroine

Chapter 108: The adopted daughter who became a laughing stock (3)(1)

Ju Yinfeng was forced to do a lot of things for people since he was a child because he didn't understand rejection.

Only "bathing for others" is something that has never been done before.

, with a bit of a blurry look.

After she finished speaking, she continued to grin at Ju Yinfeng like a child who had done a good deed and was waiting for a reward from her parents.

It doesn't look as vibrant as it used to be, it looks a little dull, but it has a pleasant and well-behaved taste.

Ju Yinfeng doesn't know how to reject others, but it's not the same when she is in front of girls. Before that, she has rejected girls many times - although each time it ends with "rejection is invalid".

She didn't realize this. When she heard the other party's words, her first reaction was still to try to refuse.

—No opening, silence.

The slightly drunk guy soon lost his patience, and frowned when he saw that the woman didn't say goodbye.

The two stood very close at this time, so close that Ju Yinfeng could feel every breath of Baizhi, and the smell of alcohol mixed in each other's breath could also be captured by her. Chu.

The result of the destruction of the safe distance is that the girl's action of bending over and hugging her was so sudden that it was too late for people to make any action.

When the woman reacted, she was already held tightly by the other party.


Ju Yinfeng failed to push away the girl who hugged him without authorization. Now listening to her accusation, her already shaken heart has completely forgotten how to refuse.

The girl began to rub on her shoulder. Even if she was drunk, she was as irritating as she was sober: "Sister?

She replied warmly.

The non-rejection this time seems to come from the heart, not the temperament that has been cultivated for a long time.

The drunk white horn is very clingy, after hugging her, she will not let go.

In this way, Ju Yinfeng, who is going to help her pack her clothes, has a difficult way of traveling.

After walking a few steps, the woman stopped, and warmly called to the girl who was hugging her face to face, but still resting her head on her shoulder: "Xiao Qian, can you loosen my sister first? If I hold my sister like this, my sister will not be able to walk."

The sticky little drunk did not speak, but stuck close to her and turned behind her—

It was originally a posture of embracing face to face, but now it is embracing her from behind: "Sister, this will be no problem."

Ju Yinfeng could no longer refuse, so he had to obey her.

Pack up and get down to business.

There are white rhizomes, and so does Ju Yinfeng.

In addition to the restless little drunk who wanted to jump into her arms, there was nothing else troublesome.

The girl who took a bath and wore clean clothes was about to pounce on her arms again. Ju Yinfeng quickly blocked the person, so that the water on her body was not absorbed by the other party again.

The restless girl hummed and chirped along the way, Ju Yinfeng took a lot of effort, and finally brought this guy who was not safe but not good-hearted back to the room.

The bed is the "magic charm" that can suppress Baiqi.

Then softly said to the woman: "Sister, good night."

The clothes got wet, so Ju Yinfeng had to take a shower again.

It is rare for her to go to bed so late, and she has developed a body with a good biological clock, which has now been pushed to the limit.

As soon as the woman lay down, her sleepiness pressed down on her like a mountain.

As soon as she closed her eyes, a hand was suddenly placed on her waist.

The night obscures everything, making it impossible to see what is close at hand.

Ju Yinfeng opened his eyes dazedly, although he couldn't see anyone, he could feel the other person's breath - just as he felt when the girl was about to hug her just now.


She called out in a trembling voice: "Xiao Qian?"

No one answered.

The steady rise and fall of the chest cavity when the other party breathes proves that the action of hugging her at the moment is just an unconscious behavior in sleep.

Ju Yinfeng failed to reject Baizhi in the past, because the other party was sober, so when she said rejection, she would always use action or language to refute.

Now the girl is asleep, can't speak, and can't make awake movements, even if she wants to push people away at this time, there is no problem at all.

The outstretched hand touched the girl, and before she had time to exert force, the other party hugged her tighter.

Ju Yinfeng's struggle was just disintegrated.

Finally nestled in each other's arms and fell asleep.

Baizhi came to pick up Ju Yinfeng from get off work again.

On the first day, she brought milk tea.

Yesterday she brought ice cream cream puffs.

Today I brought a small piece of strawberry puff pastry.

The elevator door opened, and a bunch of people came out from get off work. Bai Qian had sharp eyes and saw the most outstanding one in the crowd at a glance.

It's not the Ju Yinfeng she's waiting for, but Bai Zhanrong's former ambiguous object—

Yesterday, she suddenly said that she had found true love, Liu Qianqian.

Bai Chi is very curious about who her true love is.

In the original plot, the next injustice Liu Qianqian hooked up with did not appear now, so most of the true love she mentioned to Bai Zhanrong was someone else.

Unfortunately, there is no introduction from Bai Zhanrong. The two of them don't know each other at the moment, so they can't directly ask.

The girl stood where she was and saw the woman come out of the elevator, lowered her head and sent a message to the person on the screen with her mobile phone, and continued to walk towards the door where she was staying.

She estimates that most of Liu Qianqian's current chat partners are her true love.

The woman gave her a sideways glance because of her youthful and energetic appearance, then retracted her gaze and walked out past her.

Bai Chi didn't follow in a frenzy. It's one thing to know who "true love" is, and it's another thing to pick up Ju Yinfeng from get off work, and obviously, the latter is more important.

The elevator that went up slowly descended again, this time, Ju Yinfeng finally came out.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw a young girl smiling at her not far ahead.

When she got close, the other party stretched out his hand and pulled her naturally.

Ju Yinfeng subconsciously looked down at the hands of the two, and the gentle smile at the corner of her mouth could not help deepening.

The smile on the corner of the woman's lips suddenly became stiff, and the lingering sweetness in her heart suddenly turned into astringent astringency.

She should have expected the sun to leave one day, but because she was too warm, she suddenly had a greedy idea.

Fortunately, everything is still in time.

Ju Yinfeng came back well, her voice was still gentle, just listening carefully, it seemed to be much drier than before.

Bai Qian heard the unnaturalness in her tone, tilted her head to see the subtle change in her expression, and explained with a chuckle: "I don't want to leave my sister, don't think too much about my sister, I will never I won't leave my sister behind."

The woman was stunned and confused for a while, but she looked extra cute.

Suddenly she wanted to hug her, she followed her heart without any hesitation, she turned to the side, and immediately hugged her.

I felt the other person's body suddenly became a little stiff, his expression became more gentle, and whispered in his ear: "I just think it's troublesome to take a taxi every day, so I signed up for work with my friends today, Starting tomorrow, I will go to practice after class, so before I get my driver's license, my sister will go back to the school and wait for me to go home, okay?"

"When I get my driver's license, it will be much more convenient if I go out with my sister on weekends."

The woman held her in a daze.

She heard the sound of drums, dong dong dong.

The heart is beating violently.

Because of the warm breath on the side of the ear when the girl spoke?

Because of the clean and fresh smell of the girl?

Because the girl added herself to the future plan?

Perhaps, nothing is a reason.

The only thing that made her heart beat faster was because—

She is Baiqi.

When Bai Qian was pulling Ju Yinfeng to watch the play, she thought of Liu Qianqian again.

He asked the people around him, "Sister, I heard that my brother had a new secretary some time ago. How is she?"

Ju Yinfeng still doesn't know about Bai Zhanrong being rejected by Liu Qianqian.

Hearing this, he subconsciously asked, "Didn't Zhan Rong tell you?"

Bai Qian pretended to be innocent: "My brother just changed his secretary, there is no need to report to me, what's the matter, sister, is my brother and his new secretary a good relationship? So you want to introduce it to me? "

Ju Yinfeng thought that the affairs between the three of them were the so-called "adult affairs". Even if Bai Zhanrong didn't mention it, she naturally wouldn't talk to the girl.

Just like she didn't know that Liu Qianqian had broken up with her nominal fiancé, Liu Qianqian didn't know her relationship with Bai Zhanrong either.

Thus she and Liu Qianqian are colleagues and do the same job, but so far, apart from the content of their work, they have not had any private communication.

Now the girl is curious, and she has nothing to hide.

After telling her truthfully that she is not familiar with the other party, she thought about it and added: "From tomorrow, she will not be your brother's secretary."

"Huh? She left?"

Bai Qian was surprised, the so-called true love of Liu Qianqian is not someone from Bai Zhanrong's company?

"No, starting from tomorrow, she will change to Mr. Jane's side, and I will go to your brother's side."

White Gorilla: ? ? ?

She almost blurted out "Are you afraid of my brother being embarrassed?"

After deliberation, she asked the last sentence: "Did my brother mention it?"


So, because her brother was afraid that he would be affected by seeing the woman who hurt him at work, so he transferred the person away?

I didn't get the answer I wanted, and Bai Qian was not surprised. After all, Ju Yinfeng is not a person who likes to gossip, so he temporarily left Liu Qianqian's affairs behind him and continued to stick to the woman around him. Watch the drama that is playing on the screen together.

Bai Qian turned off the light, and while lying down, she leaned over and looked at Ju Yinfeng.

The night was dark, the room was dark, and she couldn't see anything.

But it didn't affect her speech: "Sister, was I drunk last night?"

Ju Yinfeng grew up so big, only three people were drunk.

One is the person in her childhood memory that she doesn't want to recall - the head of the black-hearted orphanage who likes to smash things on the ground when she is drunk.

One is Bai Zhanrong, who was brought back to the room by Bai Qian after being drunk last night.

The last one is Baiqi.

When Dean Blackheart wakes up, he doesn't remember what he did.

The same is true for Bai Zhanrong. When she dropped her off to the company in the morning, she asked her in the car if she had any alcoholic madness last night.

Ju Yinfeng thought that when a drunk person wakes up the next day, he should not remember what he did.

But now listening to Bai Qian say this, I can't help but hesitate: "Xiao Qian, do you remember what happened last night when you were drunk?"

The girl didn't lie to her: "I don't remember much, I just remember that I was holding my sister before I fell asleep."

After she finished speaking, she approached the person, and soon hugged him in the same posture as last night.

"So I also want to sleep with my sister today, okay?"

The woman's gentle voice was a little helpless: "Don't Xiao Qian feel hot? It's almost summer."

"Sister feels hot? Then I'll take out the fan. It seems a little too early to turn on the air conditioner now."

Seeing that the girl really let go and she was about to get out of bed, Ju Yinfeng subconsciously reached out and grabbed the corner of her clothes: "I'm not hot, Xiao Qian doesn't have to go."

I noticed that my hand was moving faster than my brain, and hurriedly retracted my hand in shame.

Bai Qian hugged her again unceremoniously: "Then I agree to be my sister, sister, tomorrow I have class in the first class in the morning, I want to go out with my sister, it's late Now, sister, let's go to bed, good night."

The girl who said good night quickly fell asleep.

Ju Yinfeng was held in her arms and did not fall asleep with her.

What should a real sister look like?

The voice did not answer her, as if what she was thinking about was just self-troubling caused by no reason.

Without the interruption of the voice, she quickly felt relieved.

Bai Chi is different from her. The girl has so many friends, and she should know how to get along with her friends normally.

When those friends stayed at Bai's house, Bai Zhi must have done such intimate things with them.

Thinking about it, she should have felt relieved, but the truth is, the woman felt that something was pressing on her heart, and she was so bored that she was about to breathe.

How many people have slept with the sun in such a close embrace?

Ju Yinfeng, who has zero emotional experience and is relatively slow in this regard, finally fell asleep in this dull and unresolved emotion.

A bit of a sour thought is exactly the same reaction that the protagonists in idol dramas have when they are jealous.

Ju Yinfeng normally goes to the company to check in at 9:30 in the morning.

Over the years, she has developed a good habit of waking up early.

Usually at Bai's house, I would wake up automatically after six o'clock, but now I come to the school, and the wake-up time has not changed.

Bai Qian said before going to bed "go out with my sister tomorrow", Ju Yinfeng didn't know that she was just saying it casually, or she really wanted to do it. After washing and cleaning up, she hesitated, or He sat in the living room and waited for the girl who was still sleeping on the bed.

Waiting until half past seven, Bai Qian finally woke up to the alarm.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and opened the door, saw Ju Yinfeng sitting quietly on the sofa, and said sleepily good morning to my sister.

The next second, my memory came back to the cage, I rushed to the bathroom, the door was not closed, and the voice floated from inside: "Sorry, I forgot to set a new alarm clock, did I wait? It's been a long time, then wait for me, I'll be fine right away."

Ju Yinfeng spoke gently and gently, so that she didn't have to hurry, it was okay to take it slowly.

But Bai Qian probably didn't hear it, because soon, she came out of it.

"Sister, I'm fine, let's go."

There were still water marks on her face that had not been wiped dry, Ju Yinfeng could not help reaching out and wiped it for her.

As soon as she put her hand back to her side, she was pulled by the other party: "What do you want to eat in the morning, sister?"

Aunt Lin sent a message in the early morning that her little granddaughter had a fever overnight and had to take a day off today.

So we just went outside for breakfast.

"If I remember correctly, my sister's work time is 9:30, right? It's not even eight o'clock yet, so don't you rush? So my sister and I went to the edge of the school Let's eat at the breakfast restaurant here, the food in that restaurant is delicious, and I sometimes go there with my friends, okay?"


Ju Yinfeng just glanced at the menu, and he didn't even see the content, so he just asked for a white porridge.

Bai Chi naturally knows how she usually solves her breakfast. Women go to work early. When they were at Bai's house, they got up almost at the same time as their aunts.

Before they prepared breakfast for the owner of the house, they went out by themselves.

Then I ordered a bowl of white porridge at the breakfast shop near the company and swallowed it without changing my face.

Generally, you will be hungry by nine o'clock, but drinking a few sips of water can suppress your hunger.

Bai Qian saw that she still ordered food like this today, so she didn't force her to add anything, and added an extra beef bun outside her own food limit.

Soon, the clerk brought the breakfast to their table.

A bowl of porridge, two beef buns and a bowl of wontons.

Baizhi pointed to the beef bun: "Sister, this is for you. If my sister doesn't want to eat it, then I can't eat it either, so I just throw it away."

Ju Yinfeng refused to speak, but was blocked by the girl's fluttering threat.

Seeing her silently agree, Bai Qian's eyebrows and eyes are curved, and her smile is different.


Ju Yinfeng had never been fed anything before, so he ducked his head back subconsciously, and refused the girl's feeding with the most direct action.

I immediately reacted to what I had done, my eyes tightened, and I couldn't help but look at the other party in a panic.

The girl was not annoyed by her disrespectful actions, and the corner of her mouth was still smiling: "Sister, you have to learn to adapt to what I feed you like this."

She brought the spoon closer to the woman's mouth, but this time, it touched the other's lips.

"There are many delicious things in this world, I will bring my sister to taste them all in the future, my sister is about to get used to it now, so can my sister eat it? If my sister refuses to eat it, I will have to keep holding it like this."

Speaking, she pretended to be wronged and said, "Sister, my hands are so sore."

Ju Yinfeng opened his mouth and took it in, smiled satisfied and encouraged at Shang Baizhi, his eyes flashed slightly, and he turned his eyes unnaturally.

Porridge is a food that fills your stomach when you drink it and makes you hungry after drinking it.

Ju Yinfeng is accustomed to drinking only a bowl of white porridge for breakfast. Today, I added an extra beef bun. The last two things are only half resolved, and the stomach already has a clear feeling of fullness.

But she was used to having an empty plate, so despite some discomfort, she insisted on putting the rest of the food in her mouth.

Bai Qian noticed the unnaturalness in her expression, glanced at her slow movements, understood, stretched out her hand to hold the woman's hand holding the spoon, and sighed: "Since my sister is full, Then don't eat anymore, aren't you afraid of filling your stomach?"

Ju Yinfeng still won't lie as usual, his eyes are erratic, and there is a little panic in his gentle voice: "Sister is not full, you can continue to eat."

Speaking, she got rid of her hand and continued to squeeze the spoon, but as soon as she picked it up, what was in her hand was taken away by the girl.

Just like a woman's lack of a sense of security that is hard to find, it is not easy for her to not torment herself for food.

Baizhi simply stopped persuading, directly held the white porridge bowl in front of the other party, swallowed it in three or two mouthfuls, and then clamped the half beef bun with chopsticks, also at the same speed, in front of The woman's face swallowed it.

"I helped my sister to finish the food. In this way, my sister will no longer feel guilty, right?"

After Bai Zhi solved her problem, she began to solve her own.

If the woman was not there, she would have swallowed the last ravioli. Now that she was watched, she had to drink the soup in the bowl without a drop.

As soon as I put down the bowl, someone suddenly pressed my left shoulder.

A familiar voice rang out: "Bai Qian, what a coincidence, are you here for breakfast today?"

The other party said, pulled out the chair next to the girl and sat down, looked at Ju Yinfeng, who was diagonally opposite, and reached out to her very familiarly: "Little Hello, sister, I'm Bai Qian's friend, my surname is Lin, you can just call me Shu Xing."

When Ju Yinfeng was in Bai's house, he often used Baizhi to bring his friends back.

Sometimes when they meet each other at home, Bai Qian will say that this is my sister, and then greet each other politely, and there will be no follow-up.

Now this friend obviously doesn't know her, and similarly, she doesn't know each other either. I think it should be Bai Qian's friend after she went to college.

Usually when she met Baizhi's friends, she would respond gently, but this time, she was a little nervous for no reason.

Bai Qian, who was in a good mood at first, saw this scene, and her expression instantly became a little stiff.

Lin Shuxing did not notice the change in his friend's expression, but was amused by Ju Yinfeng's cute reaction, retracted his hand, turned to look at Bai Qian, and asked: "Your girlfriend looks good Shy, Bai Qian, when did you get a girlfriend? Why didn't you tell us? Is it because your girlfriend is too beautiful, afraid that everyone will rob you? "

She just finished teasing, Bai Qian didn't speak, "Bai Qian's girlfriend" first explained to herself with red ears: "I'm not Xiao Qian's girlfriend, but her sister ."

The little girl was stunned: "Ah? Bai Qian, you still have a sister? I thought you were just a brother."

She is a friend of Bai Qiantong in different majors. She has never been to Bai's house before, so she does not know the existence of Ju Yinfeng.

A while ago, a bunch of their friends had dinner together, and Bai Qian asked Bai Zhanrong to pay the money. It was only then that she knew that Bai Qian was not the only child, and there was a brother five years older than her at home.

"Now you know?"

Lin Shuxing nodded: "With such a beautiful sister, why didn't you bring people out to play with at the party before?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Ju Yinfeng and grinned: "Sister, next time we have a date with Bai Qian, you can come out and play together, with such a beautiful person as my sister, I always feel The mood will change."

The little girl has a sweet mouth, Ju Yinfeng was a little embarrassed by her, and was hesitating how to answer, the ugly Bai Qian interjected: "She has a name, you call her Sister Yinfeng That's it."

Lin Shuxing glanced at her, saw her sour and jealous look, and shrugged: "Okay, it's your sister anyway, you can call me whatever you want me to call me, It's just a name, why are you jealous of me?"

Bai Qian ignored her teasing: "You haven't eaten yet, then sit here and eat by yourself, and we'll go first."

"Huh? Don't, isn't our first class in the same classroom? Wait for me to go together, I won't eat here, pack, and don't waste your time with Sister Yinfeng."

The girl pursed her lips and stood up: "I'll buy it for you, so just stay here and eat."

"..." The guy controlled by the sister is really scary.

However, Lin Shuxing is quite interesting if he can spend a free breakfast.

He said unceremoniously: "Okay, then I want two beef buns, a fried dough stick, a bowl of salted beancurd, and buy me a tea egg."

Ju Yinfeng was shocked by her large appetite, and her gentle eyes looked at her unconsciously.

Seeing that her attention was drawn away, Bai Qian's face became more and more ugly, and she grabbed the person's hand and took the person to the cashier.

Lin Shuxing moved quickly, opened the camera with his mobile phone, and immediately took a picture of Bai Qian pulling Ju Yinfeng.

She cut off the other parts, left the two holding hands alone, then opened the X letter, pulled a few close friends into a small group, and sent the photo out.

A postscript: Can you believe it? The owner of the hand on the left is Baizhi.

Bai Chi is very popular, and there are many friends who often hang shoulders with her and walk hand in hand with her.

Everyone likes to play with her and takes the initiative.

On weekdays, although Baizhi has a good relationship with everyone, it is the first time in history that she takes the initiative to hold someone else's hand like this.

As soon as Lin Shuxing finished speaking, the group exploded.

Dive friends came out one after another.

【Is this Baiqi? ! Early in the morning, start cheating every day? ! 】

[It is Baizhi, I compared the photo with the circle of friends she posted three days ago, it is indeed her hand. 】

【Lin Shuxing, did you take it? Where was it taken, give me the address quickly, I want to go over there to watch! ! 】

【What are you watching? 】

Lin Shuxing, who has the perspective of God, ate breakfast in a good mood, silently watching a few people chatting in the group, when everyone's mood became more and more high, he was finally willing to extend his hand and give Throwing a heavy/bomb without hesitation.

[Forgot to mention, the hand on the right is the elder sister of Baizhi. 】

[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Missing a typo? Want to say senpai? But there are so many senior sisters in Baizhi, which senior is this? 】

[No typo. 】

Isn't Ying Yan control, I just wanted to chat with her about her sister, but Bai Qian didn't really want to talk, and her attitude was not very close when she mentioned her sister, so no one mentioned it later, Lin Xiaoxing, you should Haven't seen her sister? 】

Lin Shuxing began to hesitate.

【Well, I have seen her brother, but this is what Baizhi told me just now, it can't be fake, right? 】

[One step too late, they are already gone. 】

【Gone? Where did you meet? 】

[The Yunji breakfast shop outside the school. 】

So, she left you behind and left with her so-called sister? 】

If you were Bai Qian, would you just leave your friends and sisters behind? And you're going to have a class together next time. 】

Lin Shuxing: “…”

Bai Qian didn't know how a group of her friends were chatting about her gossip in the group.

She is not in a good mood right now.

After paying the money, he pulled Ju Yinfeng out of the door and stopped.

turned her head, stared at her and said word by word: "Sister, it is not allowed for others to call you that in the future, I don't like it."

Ju Yinfeng didn't quite understand why she reacted like this, and hesitantly said, "Xiao Qian, what's the matter? Before you brought your friends home, didn't they call me that?"

"That was in the past, I don't care, anyway, from now on, only I can call you that, you can only let others call you by name, just like Lin Shuxing just called 'Yin' Sister Feng' is the same."

The little sun does not shine, and the obscure expression makes people feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

She pursed her lips, and she was bound to hear the woman's answer: "Did you hear my sister?"

Ju Yinfeng said helplessly: "Okay."

"Then I'll help my sister get a taxi now, and when my sister gets in the car, I'll go in for class."

"Take a taxi?" Ju Yinfeng refused warmly, "No need, sister just take the bus."

"The bus is too crowded, sister should take the bus."

The woman couldn't hold her back, she was silent for two seconds, couldn't hold back, and refused at all with a firm attitude: "Xiao Qian, I really don't need to help my sister take a taxi next time, let her take the bus, okay? ?"

Bai Qian was looking down at the phone, she stopped when she heard the words, Ju Yinfeng's eyes tightened, and before she felt flustered, she saw the girl raised her head.

Looking at her with a smile: "Sister, you have done a good job, but your attitude is still not strong enough. Remember to reject others more strongly in the future, okay?"

Ju Yinfeng, who was sitting in the car, turned his head and saw the girl who was still standing there through the rear glass.

The figure of the other party is getting smaller and smaller, and the expression on his face is gradually making it difficult to see.

But she didn't move, but continued to stare in the direction far away from her, until the car turned a corner, and the girl's appearance disappeared from sight.

Ju Yinfeng stretched out his hand and touched his heart, which was beating abnormally.

Seeing that the car was gone, Bai Qian turned around and prepared to enter the campus.

A hand stretched out and put it on her shoulder skillfully: "Okay, you Bai Qian, if it wasn't for Xu Lian and the others telling me, I wouldn't even know that I was deceived by you."

Baizhi: "What do you mean?"

Lin Shuxing snorted: "You still pretend to be with me? That's obviously your girlfriend, and you have to lie to me and say it's your sister. I already know that, so you don't have to pretend anymore."

"What did Xu Lian and the others say? Didn't they meet my sister, why did they misunderstand?"

I couldn't help but start to hesitate again. Could it be that Xu Lian and the others remembered the wrong person?

Bai Qian: "I just want to introduce my sister to them. Find a time this weekend to get together. Then you will know that those guys misunderstood."

She dared to say so, Lin Shuxing naturally couldn't doubt any more, she grinned and asked expectantly: "Then does your sister have a partner? If not, do you think I will How about taking care of you with your sister?"

Lin Shuxing is a moral face control, if Ju Yinfeng is Bai Qian's girlfriend, then she will naturally not have any thoughts that she should not have.

Now that she is only Baizhi's sister, these careful thoughts can naturally be allowed to ferment.

Bai Qian opened her hand with a snap: "She has a fiancé."

"Ah? No way? How old is Sister Yinfeng? I thought she was the same age as you, but the month was earlier than you."

Bai Qian said with a cold face: "I'm sorry, she is five years older than me, so she shouldn't move her mind, don't move, you know?"

Ju Yinfeng and Liu Qianqian have an average relationship.

We also met in the tea room today. Before Ju Yinfeng opened his mouth, the other party came over with a bag of tea bags and asked, "Drink?"

Ju Yinfeng subconsciously refused.

The other party is very similar to Baizhi to a certain extent, directly ignoring her refusal, and shoveling something into her hand: "It's delicious, try it, I will have a lot in the future. If you want to ask you something, just treat it as something to bribe you."

Without waiting for her to answer again, Liu Qianqian took the brewed tea and walked out: "Then I'll go back first, let's have dinner together at noon."

Ju Yinfeng looked at the bag in his hand and was a little stunned.

I thought it was just a casual remark from the woman, but at noon, she really came.

Liu Qianqian frowned and stared at the simple fried cabbage and tomato scrambled eggs in front of her: "You are older than me, so your salary should be higher than me? I dare to order fish and meat, you just Order two vegetarian dishes?"

Speaking and looking at the woman, seeing that she was so thin that she didn't have any flesh, her expression became deeper: "You don't have a younger brother, do you?"

Ju Yinfeng is not a person who loves to surf the Internet, and she doesn't understand what she means by extension, she shook her head honestly: "No."

After a pause, she added:

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