I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

Chapter 184: Spoils of War (2)

Lynn didn't expect that the wizard's wizard's tower actually hid a small army of Cyclops. What was he going to do, what was he going to break through the walls of a large empire?

Although the Cyclops is not a legendary being, it is also a magical creature belonging to the top level under the legend.

Moreover, among the Cyclops, there are also very few special mutants that have touched the realm of legendary life. Even ordinary Cyclops are creatures of at least the sixth level when they become adults, and some strong individuals can even reach the seventh level!

In front of him, there were a total of fifty Cyclops, thirty adults, and twenty juvenile Cyclops who did not look like adults.

At this moment, these Cyclops are all following Methers neatly.

Lin En took a few more glances and then looked away, "Congratulations, you have subdued a group of strong thugs."

He didn't have any other ideas, because Mathes didn't make a move, so he would be the one facing this Cyclops army. Although Lynn was confident that he could escape, it was still very troublesome.

Cyclops are born with the spell of turning concrete into stone. They can harden the soil into boulders, and then throw them violently to achieve the effect of long-range attack on their prey.

Cyclops are born with great strength, and at the same time have strong explosive power, as well as strong endurance and resilience. As long as they stand on the ground, they can continuously recover their physical strength.

So as long as the Cyclops are alive, they are either violent long-range trebuchets.

And don't think that they can only throw boulders to achieve such a violent bombing effect. It is not only trebuchets that can do this, but also powerful explosive power.

This terrifying level of explosive power allows them to teach the enemy a lesson when the enemy thinks that they are not good enough for melee combat.

A height of nearly ten meters is not for vegetarians, and the melee combat of Cyclops is equally terrifying.

In addition to being natural throwers, they also have powerful melee combat.

This kind of long-range and close-combat creatures is the overlord of the wilderness as long as they do not encounter legendary predators.

It was quite unexpected for a second-level wizard to have a small army of Cyclops. I'm afraid it took him a lot of energy to get these Cyclops into his hands.

Fortunately, I prepared to take action to deal with the opponent in advance, Lynn thought in his heart, if he moved slower, the opponent would have a chance to release the wizard tower, relying on these beholders and cyclops, plus the various modules of the wizard tower itself, just Standing in place is a non-stop strategic bombing fortress.

If the only shortcoming is flexibility, but since the opponent is also a wizard, it is impossible not to consider this convenient shortcoming. The opponent's wizard tower module is likely to be related to the movement of the wizard tower.

Either a short-distance displacement, or a floating module, but considering the characteristics of the Cyclops relying on the ground, there may be a module that can move the wizard tower.

But the interior of the wizard tower is not over yet, and some spider-like creatures crawled out of the wizard tower one after another.

This spider-like creature is transparent throughout, like amber crystals, and the surface of its body reflects light under the sunlight.

"Crystal Energy Spider." Lynn recognized this monster.

They like to live in underground caves. Thanks to the living environment, their bodies have a special gland that can release a substance similar to "glue" to stick their prey, and then trap the prey, they will It will continuously spray glue from the gland, and finally solidify the prey inside, completely suffocating to death.

Or lose all resistance.

Then it drags the prey into the cave, pierces the poisonous needle at the tail into the prey's body, and melts the prey.

To nurse offspring.

But this is just a normal hunting situation. In fact, crystal energy spiders also have a special function, that is, they can explode themselves.

When encountering dangerous prey, some of the intelligent group of crystal energy spiders will escape and protect or cover their cubs, while the other part of crystal energy spiders will rush to the enemy and explode themselves!

Explosions either kill enemies or collapse caves.

Collapsed caverns work well for sprite spiders escaping.

As long as he can escape, the crystal energy spider's sacrifice is worth it.

Moreover, their claws are hard and they are good at digging holes. Even if the cave collapses, it is not very dangerous to them.

Considering the crystal energy spider, Lynn seems to have guessed what the module in the wizard tower is.

"These dependents are good." There was a hint of showing off in Methers' voice.

"Do you want it?" Mathes asked suddenly.

"Yes." Lynn agreed without hesitation.

"Hmph, I promised very quickly."

Mathes didn't care much about these dependents, and it was actually useless for him to take them away.

His body is still sealed in the deep sea.

Even if you have these dependents, and the cyclops are fools, the beholders are a group of deranged lunatics, and the crystal spiders are a group of low-intelligence creatures that follow instinct.

And they are all land creatures, he is the god of the ocean gods!

It is too wasteful to spend divine power to transform these dependents, so it is better to send them out.

"What do you want?" Lynn asked.

You can't accept Methers' benefits in vain.

This guy is still sealed at the bottom of the sea, and he is working hard to earn money to escape from prison as soon as possible.

"You can't give me what I want. Just help me win over some believers in Ferran Continent." Mathes seems very Buddhist, but based on what he knows about Lynn, Lynn will definitely give him Reasonable compensation, these family members are regarded as investment. The faster Lin En develops, the richer the compensation will be in the future. This is called investment.

In fact, many gods like to do this, and they have cultivated some so-called heroes, sons of gods, and demigod heroes. Anyway, in the end, these gods will enter their kingdom of God and become their thugs.

Lynn entered the wizard tower. After losing its owner, most of the functions of the wizard tower fell into silence.

However, when outsiders entered certain sensitive areas, it still aroused the instinctive resistance of the wizard tower.

But Lin En, an outsider, had already entered the wizard tower, so these resistances seemed a little feeble.

After a short period of time, Lynn finally obtained all the control rights of the wizard tower. The ease with which he was able to do so was also related to Lynn's cracking of the magic prohibition and rune structure of the wizard tower in the past month.

After mastering the control, Lynn checked the wizard tower carefully from the inside to the outside immediately, and confirmed that this second-level wizard tower has a total of twelve modules.

Among them are two energy modules, three defense modules, two auxiliary modules, four attack modules, and one special module.

The two energy modules are Element Pool and Abyss Furnace.

What surprised Lin En was that the element pool was activated, and it was connected to a certain element plane.

Lynn originally collected an element pool module, but lacked the most critical element plane quota, so the function has not been activated.

But this problem has been solved.

Sure enough, war wealth is the greatest wealth.

As for the Level 2 Abyss Furnace, all the materials in it can be disassembled and used to strengthen the Abyss Furnace of your Wizard Tower to Level 2.

In other words, dismantle it and install it in your wizard tower, turning it into two abyssal furnaces.

However, one energy core module of the Abyss Furnace is enough, and two Abyss Furnaces will have duplicate functions, and the efficiency will not be improved much.

As for the three defense modules and attack modules, Lynn looked at them and found that there was nothing special about them, they were all ordinary-grade modules.

This disappointed Lynn a bit, but it was only fair to think of the harvested pocket watch and new followers.

Not all benefits in this world are occupied by oneself, and it is normal for someone to be lucky enough to obtain certain treasures.

What really caught Lynn's mind was the last special module - [Space Flashing Function Engine]

The core is a transparent spar, and even with Lynn's knowledge, he couldn't recognize what it was.

This special module has a strong mechanical style, a bit like the style of the city of machinery.

What is really special is its function. The wizard tower loaded with it can move in a short period of time with high intensity and short distance space.

Great stuff, it's mine now.

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