When Ava returned home, she saw her father who seemed to be 30 years younger sitting on the sofa on the first floor of the room, and the man next to her father whose appearance had hardly changed. She covered her mouth in disbelief for a moment.

"elder brother!"

The man next to Ava looked at Lin En with some doubts. He was Ava's husband. He had joined the family for several years, and this was the first time he saw Lynn.

He only occasionally heard his father-in-law and his wife mention this uncle.

"Hi, my name is Nick, and I'm a doctor." Anne's husband Nick said to Lynn with a smile, while extending his right hand.

Lynn shook hands politely in response.

Looking at Ava who seemed to have a thousand words to tell her, Lynn smiled slightly. "Dinner is ready, let's eat first, and we'll talk after dinner."

After dinner, it was mostly the family who asked Lynn about his experiences over the years.

Lynn picked out something to tell them.

Nick looked at his uncle in disbelief. He was actually a legendary wizard? Oh my god, is today April Fool's Day?

It wasn't until he saw a ball of warm light floating in Lynn's palm that he finally accepted this fact.

He glanced at his wife in horror, wondering if he had offended her.

Fortunately, he has a good temper. Although Ava is relatively strong at home, he has never had any conflicts with Ava.

Otherwise what if Ava asked his brother to turn himself into a pig.

The rest of the family listened to Lynn's story about the mysterious world of wizards. Ava's eyes showed some awe. Borg lowered his head and remained silent. The little nephew sitting next to him opened his eyes excitedly, and was full of interest in the wizarding world that his uncle said. .

Hamilton, who was sitting on the sofa, had pity in his eyes. Lynn must have suffered a lot there alone.

Hamilton was a little old, and after listening to it for a while, he felt a little sleepy, so he went upstairs to his room to rest.

Borg also took his nephew back to his room, and the little nephew still has class tomorrow.

Ava and Nick leave the house with Lynn.

"The house next door has been reserved for you."

Ava said, "Our family has always hired a servant to clean it occasionally. Sometimes we have a banquet, and if we don't have enough space at home, we will borrow your garden, but my mother always says that we won't let us come. It's your home."

Lynn nodded, and he suddenly asked, "Can you tell me about the plague?"

When mentioning the plague, Lynn had a grim expression on his face.

If someone familiar with Lynn is here, they must know that Lynn is very dangerous now.

Ava froze for a moment, then shook her head, "I'm not sure, but Nick may know a little more, Nick works in a hospital, he's a doctor."

Lynn turned to look at Nick.

Nick quickly said: "I seem to have heard the dean say during the chat that the plague came from the north, and I don't know much about the others."

"Well, I see, thank you." Lynn nodded.

Went for a walk with Ava and her husband and chatted for a while.

After the two went home to rest, Lynn stopped.

The matter of Lynn's flight in the afternoon has attracted the attention of many people.

It is unbelievable to ordinary people. Of course, in this era without mobile phones and cameras, even if it is spread, it will not cause much impact.

Because many people who have not seen this scene with their own eyes will only think that it is just a ridiculous rumor, and there are too many such rumors.

There are evil wizards in the deep mountains, terrifying sea monsters the size of an island in the sea, and ghouls who eat people.

Compared with these frightening and wonderful rumors, a person who can fly seems a bit ordinary.

But these are just ordinary people. For those aristocrats and some powerful people who know this world and know that there are wizard groups, as well as extraordinary professionals, the truth of this world is not just what they see with their eyes.

Some people who are investigating, and people who come to test after learning the information are endless.

Among the ants around, an ant with a bit of extraordinary aura attracted Lynn's attention.

Hiding in the box, a man wearing a white suit and a white top hat is frowning and staring at the room not far away. His name is Gentleman Bai, and he is a detective from a private detective firm. A new type of occupation that has spread from overseas.

The initial rise was to investigate the evidence of infidelity of their wives or husbands for some nobles or businessmen.

Later, with the continuous development of the industry, the business scope of private detectives became wider and wider.

"What is this?" A flat male voice appeared behind him.

Gentleman Bai suddenly trembled, startled by the sudden voice behind him.

He didn't look back, but prepared to roll forward and dodge, even if it might stain his favorite white suit.

But his purpose was in vain, because a hand grabbed his neck like a mountain.

Immobilize him.

"Okay, little bug, don't struggle around, or I'm worried that I might accidentally pinch you to death."

Lynn said flatly.

Gentleman Bai took a deep breath, he knew that he had met a terrible opponent.

So he raised his hands, "I came to investigate you under the order of the earl, but I didn't find anything, sir."

"I want to ask you something."

Lin En was not interested in the extraordinary aura of this white gentleman.

Now Lynn just wants to solve some small troubles, and he will take care of them for his family before leaving.

When he learned that the white gentleman was a private detective, Lynn thought he was useful, so he took him back to the house.

After questioning, it turned out that the white gentleman knew more.

The white gentleman accidentally heard that the plague was indeed spreading from the north, but before it spread from the north to the south, there were actually traces of the plague in the neighboring kingdom of Modo.

When the war broke out between the Kingdom of Erdoru and the Kingdom of Modo, the plague suddenly broke out in the Kingdom of Erdoru, which was also an important factor that led to the defeat of the Kingdom of Erdoru in this war.

After paying a large amount of compensation and ceding the territory, the plague that broke out in the Kingdom of Erdolu gradually disappeared. This has to make people think whether the conditions for certain transactions have been reached between the two countries.

"Moduo Kingdom." Lynn's eyes were deep, "How do you ensure that what you said is true?"

"Sir, the truth can't be fake, and the fake can't be true. You can find out by going to the neighboring country to investigate, and the plague that broke out in the neighboring country was not big at that time, but there were many people who experienced it. Go over there and ask about it." Just ask." Gentleman Bai said urgently, he also got the news by chance.

"I'll look into it."

Lin En raised his head, under the night, his dark pupils glowed with a deep light.

It is said that an official wizard can break through a small kingdom by himself. I really want to see if it is true.

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