I Developed A Game And Was Reported by A Rich girl for A Shootout!

Chapter 23 General Yang and General Wang got headshots!

Become a national firearms designer?

It sounds pretty cool.

But Qin Chuan really doesn't know how to design firearms.

He can play games even without a system, but he can't play with this firearm.

And where is the gun designer comfortable with the game designer?

How comfortable is it to play games and pit players when you have nothing to do?

That's why Qin Chuan refused again and again.

As for the gun data in the game, Qin Chuan is useless to keep it, but a disaster.

If you hand it over, you can also exchange for identity, status, and security.

Qin Chuan still has a sense of belonging to this country that is nine points similar to his previous life.

After struggling with Mr. Wu, Qin Chuan reluctantly focused his attention on the confrontation in front of him after there was no result.

One side is the strongest special forces squad in the Dragon Kingdom.

On one side is the second-year team that has just mastered the game for a day.

To prepare the game, select the map.

This map is PK_AWP_MAP!

Qin Chuan shook his head helplessly when he saw the map.

Don't ask, this picture must have been chosen by Brother Tian.

Before, he always used AWP to abuse Tiange.

Brother Tian felt ashamed and brave, and has been practicing AWP.

Together with his group of friends, they are also practicing AWP.

And this picture is the most suitable for practicing sniper. After entering this picture, you can only choose AWP as a firearm.

If it is just an ordinary "Counter-Strike", with the reaction speed of this group of special forces, it should be easy to adapt to the AWP, a firearm that has never been touched.

But unfortunately, this is a realistic version of "Counter-Strike".

Everything inside is close to reality.

It's not that you can hit casually with a gun.

You need to have a high level of proficiency in firearms.

At the same time, because they did not use their own bodies, the first thing this group of special forces needed to be familiar with was the character bodies inside.

So, in the early days, they might be miserable!

Start on both sides!

Brother Tian has led his friends to quickly check the firearms and adjust the scope.

The two generals on the opposite side and the soldiers of the Dragon Tooth Squad are still experiencing all this in the game in a novel way.

"This body can catch up with when I was young. This muscle, hair, heartbeat, I really want to ask that kid how this game was made. Is it too real?"

General Wang pinched the muscles in his arms with a look of disbelief.

"Look at the settings."

General Yang suddenly said.

General Wang opened the setting, and when he saw the pain setting, his eyelids twitched.

Then the eyes brightened.

"Being able to regulate 100 percent of the pain without actually hurting the body."

"Isn't this thing perfect for training?"

General Yang nodded.

"Everything in here is based on reality, whether it's characters, guns."

"And the land here, the prestige, if the map here is changed into a training ground, what if we use it for soldiers to practice confrontation?"

"Completely simulate the effect of death, and the strength of the soldiers will increase rapidly after repeated real death simulations."

"This game is a treasure, and the firearms in it are actually just a part of it!"

General Wang waited for General Yang to finish speaking and waved his hand slightly.

"You're wrong about that last point."

"In this game, even those firearms are not treasures. The real treasure is the young man named Qin Chuan outside."

"He will become the leader of the new world of our Dragon Kingdom!"

General Yang was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

"Forget it, I actually prefer to train him as a soldier king."

"After all, with my strength, as long as I have a little training..."


Before General Yang's words were finished, his head exploded into a pile of pieces!

Brother Tian on the other side smugly shook the AWP in his hand.

"Sample, dare to stand in a daze in front of my brother Tian?"

I'm gone?

I got a headshot?

The screen had turned gray, and General Yang, who was watching the battlefield in third person, took a long time to react.

The rest of the Longya team froze for a moment, then reacted.

"Dodge quickly."

The captain immediately shouted loudly.

After all, he is an elite special soldier, and his reaction speed is very fast.

They quickly hid behind the stone, and at the same time became familiar with the strange sniper rifle in their hands.

"Hey, Xiao Yang, you are eliminated so fast!"

"Tsk tsk, if you say this, you, a general, was shot in the head by a second-grade kid in a shootout game. It's interesting!"

General Wang hid behind the stone and gloated.

As the third person, General Yang's face darkened.

He underestimated the children in front of him.

On the battlefield, however, even a child would pull the trigger and kill him easily.

This is his mistake, he has to admit it!


A muffled sound rang again.

A figure did not know when it had sneaked in.

Then he shot General Wang in the head at close range.

General Wang: What happened? who I am? Where am I?

"General Wang, as a soldier, was sneaked ten meters around by enemy soldiers, and he was shot at close range with a sniper rifle."

"It seems more embarrassing than me, doesn't it?"

General Yang's tone was not mixed with any emotion, but the gloating in his words, General Wang listened clearly.

Big brother, don't laugh at second brother!


Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward! *

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