I Developed A Game And Was Reported by A Rich girl for A Shootout!

Chapter 11 The other party may have 20 hostages! The shock of the game censors!

"The sniper is in place, ready to be called at any time!"

"The tank is in place, ready to go!"

"The first raid team is in place, ready to be called at any time!"

All the soldiers present are ready to rush into the warehouse at any time.

Kill all the terrorists inside as soon as possible!

General Wang looked serious, and the next step was to attack...

"Wait, General, there is an emergency!"

The director on the side received a call and hurriedly interrupted the general's order.

"A police investigation found that nineteen children were playing around the warehouse in that residential area recently."

"I've sent people around to find those kids."

"But if we can't find it, we'll probably have to plan for the worst."

As soon as the news came out, the atmosphere in the entire headquarters suddenly became heavy.

Nineteen children!

If he did enter the warehouse, wouldn't he have already become the hostage of the other party?

Will their direct raids lead to the deaths of these children?

"Quickly investigate whether the children entered the warehouse."

"At the same time, we are investigating the owner of the warehouse. We are all dark under some lights."

"Investigate the owner of the warehouse to see who this warehouse belongs to and whether it has any connection with foreign countries."

"Is he one of those people inside, or did he lease the warehouse to them?"

"In short, finding the owner of this warehouse is our main task at present."

General Wang then finalized the current plan.

Outside the security area, a parent shouted anxiously.

"Can you tell us if the child was taken hostage by them?"

"My poor boy, he's only nine years old, he won't encounter any accident, will he?"

"I beg you, if the other party has any requirements, please be sure to satisfy them, and please be sure to protect our children."


One parent cried heartbreakingly.

The police officers in charge of vigilance turned their heads one after another, a little unable to bear to watch.

But the duty lies, in any case, they cannot let these parents enter.

As for those children, they can only beg for God's blessing.

"According to the latest news on the scene, it is very likely that the terrorists in the warehouse took nineteen children hostage."

"This undoubtedly caused huge trouble for our military's next operations."

"Continue the raid, or negotiate? That's a very urgent question."

"Our reporter Wu Shasha will report for you. Please continue to pay attention to the news channel of Beijiangcheng TV station later."

With the presence of the military, the major media did not dare to exaggerate the matter, and could only report it truthfully.

However, what kind of choice the military will make next makes everyone quite worried.

After all, those were nineteen innocent children!

"General, this is the information of the warehouse owner."

The director soon followed the investigation to the owner of the warehouse.

"The owner, Qin Chuan! Eat the old clan!"

"I am addicted to games in college, and I have been dropping out of school to indulge in games at home before graduation."

"My mother died early. A week ago, my father's company went bankrupt, and my father suffered a heart attack and died."

"This warehouse originally belonged to his father, but a week ago, it belonged to Qin Chuan."

"According to the investigation, Qin Chuan came to the warehouse yesterday afternoon, and there was no news after that."

Looking at this information, General Wang frowned.

"So, this Qin Chuan is most likely one of the hostages?"

"Twenty hostages, nineteen children, this is a bit difficult."

"Have a meeting, re-order the plan, we need a plan that can perfectly rescue the hostages!"

Because the hostages are in a stalemate, I am afraid that there will be no results in a short period of time.

At the same time, at the Guangding headquarters, the game review office.

Inspector Xiao Jiang clocked in to work, turned on the computer, and looked at the game cover of Yishui cartoon.

Xiao Jiang couldn't help but complain.

"Brothers, isn't there a point of excitement in this game now?"

Several other censors shook their heads with numb expressions.

"I've been doing it for more than ten years, and I haven't seen a game that is exciting."

Old Ge, the older censor, was used to it.

Outsiders see their position as lighthearted, as if they are playing games every day.

But only their examiners know it.

Playing this same cookie-cutter game every day can be tiresome.

And they haven't been able to utilize the pod for immersive gaming.

Only the general game flow can be reviewed with a computer to determine that there are no violations.

This makes it easier for them to feel tired and numb.

"Hey, the cover of this game doesn't look the same? "Counter-Strike"? It's interesting."

Xiao Jiang looked at this game whose cover was completely different from other games, and couldn't help but click on the game.

After a simple game animation, start following the game intro.

Choose a room!

Choose a character!

Wait, why do these characters look so real?

Xiao Jiang was a little unbelievable when he looked at the live-action version of the characters on the screen.

Are you sure this is a game?


Every two hours, the author Jun is writing non-stop...

Continue to ask for flowers, comments, and rewards!

Today's ten updates are the bottom line. Whether you can add more updates depends on the meaning of the readers! *

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