According to the timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, from 2008 to 2012, the stories of Iron Man 1, Iron Man 2, Thor 1, and The Avengers will take place during this period.

Evans has used the Marvel superhero game to spoil these stories in advance to Tony Stark, Nick Fury and others.

The future plot will definitely change.

For example, the stories of Iron Man 1 and Iron Man 2 will probably never happen.

In other words, it has already happened in advance.

Now, we just have to wait for the arrival of Thor in 2011.

It can be expected that S.H.I.E.L.D. will have greater involvement in this incident...

S.H.I.E.L.D. at this time.

Nick, Maria, Natasha, and Sharon were gathering together to discuss something.

The issues discussed are related to the Cosmic Cube.

That is, whether to study the Cosmic Cube, develop powerful weapons, and figure out how the Cosmic Cube can open a space wormhole.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury stopped being dictatorial because he couldn't make up his mind, so this meeting took place.

Studying the Rubik's Cube may lead to alien invasion. But leaving it alone without studying it felt like it would be a waste of resources.

You know, the Cosmic Cube can open wormholes.

If the research results can be achieved, humans will be able to easily leave their home planet and head towards the sea of ​​stars.

It can be said that danger and opportunity coexist.

Maria Hill strongly resists research into the Tesseract, and Natasha and Sharon agree.

After this discussion, Nick Fury temporarily gave up his research plan on the Cosmic Cube.......

From 2008 to early 2011, nothing major happened in these three years.

If anything happened, it would be that Captain America's Steve Rogers was"unearthed" three years in advance and is now living a retired life.

It’s worth mentioning that Captain America’s neighbor is none other than Sharon Carter, who was sent by Nick Fury to monitor and protect Steve Rogers.

Sharon Carter pretended to be a nurse, became a neighbor of Captain America, and got acquainted with Captain America. The two seemed to have a tendency to get together.

During this period, because no one could enter the game, the physical ages of Evans, Wanda, and Gwen increased, growing from 15 to 18 years old.

Physical growth is more reflected in height, which does not mean that their 'youth cheat' has failed.

After the physical growth period is over, their appearance age will become constant. After all, they are all practicing Liuku Immortal Thieves.

The 18-year-old Wanda and Gwen are now slimmer and more beautiful. A certain harem man said that he is very happy.

During this time, Wanda and Gwen graduated from high school and entered college.

The school the two of them attended was also considered a well-known university.

Named - Empire State University.

The university is located on the outskirts of New York City. If you drive there, it only takes half an hour if there is no traffic jam on the road.

Wanda and Gwen go to college and live on campus, only coming back on weekends.

Evans is not idle either. He has started his own business in the past three years. He opened a film and television company on an entire floor of an office building in Manhattan, New York.

The name of this film and television company is Marvel Studios.

Evans wrote the script himself, assembled a crew, auditioned actors, and then made the movie.

In the first year of its establishment, the company produced three movies, namely"Star Wars: The Phantom Menace,""Star Wars: Attack of the Clones," and"Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith."

The Star Wars movies shot by Evans have cultivated a large number of Star Wars fans.

It is worth mentioning that the person who played Queen Padmé Amidala in the Star Wars prequel trilogy was not Jane Foster, but the robot lady-Abigail Dorothy.

(PS: The reason why Jane Foster is mentioned is because the actor who played Jane Foster happened to have played Queen Amidala in the Star Wars prequel series.)

Abigail Dorothy is not only While the actress played Queen Amidala, she also worked as the editor responsible for editing the film.

As an artificial intelligence robot, Abigail can complete this job very well and complete high special effects at zero cost.

Each of Evans' Star Wars prequel trilogy has been a huge success, earning billions in net profit.

This rate of making money is almost catching up with Miss Abigail's rate of making money by cheating and stock trading.

After tasting the sweetness, Evans fell into a state of madness in the eyes of outsiders and began to write scripts crazily. However, he was only responsible for investment and writing scripts, and did not want to continue to guest direct. Without him, it would be too tiring.

He first wrote several scripts for The Hunger Games, and then successively wrote scripts for the Resident Evil series, Harry Potter series, The Matrix series, Pirates of the Caribbean series, Fast and Furious series, and Transformers series. , DC movie series script......

His typing speed is very fast and he can often write a script in ten minutes.

When all the scripts were written, Evans printed them out one by one and bound them.

Then he called his own employees and asked them to hire directors from outside and recruit ten directors back. At the same time, employees are also asked to form a crew, and there will be ten crews.

Evans wants these movies to start shooting at the same time, allowing his company to produce new movies efficiently.

When the directors and actors arrived one after another, ten crews started at the same time.

This incident even made the news that year and became a hot topic.

It was reported in the news that Marvel Studios has formed ten crews at the same time, recruited ten well-known directors and more well-known actors, invested US$3 billion at one time, and started shooting ten movies at the same time.

This incident caused widespread discussion in the entertainment industry.

Generally speaking, the filming of a movie can be completed in four to five months as long as there are no problems. What really takes time is the post-production of the film.

But Evans was assisted by Miss Abigail, an artificial intelligence robot who took over the post-production, which was very efficient and cost-free.

As the films were being filmed and Abigail was editing the film, Evans' Marvel Studios began promoting the film non-stop.

While the film was being edited and promoted, the crew continued to work on filming sequels to those series of films.

Evans wants his company to produce a new movie every month and completely conquer Hollywood.

So, from 2009 to now, Marvel Studios has entered a state of madness.

Resident Evil 1 is released, Harry Potter 1 is released, Harry Potter 1 is released, The Matrix 1 is released, The Matrix 1 is released, Pirates of the Caribbean 1 is released, followed by Fast and Furious 1, Transformers 1, The Hunger Games 1, DC The series of Superman 1, Batman 1, Wonder Woman 1, and so on.

After the first part of the series of movies has been released, the second part will be released immediately.

One movie per month is irresistible, every one of them is a hit and eye-catching.

Marvel Studios is going crazy and making money like crazy.

The major Hollywood film and television companies are shrouded in the shadow of Marvel Films.

Evans, taking over Hollywood.

Stark first learned about Evans's attack on Hollywood, and called Evans to tease a certain new entertainment tycoon. At the same time, he was also curious about how Evans managed to achieve such hits.

Evans' answer was that the script was well written.

Wanda and Gwen, who were in college, also knew that Evans had opened a film and television company.

At first, they thought Evans just wanted to have fun, but unexpectedly he actually made a career. Not only did he become an entertainment tycoon, but he also became the shadow of major Hollywood film and television companies.

It's very exaggerated.

Wanda and Gwen have thought more than once about whether to make a cameo in a movie shot by a male film company and become a star. However, this is just a thought. Being a star or something is not their pursuit.

As Evans became famous, Gwen's father, George Stacey, also learned about the excellence of his daughter's boyfriend. While he was satisfied with Evans, he also had a lot of worries about whether Gwen could really grasp it. Evans?

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