Tony and Pepper discover that the dark copy is a medieval magical background.

Through inquiries with villagers in the village, the two learned that there was supernatural power in this copy.

Such as the magic of the Three Gods Religion and the divine magic of the Illuminati Religion.

It seems that ordinary people can learn too.

Tony and Pepper don't know yet that as players, they can't learn this.

They also thought that they could learn some occult skills from here.

In order to learn supernatural powers, the two disguised themselves as devout believers and successfully infiltrated the Illuminati Sect.

By reading various classics within the Illuminati Religion, they learned more about the background of the copy world.

According to classic records, this world is called Sanctuary and was created by Inarius, the heavenly father.

Inaris is an angel and the creator of this world.

However, there is no information about Virgin Lilith recorded in the classics because that information was artificially erased.

So Tony and Pepper don't know about Lilith.

The two stayed in the Guangming Cult for two months before finally discovering that players could not learn any supernatural abilities in this dungeon world.

Disappointed, they used some tricks to successfully break away from the Church of Light and began traveling around the world.

During their travels, they learned about some unrecorded contents from some unofficial legends that were not recorded in church classics. This world was not created by Inaris alone, but jointly by Inaris and the demon Lilith.

Inaris is the Father and Lilith is the Holy Mother.

But the Virgin was exiled by the Father

"The devil is the Virgin. This setting is simply a slap in the face of God."Tony Stark couldn't help but complain.

"This is just a fictional game, you don't need to take it seriously."Little Pepper was speechless.

"But everything here is too real, so real that people can take it in without even realizing it. The demon Lilith is the Virgin, but she was exiled by the heavenly father Inaris, and the point in time we are at is thousands of years after Lilith was exiled. I guess Lilith may return at this point in time, and only in this way can the story of the copy unfold."Tony Stark analyzed

"so what?"

"Therefore, we go to find Lilith. Although she is a demon, she is also the Virgin of Sanctuary. Only by finding her can we understand the complete background of the story and unfold the plot of the dungeon."

In the next month, the two continued to travel until this day, they returned to the village where they first arrived. In a tavern here, they met a beautiful girl named Lilia. She was well-dressed and had a noble temperament. , seems to be a noble lady.

Tony Stark loves to seduce beautiful women, and he goes there to seduce them in the name of gathering information.

Pepper rolled his eyes. If this was not a game world, Pepper would definitely go crazy.

But The person Tony hooked up with was an NPC, so that would be fine.

Anyway, the player couldn't do anything to the NPC because the game prohibited players from doing so.

In this way, the two got acquainted with Lilia.

After that, the two and Lilia travels together.

During the trip, Tony and Pepper gradually discover that Lilia is special.

There is no doubt that Lilia is a very mysterious girl.

There are many peculiarities about her.

For example , she never sleeps at night, her wounds can recover instantly after being injured, her eyes will turn red on a full moon night, and she never shows fear when encountering danger.

These abnormalities were noticed by Stark and Pepper In his eyes.

Until this day, Tony Stark finally couldn't help but asked Lilia the question in his heart:"Miss Lilia, you are not an ordinary person. Lilia did not answer directly, but asked:"Who do you think I will be?""

Tony Stark thought of the background of the story and the similarity between Lilia's name and the Virgin Lilith, and said tentatively:"You are......Virgin Lilith?"

"How did you guess that?"

Lilia's words were acquiescence to Tony Stark's guess.

Tony Stark and Pepper were shocked.

Unexpectedly, the noble girl who had been traveling with them for several months turned out to be the legendary Holy Mother Lilith.

So dramatic.

"Before I met you, Pepper and I had been investigating the history of Sanctuary.

In order to understand the history, we even got involved with the Illuminati Religion and looked through the books there, but only the story of Heavenly Father Inaris was recorded there, but there was no record at all about the Virgin Lilith.

At that time, we did not know the existence of Virgin Lilith.

Later, Xiaojiao and I left the Guangming Cult and began to travel around the world. Through some unofficial legends, we gradually restored part of the original truth.

According to legend, the Virgin Lilith and the Heavenly Father Inaris were originally a couple. Later, for unknown reasons, the Heavenly Father exiled the Virgin.

Since he is in exile, it means that the Virgin is still alive.

And you, who show a specialness that ordinary people don't have, are also called Lilia. This name is so similar to the Virgin Mary's real name that it's hard not to make associations with it."

Lilia applauded

"Stark, you're smart. It's a pity that you two are not Nephalem, otherwise you will surely become a firewood, awakening humans all over the world and igniting their Nephalem power."

"What are the Nephalem?"Stark had never heard of this term.

Lilia began to tell the two about the true history of the past.

He started from the eternal battle between angels and demons and continued until he was exiled.

Pepper asked:"Is the war between angels and demons not over yet?"

"Yes, I originally had a plan. I wanted to use the Nephalem here in Sanctuary to completely end the eternal war and let the world usher in true peace. But the angels and demons who followed Inaris and me to Sanctuary were afraid of the power of the Nephalem and wanted to exterminate the Nephalem. For the sake of my plan, I had no choice but to kill all the angels and demons in Sanctuary except Inaris, but Inaris didn't understand my ideals. He was afraid of me and took advantage of me when I wasn't paying attention. Banished to the void. It wasn't until now, thousands of years later, that I found my way back."Lilia looked sad.

"Your ideal is great, and you are not as great as a devil." Tony Stark complained and decided to participate in the plot:"Although Pepper and I are not Nephalem, we can help you."

So did Pepper.

Just like that, the three of them embarked on a journey.

The five people from SHIELD also teamed up to enter the Dark Dungeon, but when they discovered that this was just a pure game dungeon that had nothing to do with the real world, they left. I wasted time here and went to conquer other dungeons.

Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer also entered this dungeon. They were just here for sightseeing.....

Evans, Gwen, and Wanda settled in the Dark Dungeon. They also spent money to contract some land here and grow some fruits and vegetables. They lived a comfortable life.

In his spare time, Evans taught the eight magic skills to Gwen and Wanda, and the three practiced together.

Days like this are not boring.

(PS1: The dark story will end in the next chapter.)

(PS2: Please vote for me)

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