The navy’s request for rescue from the navy headquarters was not hidden from Bai Xiu.

“Will the captain deal with them now? Matsumoto Rangiku asked Bai Xiu, her voice was very graceful. While asking, she also looked at the captain curiously.

I didn’t expect that Liubianruohuo would appear in such a handsome young man.

Bai Xiu shook his head.

What does it matter to deal with these people now? Bai Xiu has a bigger goal. In order for the Soul Society to emerge completely, Holy Land Marie Joa must be destroyed. Now the first goal is Holy Land Marie Joa.

“let’s go.”Haku Xiu gave an order, and one person was in front. Zaraki Kenpachi, Hitsugaya Toshiro and others immediately followed. The five old stars of kendo in the icicles and their vitality passed so fast that they can hardly open their eyes now. Got it……

……This is the Navy Headquarters, Buddha’s Warring States Period. He feels very leisurely and relaxed at this moment, because the guys from the Soul Society were finally solved by the Five Old Stars. There is no trouble for the Five Old Stars.���fixed.

You know, the people who came out of the Soul Society were eliminated by the Five Old Stars. I think the Soul Society will definitely be afraid of the power of the Five Old Stars and continue to hide.

Buddha of Warring States feels that Soul Society will never appear again while he is on the throne.

Whether Soul Society will appear again in the future, Buddha’s Warring States Period feels that it has little to do with him, because he feels that he will only be a marshal for a few more years, and leave the troubles to future generations to solve.

At this moment, the phone bug on the desk suddenly started calling. Only people with the rank of lieutenant general or above could call this phone bug.

Fo Zhi Seng Guo easily stretched out his hand and picked up the phone. His leisurely look disappeared when he heard the voice on the phone.

Buddha’s Warring States’ whole face was stiff for a long time, and then he roared angrily, with a hint of disbelief and unprecedented anger in his voice:”How could such a thing happen!”

Buddha’s Warring States never had this happen in his life. I am less angry, but I am definitely not as angry as I am today.

His voice was suddenly so loud that it could be heard throughout the entire naval headquarters base. As if he had eaten some Sound Devil Fruit, his voice woke up Aokiji who was taking a nap, and Akainu frowned. Now they and a group of lieutenants were heading towards the Admiral’s office one by one.

Fozi and Warring States did not call them, but they themselves already knew that something big must have happened!!!

If something major had not happened,

Buddha’s Warring States voice would not have been so loud.

You know, Garp often made Buddha’s Warring States angry, but even at that time, Buddha’s Warring States voice had never been so loud..

Now they come to the office.

Seeing the Buddha’s Warring States that was different from the past, the aura on his body seemed to carry a trace of despair…….

What exactly happened here?

You know, pirates were powerful in the past, and Buddha’s Warring States Period would not be like this. He firmly believed that the navy could defeat pirates, and was willing to fight for this goal.

But now the Buddha’s Warring States Period……

Cap isn’t here.

He went to find Ace and Luffy, who wanted to go back to Windmill Village.

Here, the only person who can speak the most to the Warring States Period is Lieutenant General He.

This old lady was once recognized as the most beautiful woman in the navy.

At that time, Buddha’s Warring States Period and Garp also expressed their admiration for this person.

General He Zhong now walked up:”What happened? Warring States?”

Fo Zhi Warring States took several deep breaths before telling the news he heard.

“defeated……Wulaoxing was defeated……”

At the beginning, when they heard the word”defeated”, the expressions of the marines in the office did not change much. But when they heard that Wulaoxing had been defeated, their eyes widened one by one.

They felt that the sun was so Did it come out from the west?

That one of the five old swordsmen actually lost?

What exactly is going on?

In everyone’s mind, existences like Wulaoxing are extremely mysterious and are already at the top of the world.

Will Wulaoxing be defeated?

Not realistic……

Buddha’s Warring States Period is desperate. Before all the people from Soul Society appeared, one of the Five Old Stars was defeated…….

If everyone in Soul Society comes out, whose world will it belong to?

One can imagine!

I don’t dare to think about Buddha’s Warring States anymore.

Lieutenant General He looked at Buddha’s Warring States Period, which seemed to have aged a lot. He felt that he had to do something.

We can’t let the Warring States period continue to be so decadent.

“actually……There are two possibilities for the defeat of the Five Old Stars of Kendo. Warring States Period, you just considered one of the possibilities.”

If someone can awaken Buddha’s Warring States Period from despair, then that person is either his former teacher Cyborg Kong, or his comrade Garp, or this person he once admired, Crane!

Crane and Garp, Warring States are all familiar with them, and they know that they can no longer understand their temperament.

A glimmer of light appeared in Fo Zhi Warring States’ desperate eyes, and his voice was low:”Keep talking.”

Akainu, Aoki and others are standing here.

They all hope that the Warring States Period of Buddha can cheer up.

At the same time, they also want to know how the Five Old Stars of Kendo were defeated. Is the other party really superior to the Five Old Stars?

No matter it is Neither Aoki nor Akainu wanted to believe this fact.

They also wanted to hear what Crane would say.

Crane brewed some ideas in his mind and then said:”First, the power of Soul Society, overpowering Above the Five Old Stars.”

As soon as these words came out, Buddha’s Sengoku body trembled. If this was really the case, what else would he do as a naval marshal?

This is a losing situation!

Akainu, Aoki and the others also frowned.

Lieutenant General He again He said:”Of course there is a second reason. The opponent’s strength is not strong enough to be stronger than the Five Old Stars. There must be some secrets hidden in it. If you know such secrets, you can defeat the opponent. He

‘s words made the Buddha’s Warring States seem to be reborn. He immediately ordered:”Akainu and Aokiji, this time you will execute the order at the same time and reinforce the Holy Land Marie Joa!””

Akainu and Aokiji nodded at the same time.

They looked at each other and knew that it was time to shake hands and make peace for the time being.

Now, one person was covered with cold air, while the other person was covered with lava-like smoke, and they moved forward together…….

Seeing that these two most powerful generals were finally joining forces, many people in the navy clenched their fists and felt excited.

For them, the Five Old Stars are legendary existences, and their high status is certain, but no one has seen their power.

However, they have witnessed the power of Akainu and Aokiji…….

“Soul Society will definitely be defeated.”

Many people in the Navy Headquarters think so at this moment…….As long as Akainu and Aokiji join forces, there are no problems or people that cannot be solved…….

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