["It's a high-sounding thing, are you only at this level!"Takina and Majima's fists hit each other's bodies, blue and green splashes alternately, and the gel weakened each other's strength, so Takina and Majima looked like they were fighting very fiercely, and in fact, neither side suffered any damage. 】

[Takina raised the double saboteur in her left hand and prepared to attack, the strike device of this weapon has a design that can break through the defense, which means that if you are hit by this weapon, it will be like a serious blow to the gel armor. However, the weapon that Takina swung was caught in Majima's hand and did not hit him. 】

["This level? Then, you can experience this level of power!" A double saboteur also appeared on Majima's left hand, and at the same time, several energy bombs were fired at Takina, which was so powerful that Takina in front of Majima was knocked away at once. 】

[Takina also switched the weapon to long-range mode, and the two sides approached each other while shooting, they ignored the pain of the bullet hitting their body, and immediately after getting closer, they engaged in hand-to-hand combat, and the fight was fierce. They don't know about Majima, but at this moment, Takina's fighting side 287 really doesn't look like a well-trained agent. 】

[But now, Ah Mu and Qianshu can't get too close to Takina, all they can do is to let the others not disturb Takina's battle. And as the time spent only squeezing the drive became longer and longer, Takina and Majima shot faster and heavier. 】

[The side effect of squeezing the drive is that it will amplify the fighting spirit used and turn people into weapons that can only fight.] However, this is not a side effect at the beginning of the design, but a design that can perfectly exert the performance of the armor, and the squeeze driver can improve the performance of the armor by using the user's fighting spirit. 】

[At the same time, the dual drivers they use also have the same function, and when the user is more combative, the power of this weapon will also increase.] Now, both Takina and Majima's fighting spirits have been magnified to an unprecedented extent, so their strength and speed have also become stronger. 】

["Haha, yes, that's how it feels!" Majima shouted, he was very satisfied with his own strength, and he was eager to get more power, he was very satisfied with his fighting spirit amplified by (beff), his offensive was getting stronger and stronger, and Takina was gradually distanced by Majima. 】

[Majima is enjoying the fighting spirit amplified by the drive, and even takes the initiative to improve his fighting spirit with his own consciousness. But Takina is completely different, she is trying to maintain her mentality, suppressing her fighting spirit and not allowing herself to become a weapon controlled by the drive. 】

[The gap between the two sides in the heart of struggle has also begun to be reflected in the performance of the armor. Takina went from being evenly matched at the beginning to gradually being at a disadvantage, and now it has reached the situation that Takina is not inferior to the real island. Mashima heard the wind from Takina's punch, and he jumped backwards for some distance to dodge the attack. 】

["ScrapFinish" Takina and Majima looked at each other and pressed the handle of the driver at the same time, and the same sound effect was emitted from both drivers, and the columnar container on the left side of the gel was instantly filled after being squeezed. At the same time, the gel armor on the two of them also showed traces of water waves on the surface. 】

[A blue fire dragon appeared behind Takina's back, and a large amount of green gel gushed out from Mashima's right foot and wrapped around his leg. The two jumped at the same time, and Takina kicked Majima with the fire dragon behind him. The gel on Mashima's right foot turned into a spinning drill, and they made a duel kick in the air and then exploded. 】

[Majima landed steadily, but Takina fell on the ground after landing before getting up again, and the gap between the two is already clear at a glance. Ah Mu and Qianshu immediately stopped entangled with the three slammers and immediately appeared in front of Takina. 】

[Sho Tobe and the others also came to the back of Majima very doggedly, saying that Majima would immediately give these Kamen Riders the final blow, and then snatch all the full bottles. But after glancing at Qianshu, Majima took the initiative to disarm and turned to leave, "I'm already having fun today, let's go." "】

["What? wait, Brother Majima, just leave?" Tobe Sho and they weren't very happy, they were chasing after Majima in the hope that he would change his mind, or let them go and give these people the final blow. And Majima didn't say anything and continued to walk, and they didn't dare to shoot at will without Majima's order, so they could only follow behind him, at most they would turn around and say a few cruel words. 】

"Wow, this big brother of the real island is so strong!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

After the three of them saw the strength of Majima, they suddenly forgot about some of their previous dissatisfactions, and also triggered their own Mu Qiang psychology and subconsciously called the eldest brother.

The current thoughts of Sho Tobe and the others are that it seems that it would be good to follow that powerful Majima gangster, completely ignoring what that Majima did.

Even the things that were still complaining about Hayato Hayato before have been forgotten, and now they only have fantasies about themselves in their minds.

The reason why they will follow Hayama Hayato and be friends with him is because Hayama Hayato is very cash when he looks at it, and playing with him is likely to become a cash charge.

Simply put, there are benefits. And now with Majima, after having better benefits, they have also forgotten about Hayama Hayato for the time being.

As for Hayama Hayato, who was forgotten by the three of them, he still maintained an embarrassed smile beside the three of them, and continued to repeat in his heart, they just have no brains, and they are not bad.

["Is that really that time?"The store manager stole the data from us."] After Ah Mu and the others returned to the basement of the coffee shop, Ah Mu remembered that Hu Tao had said that the store manager didn't know what he was doing here, but because of the parallel world, Ah Mu forgot about it, and now after seeing the squeezing drive of the real island, Ah Mu finally remembered. 】

"Teacher. After hearing that all this was caused by the store manager, Qianshu's mood also became a little low, could it be that the gentleness in her memory, the good teacher who taught her everything, is it really just an illusion? ]

["By the way, don't use this thing anymore."] Ah Mu suddenly walked to Takina's side and took the squeezing drive from her side, and in her puzzled eyes, Ah Mu explained, "In addition to amplifying the fighting spirit, this thing also has a great burden on the user's body. "】。

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