[It's not uncommon for them to be eroded by Gaia's memory after becoming a doped, they have encountered a lot before, anger, greed, jealousy, these are the emotions generated by the memory users that Shinichi and Philip have seen, but sadness has not been seen before, since the power of the memory will feel sadness, so why continue to use it?].

"Garden, have you noticed that this, this time it has become that doping, yes, it seems to be..."

As Xiaolan's best friend, if you usually see Xiaolan so scared, the garden must play with each other.

But this time, both Yuanzi and Xiaolan could see clearly, the doped was actually a translucent girl in red, and the other party looked like it was...

"Hell!" Xiaolan and Yuanzi hugged each other, and the two girls trembled.

[In the Maori Kogoro Office, Conan and Lin Mu who returned, as well as Xiaolan and Philip, who were waiting for their return, the members of the office were also gathered together. Lin Mu flipped through the notebook in his hand, he had already sorted out all the information, as well as the details of Shinichi's battle. 】

["So, let's sort out the history of this case from the beginning. "Conan and the others also got the power of Gaia's memory because of this case, and then went to find Yanagihori Takamine, who had hurt her and her daughter, for revenge, but now Shinozaki has passed out and been sent to the hospital, but the doping body has not disappeared because of Shinozaki Fanghui's coma. 】

["So isn't the use of memory Ms. Shinozaki this time?" Xiaolan is no longer a layman who doesn't know anything, and she knows a lot about some basic knowledge of Gaia's memory. But now, the progress of the case seems to have been interrupted suddenly, and Shinozaki Fanghui is not the real body of the doped, so who could it be?].

["The beginning of this case was also the day that Yanagihori Takamine did something to Shinozaki's mother and daughter. wanted to do something to Shinozaki Fang Hui but caused the other party to fall down the stairs, and Yanagihori Takamine, who thought he had killed someone, also shot at Sachiko Shinozaki, who was an eyewitness, and in the end, both mother and daughter were lucky to still breathe, but the daughter remained unconscious. This is the motive for revenge. Conan recalls the case. 】

[Philip also looked at the document given by Dragon Ball Momo, and added to Conan's statement, "And then Yanagi Hori thinks that he has remedied.] He paid for the gang to warn, but Shinozaki did not accept the first threat, which led to the second threat. That car accident was the second warning. However, Shinozaki should have seen the initiator of the car accident, so Shinozaki Fanghui will use the car to take revenge. "】

[Then Miss Shinozaki, who had a grudge, didn't have enough evidence to hand over to the police, or was worried that someone would do something to her unconscious daughter, so she didn't choose to call the police, but used her own power to retaliate against the person who threatened her. Conan made a thought move, there is nothing wrong with the case here, and the next thing is what he hasn't figured out yet. 】

["However, Shinozaki Fanghui is not the true body of the doped. Philip's words also made everyone else think, and then Philip thought of what Lin Mu said, the one who accidentally saved Shinozaki's mother and daughter by throwing the body of Ryuhori Takamine. 】

[Philip makes a hypothesis, "The last known person in this case is the one who is Hiroya Kemei."] Is it possible that this person is the one who used the memory? He rescued the mother and daughter of Shinozaki and learned what happened from them, and then because of his disgust with the scum, he used the power of the memory to help Shiozaki Fanghui take revenge. "】

"It's not impossible. Conan thinks that Philip's speculation has some truth, but does Xiaolan think that a person who helps others when the road is uneven will be such a person who can kill so many people in a row with a calm face?

["First of all, the purpose of this doped is revenge, which is already certain. But there are a lot of people offended by the Yanagi family, if we have a preconceived idea, Shinozaki Fanghui is used by the adulterant, and it is not impossible to use it as a prop for revenge. Lin Mu remembered that the document that Long Zhutao gave him was not thin at all, Liu Hori Longfeng offended not a hundred or eighty people by using his private power. 】

[In the end, it was up to Conan to spy on Hiroya Akimei, if he was really a user of the memory, Hiroya Akimei, who has now completed his revenge, would definitely let his guard down, and then Conan found evidence that he had used the memory. And Lin Mu continued to see if he could find out the news of Liu Hori Longfeng's other enemies, Lin Mu felt that this would be a big job. 】

[Conan has come to the outside of Hiroya's school, and he saw himself walking out of the school gate after school. According to Conan's opinion of some people about Hiroya Kemei during this time, everyone has a positive evaluation, and he can get good grades and treat people well, and no one hates him. 】

If that's the case, the kind and kind Akimei Yu that he and others see is just his disguise, but a person can pretend to be so perfect and so long, and he is only a high school student, is it possible?].

["Ah, monster!" As Conan was thinking, a scream suddenly came from ahead. Conan immediately looked up, and the virus doped actually appeared at the same time as Akimei Yu, and all the surrounding people were scared away by the doped, and it also followed closely on the body of one person, that is, Engraved Yuya, who was originally suspected by Conan to be the true body of the doped. 】

["Isn't that person a doped yet? Transform!"] Conan has a lot of doubts in his heart now, but he still took the drive for the first time and Philip had become Kamen Rider w before. After seeing both the virus and Yuya Kemei from a new perspective, Philip was also very surprised. 】

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