["Need to search? Philip's words made Conan's face turn slightly red, he just said that he didn't need Philip's strength, but he didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly, and Conan just silently recited a true incense, and watched Philip's consciousness enter the Earth Library. 】

["Keywords, Mitsuki Lankawa, Mako Igarashi, Makoto Ito. "Without Conan's prompt, Philip knew that several people in this case were all key, but after reporting the names of the three people, he still left half a bookshelf of books, which included everything about the three people, and now he also needed a keyword that could connect the three independent people. 】

"I have an idea for this. Lin Mu remembered the doped he had encountered, its most striking feature was the barb-like blade that was all overgrown, if Lin Mu had guessed correctly, the memory used by this doped was, "Sharp blade." "】

"There are results. After entering the blade, Philip only had one last book left in front of him, and even he couldn't help but show a panicked expression after reading the book. 】

"Philip, your expression isn't quite right. Conan asked with some concern, wouldn't this case be more difficult than it seems?].

["No, this case is not complicated, but I am very interested in that Lanchuan Mitsuki now!" Philip began to tell Conan and Lin Mu the truth of this case. 】

[Mako Igarashi was originally just a girl from an ordinary family, a family of three lived happily together, and the time when the whole family went to the magic park to play, it was the happiest day for Mako. But when Mako was young, there was a car accident, and her mother died, and her father was left disabled and unable to leave the house to work. 】

[So for the sake of the family's livelihood and her bedridden father, Mako can only go out to work at a young age to fill the family, but at Mako's age, she has to take care of her studies, even if Mako works three jobs at the same time, it is not enough at all. In desperation, Mako accepted a special job from her uncle, taking indecent photos, and the scale was bigger and bigger each time. 】

[And Mitsuki is Mako's best friend since she was a child, and the two have almost nothing to say, their respective families, their future dreams, their preferences, and the things they hate, Mako told Mitsuki everything about herself, except for that special job, Mako is unspeakable. 】

[Mako once said that she didn't want to continue taking pictures, but her uncle threatened to tell Mako's father, and without this income, the family couldn't even afford her father's pain relief medicine. By coincidence, when Mako was hiding from the rain at a convenience store, she met Makoto Ito. 】

[After Makoto Ito lent his only umbrella to Mako, he left in the rain, and the rain brought an encounter to Mako, but the rain didn't know who he was. Makoto Ito left a deep impression in Mako's heart, and then Mako happened to know Makoto Ito's social account in the chat of her classmates. 】

[Mako still clicked on it after a few hesitations, because they used their own photos as avatars, and Makoto Ito also recognized Mako as the girl he had helped, and the two of them passed through the Internet, and the mediocre communication continued. 】

[After a period of time, Makoto Ito proposed an invitation to Mako for a date, and Mako agreed without thinking about it. She also borrowed a dress from Mitsuki to go out, and Mako only has a part-time job uniform in addition to the school uniform, so Mitsuki also knows that Mako has met someone she likes, and Mitsuki sincerely blesses her friend. 】

[Mako and Makoto Ito had a very good date, Mako has a deeper understanding of the people she cares about, and she also finds that she seems to really like this senior from other schools, not only a help, but Mako, who has been tense all the time, gets the kindness of outsiders for the first time. 】

[Makoto Ito appeared in Mako's sight at the most opportune time, and Makoto appeared when Mako was about to be crushed by life and work and pessimistic emotions. Although it is only a small umbrella, this is a kindness to Mako that has not appeared in this world for her for a long time. 】

[The process of dating is very ordinary, but for Mako, a little girl who has no knowledge, Makoto Ito succeeded in coaxing Mako, but at the last moment, Mako thought of her special job, and she thought that she was not worthy of others, so she left crying. 】

[Originally, Mako was about to end like this because of her first love, but after finishing a part-time job, Mako met Makoto Ito, who was waiting for her outside the ramen shop. Mako wanted to pretend not to see Makoto Ito, and walked past him with her head down, but Makoto followed behind Mako and said, "Do you usually get off work so late? "】

[Mako still lowered her head and didn't reply, and Makoto Ito continued, "I'm sorry to come to you suddenly, I'm just a little relieved, because you mentioned before that the part-time job didn't go well, and the previous email, your reply to me is getting colder and colder, I'm not doing something that you hate....."].

["Can you please leave me alone?" Under Ito Makoto's false tenderness, Mako couldn't help but shed tears, she felt that she was not worthy of being treated so gently by others, "I'm just a dirty woman, I don't deserve you to do so much for me, please, don't care about me!"].

[Mako told Makoto Ito what she didn't say to her best friend Mitsuki, but what Mako didn't expect was that Makoto not only didn't dislike Mako, but said that he would find a way to deal with this matter for Mako. The next day, the uncle really apologized to Mako and said that he would not let Mako do such a thing in the future. 】

[At this moment, Mako thought that she had really been redeemed, she had someone she liked, and she got rid of the shackles she had been holding and gained real freedom, and then under the guidance of Makoto Ito, Mako and Makoto Ito were also semi-cohabiting, except for the last step. 】

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