[Even passers-by found out that the motorcycle was 'tracking' the bus, and the driver naturally noticed. The speed of the bus slowly increased, and soon it exceeded the maximum speed of the bus in the regulations, but how could the speed of a bus be comparable to that of a tough man, and for the safety of those guests who went to the casino on the bus, he could not drive too presumptuously. 】

[Shinichi drove a motorcycle to the right side of the bus, and the driver actually pressed the huge bus to the side Shinichi, wanting to use the advantage of the large body to suppress Shinichi's motorcycle. Shinichi was also forced by the bus and almost hit the guardrail on the side of the road, and the front of the car collided with the metal guardrail and sent out a little spark. 】

[Shinichi made a quick decision, stood on the seat of the motorcycle and jumped towards the bus, and the motorcycle that lost control rolled over on its side on the ground, and the surface was scraped. Shinichi hung on the side of the bus, looked at the tough guy who fell, and said sorry in his heart, and when it was over, he would let Ah Mu fix you. 】

[When Xinyi looked at the back of the bus, he saw a familiar person, isn't this Ah Mu? Lin Mu made a silent gesture to Shinichi, and at the same time raised his collar, on which there was a small tracker invented by Dr. Asasa on Lin Mu's collar. 】

[Shinichi knew that Lin Mu was going to sneak into the gold casino, he climbed onto the roof of the bus, and Shinichi didn't expect that there was still someone waiting for him here. 】

["I didn't expect that there would be uninvited guests. "On the opposite side of the new one is a doped, gray-green body, with two huge claws on its hands, giving the impression of a clown in a playing card. 】

["Philip!" was only recognized by Shinichi at a glance, this doped was the one he had seen at Hagino's house. Just in time, as long as this dopeder is defeated here, the source of everything in this case will be solved. 】


["Ace of the Wind!"].

[The transformed Shinichi and the doped are holding each other on the roof of the bus, and Shinichi makes a common gesture with his left hand and points at each other, "I'm going to close the gold casino today.] "】

["Let's try it if you can do it!" The doped waved his big claws and rushed towards Shinichi, even if it was a bus, the roof area was not much, and Shinichi and the dopedant had already collided after just taking a step forward. 】

[A pair of wing-like parts behind the dopant are slightly fanning, this is not a decoration, but a part that can actually increase the speed of the dopant.] The doped was a little faster than Shinichi, and its claws landed on Shinichi's breastplate, sending out some sparks. 】

[Although it didn't cause actual damage to Shinichi, it still hurts, and the force of the attack made Shinichi take a few steps back, and his upper body had already fallen out of the range of the roof of the car, and he was about to fall.] At the critical moment, Philip controlled Shinichi's right hand to reach out behind his back, and the power of the wind was activated, and a hurricane erupted from Shinichi's right hand, so that Shinichi did not fall off the roof. 】

[Shinichi jumped up at the same time, and kicked at the doped with the help of the hurricane's push, and under the power of the hurricane, Shinichi's speed was not inferior to the doped at all, and this kick fell from the roof of the car to the ground with the doped. The doped rolled on the ground several times, and Shinichi controlled the direction and adjusted his position in the air, landing perfectly. 】

[Now that the doped is in front of him, there is no need for Shinichi to go to the gold casino.] The body of the doped body suddenly launched a large number of playing cards and flew Shinichi, and for a while, the unsuspecting Shinichi was hit by the playing cards, these are naturally not ordinary playing cards, and even W's armor was hit with a large number of sparks, causing Shinichi to fall to the ground. 】

["This level of attack. Shinichi took out the metal memory and was about to replace it with a dop, when the doped once again fired a playing card to attack. Shinichi dodged the attack with a roll, and during the roll, the metal memory had replaced the original trump card memory. 】

["Wind Metal!"


Shinichi's body turns gray, and he pulls out the stick behind his back and knocks down all the flying cards.] The doped body was also very surprised when he saw Shinichi change his memory, "You can still switch, how many memories do you have?".

["Huh?1,2,3..." After Shinichi heard the question of the doping, he subconsciously pulled the hand of his left hand and counted, and suddenly realized that he had no need to answer this question at all, not only did it not benefit but also exposed his strength, "Who cares about you!"].

[Shinichi waved his stick and drew it to the body of the dopeder, and the other party could only dodge very reluctantly, the wind memory provided Shinichi with a speed bonus, and the metal memory gave Shinichi strong strength and defense, and now Shinichi has been able to fully suppress this doped. 】

"It's over."] The new half knelt and hit the doped on the shin with a stick, so that it could only betray and bend its knees, and then Shinichi pulled the stick hard into the dop's chest, knocking the opponent to the ground, and finally pressed the end of the stick against the dop's neck, and the victory was decided. 】

"It's an amazing power, but are you sure you want to destroy me?" The dopedant casually brushed off Shinichi's stick and stood up again. Shinichi didn't know what it was going to do, but his instincts told him not to shatter the doped memory just now. 】

["I have all kinds of things in my body, if I explode, these things will fall apart, so it doesn't matter?" 】

["Masaka!"] Shinichi thought of everything that had happened at Otomo's residence before, heard the screams and didn't see people, saw the doped that left but didn't see anyone else at the scene, Shinichi thought of a possibility, this doped turned a human into a playing card, and still carried it with him. 】

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