I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 379 Leading the way with blood

"This is Earth Ancestor Xunmu."

"Brother Han, what do you think this is?"

"I've seen it before. This giant tree was recorded in the "Book of Mountains and Seas" and was called Xunmu."

When Eggplant heard that Ji Han had known him before, he excitedly asked:

"So you know the entrance?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"It still doesn't work. All I know so far is that this tree can absorb mountains, rocks, earth and wood, and it has been dormant for a long time. There are no other clues about the entrance."

"Fuck, this is really troublesome. We can't get in even if we don't have any prompts."

Song Qian continued:

"The most important thing is that the Pre-Qin Nine Star Mirror did not give any hints on how to proceed next."

Song Qian was right. Usually the prompts in the Pre-Qin Nine-Star Mirror were very specific, especially when Ji Han was in the Dead Head Canyon in Xiangxi Province last time.

Strong sacrifice reads sacrifice. The person who recorded the content must have considered that future generations would find the sacred pillar based on these scenes, so basically all the places that need to be reminded are recorded.

But this time it was very strange. Not only did the image in the bronze mirror have no signal distortion twice, it seemed to have been interfered with by something.

Moreover, the prompts this time are also without beginning and end. The image ends here. Could it be that the real way to find the divine pillar is another way?

Chen Ke turned around and took a look at the stone pillar behind him and said:

"It's not like there was no hint at all, Brother Ji, do you still remember that the last shot of the mirror showed a blood-red ghost's face?"

Eggplant couldn't hold it in anymore and lit another pipe:

"But we didn't see any faces coming out of the pillars along the way? We just saw an arm, and it was broken."

Ji Hanxin said so. Judging from the situation in the stone pillar just now, the corpses in the pillar were basically completely decayed.

Could it be that due to thousands of years of changes, the clues recorded with the Pre-Qin Nine-Star Mirror have disappeared?

Song Qian took a flashlight and illuminated the endless root system above her head and said:

"Brother Han, is the entrance somewhere where we can't see it above our heads? How about you try shooting another illuminating arrow?"

"Wait a minute, let me think."

Ji Han knew that searching like this was not an option. Although Song Qian's guess was reasonable, there was no basis for saying that the entrance was above.

So after hesitating for a moment, Ji Han decided to follow the instructions in the bronze mirror:

"In this case, let's search based on the ghostly face that appeared at the end of the bronze mirror first. I remember that it should be a blood-red stone pillar. Let's search along the nearest few pillars."

Chen Ke suggested:

"How about we split up? Brother Qi and I will go find the stone pillar that appears in the bronze mirror. Brother Ji, you and Song Qian will look up."

"No, no, no, no, I'd rather be a little more tired and don't act separately. If we encounter any special situation, we won't be able to deal with it in time."

Ji Hanxin said that many characters in horror movies and horror games died because they split up. This kind of mistake must not be made.

Still led by Chen Ke's drone, the four people returned to the stone pillar group again.

Fortunately, there were not that many blood-red stone pillars, so the four of them searched from the center to the right first.

Eggplant pointed to the stone pillar with blood hanging beside him and said:

"I have always felt something was wrong just now. The blood on this stone pillar is really fresh."

It's true as Eggplant said. I don't know if it's because of the change in light, but I feel that the blood-red color on the stone pillars is more vivid.

"It's nothing. Isn't the white mucus in the roots always fresh? Maybe the corpses nearby were not completely decayed by the roots."

Song Qian reminded:

"Chen Ke, just let us check the nearby pillars. You can use the drone to see the rows next to them more clearly."

Chen Ke grabbed Ji Han's back with one hand, looked down at the screen and responded:

"Don't worry, it's very clear, eh? Wait a minute!"

Saying that, Chen Ke suddenly stopped where he was.

Eggplant smiled and said:

"What? Which pillar did you see extending its arms again?"

Chen Ke kept staring at the screen without saying a word. Song Qian also wanted to ask, but Ji Han reached out to stop her, thinking that this guy must have discovered something again.

After staring at the screen for four or five seconds, Chen Ke suddenly whispered excitedly:

"Come on, come on, it's moving, it's moving!"

Seeing how careful Chen Ke looked, Ji Han didn't dare to ask loudly:

"What moved?"

Chen Ke pointed to the front left and said:

"At that location, the outermost row of stone pillars moved! When I saw it move for the first time just now, I thought it was an illusion."

The four of them looked at each other in tacit understanding, but no one said anything. Eggplant pointed to the gap on one side, made a gesture of passing, and then quietly walked towards the stone pillar in question that Chen Ke mentioned.

With the previous experience of dealing with stone pillars that made strange noises, the four of them were not so scared this time.

After touching the side together, Eggplant patted Ji Han and signaled the two of them to go to the other side and surround him to see what was going on.

At this time, Zhang Si. But as the two lowered their bodies and came to the back of the blood-red stone pillar, they were surprised to find that there was a big hole on the back of the pillar.

The entire pillar looked like soft clay that had not yet been fired. A large hole was torn out on the back, and blood was still dripping down from the hole.

Eggplant hurriedly turned around and reminded:

"Be careful, come here quickly, something inside has escaped!"

Chen Ke was also startled when he heard this. When he was just surrounded, he didn't have time to look at the screen in his hand. Maybe in this short period of time, the things inside had already come out.

As the two of them were running over, Song Qian suddenly noticed a shadow passing by the stone pillar behind Eggplant.

"Eggplant, behind me!"

Almost at the same time as Song Qian reminded her, Eggplant already felt the movement behind her.

He hurriedly turned his body sideways and pulled out the knife from his waist with his backhand, and then a large crimson object hit him.

Eggplant resisted with a knife, and after stabilizing his body, he saw the true appearance of the thing:

Unlike the previous humanoid monster that came out of the stone pillar and was covered in white mucus, this one was dripping with blood.

The face is not blurred into a big ball like before, but the muscles and bones can be seen all over the face, as if it was a face that had just been skinned.

The ferocious face was exactly the same as the grimace in the bronze mirror.

The machete in his hand was placed on his body, but it didn't penetrate much.

Although he was surprised, Eggplant was not a vegetarian, and the smell of blood that hit his face instantly cheered him up.

Eggplant lowered his body and charged up a kick, directly kicking the bloody corpse away.

Control the big one and control the owl. Seeing that the body flying out was about to hit other stone pillars, Ji Han hurriedly stretched out his demonic tentacles to catch it.

It seems that fighting among the stone pillars will inevitably destroy other stone pillars, which will cause a chain reaction and attract a large number of corpses, which will be even more troublesome.

Ji Han stabilized his body and swung back, then threw the blood-red corpse on the giant tree behind him.

And as the blood-covered corpse hit the giant tree, the tree roots around it began to commotion.

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