I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 351 Soul and Destruction

Realizing that there was a problem, Walter hurriedly checked Field's situation after landing.

When he saw him lying on the ground and only smiling stupidly, he knew he had been tricked.

Listening, the footsteps of two people were heard not far away. Walter didn't care about the friendship between his colleagues, so he left Field behind and left.

All parts of his body were liquefied, and he carefully walked around the two of them and ran toward the outskirts of the woods.

While avoiding attacks and evading pursuit, Walter finally escaped from the woods and returned to the place where everyone just entered.

But when I came out, I was already in a very embarrassed state and almost fell to the ground.

But what made him even more desperate was that after escaping, Walter found a man standing outside the woods, seemingly waiting for him.

At first, Walter thought it was someone sent by Ji Han, but he thought it was all over now.

At this time, Chapter 17B Si. But after seeing the person clearly, Walter finally breathed a sigh of relief and cursed:

"You damn thing know how to come in and take a look!"

The person standing in front of him was M from Gemini. Because he felt that Old Dyson and his group took too long to come in, so he came in to check the situation.

Unexpectedly, after entering, I found such a strange scene. There were flames and shadows in the forest, and there seemed to be things of other colors hovering in the depths.

The sounds inside were very complicated, and there seemed to be a lot of things.

M was hesitating whether to go in and check, but saw Walter running out.

After Walter told the general situation, M was also shocked and thought to himself, where did the boy Ji Han invite so many masters? Even Shangquan and the others failed.

"What to do now? Do you want me to take you out?"

Walter took a breath and replied:

"You can't get out either. That guy has installed anti-space transmission devices and signal shielding facilities around here."

Only then did M realize:

"I asked you why you didn't reply to messages for so long."

Walter thought for a moment and suggested:

"I also understand the situation around here. The radiation range of those signal shielding and anti-transmission devices is very wide. It must be outside the forest. I will go look for it and destroy the equipment. See if you can rely on your ability to go in, Field. It may not be easy to rescue, but old Dyson should be fine.”

If it were anyone else, Walter would definitely not arrange it this way, because it is basically equivalent to Calabash Boy saving grandpa.

But the person who came was M from Gemini, and his ability to sneak in and escape was impeccable.

M also thought this was more reliable, nodded and said:

"If I see them, I will take them outside the forest."

"Okay, always pay attention to the space converter on your waist. Once I destroy the anti-space transmission device, we will return to the real world immediately! I just hope Mr. Dyson kills Ji Han."

After the two decided on the plan, they split up.

The battle that everyone in the woods is most concerned about is unfolding deep in the dark forest.

When Old Dyson found himself one-on-one with Ji Han, he knew that he had been plotted by this kid.

However, he was still very confident in his own strength, Tia and Shangquan, so he fought Ji Han here without any scruples.

Both sides have been exposed to each other's abilities before. Old Dyson has the power of decay, while Ji Han relies on ghosts and spirit bone fire.

So in the first battle, the two only relied on the decaying black smoke and the wraith bone fire to attack each other from a distance.

The surrounding trees and boulders were all damaged and dilapidated.

Just like the first encounter between the two at the foot of Changbai Mountain.

Old Dyson originally thought that Ji Han could be defeated by relying on this long-range, large-scale black cloud attack of decay.

However, he did not expect that the scale of the Thousand Corpse Soul Reel and Resentful Spirit Bone Fire released by Ji Han was actually much larger than last time.

For a moment, the black rotting clouds and the resentful spirit bone fire were indistinguishable.

Ji Hanxin said that using the Wraith Bone Fire this time will not cause chest pain again, and he will never lose to a bad old man like you!

After discovering that this basically had no decisive effect, old Dyson showed his weapon first.

Strong sacrifice reads sacrifice. He lightly tapped the black cane in his hand, and the whole cane emitted black smoke, like a long sword made of smoke in his hand.

Ji Han also took out the Yanmo Fist Blade and concentrated the Wraith Bone Fire on it to deal with the enemy.

Old Dyson turned around to gain momentum, swung his long sword forward, and the black smoke spread quickly like ripples on the surface of a black lake.

Ji Han charged forward with both fists and punched a gap in the spreading black ripples, while the other parts passed by him.

Those black ripples directly cut off all the trees next to Ji Han, leaving a deep dent on the rock wall behind him.

Seeing this terrifying destructive power, Ji Han didn't dare to show off, and surrounded himself with the released ghosts.

Seeing Old Dyson charging towards him with a black sword in his hand and black energy on his feet, Ji Han distanced himself and prepared to defend himself.

But before attacking this time, Old Dyson first stamped on the ground with his foot, stirring up the fallen leaves and branches on the ground, and then used his long sword to throw out a black ripple.

The black ripples he saw rotted away all the dead branches and leaves he encountered and became wider and wider. Ji Han held the Yanmo Fist Blade in front of him.

But even with the defense blessing from the ghosts around him, he was still slashed and sent flying.

As his body hit the stone wall, Ji Han also understood the reason why this guy's attack was stronger. The more rotten things the power of decay encountered, the stronger his ability became.

That's why he stirred up the dead branches and leaves on the ground before unleashing his slashing attack. In order to ensure that his power of decay could not be exerted to its maximum, he had no choice but to fight him at close range.

But that also means that the danger is doubled. After all, if it is struck by such a rotten blade, it will definitely disappear.

At this time, Ji Han saw the signal flare released by A Yue.

Oh my God, I didn’t expect Ayue to be so powerful and solve that troublesome Tiya so quickly. I can’t lag behind either.

A Yue's signal flare not only increased Ji Han's confidence a lot, but also added some doubts to the old Dyson's heart, but he had no time to care about anything else. The most important thing at the moment was to kill Ji Han.

Seeing that Ji Han seemed to have no countermeasures against this kind of attack, Old Dyson sneered and swung the black sword to both sides.

The black smoke was like two black dragons, sliding along the woods from the left and right sides respectively, and the decaying force along the way became stronger and stronger.

Immediately afterwards, they turned around and attacked Ji Han who was standing in front of the stone wall. Ji Han gathered his ghosts to defend himself, but Old Dyson had already raised his sword.

Seeing that the attack was coming, Ji Han had no choice but to use his trump card again.

"Possessed by an evil spirit!"

The ghost beside him quickly penetrated into Ji Han's body with the spirit bone fire.

Old Dyson didn't see clearly what was going on, but the blade of decay had arrived in his hand, the long sword came down, and the two black dragons on the left and right also arrived at the same time.

There was a "boom".

Old Dyson said "huh?"

Because he didn't feel anything being corrupted, and the sword didn't feel right in his hand.

Looking down, Ji Han saw blue flames all over his body, blocking his long sword with the fist blade of his left hand.

But his right hand stretched out a huge skeletal arm, wrapping himself in it, perfectly resisting the attack of the two black dragons.

Control the big one and control the owl. Seeing Old Dyson's surprised expression, Ji Han didn't hesitate, waved his right hand, and relied on the skeleton demon arm given by the evil spirit to possess him, and punched Old Dyson away.

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