I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 129 Hanging Ancient House

The five people in Ethan did not expect that there was a hidden world here, and they were full of curiosity about the things around them.

When Ji Han saw this, he motioned to Song Qian and others to go inside first.

Because it has been written on the wall of the underground tomb that the sacred pillar, which they call the "strange stone", is hidden deep in the crack, in the residence of their patriarch.

Everyone estimates that it should be a relatively large cave dwelling on the wall.

Ethan and the other five also discovered Ji Han and walked straight in.

Will whispered:

"Captain, it seems they have searched here. There must be no trace of the divine pillar. We have to follow them inside."

The five people quickened their pace and ran towards Ji Han and the others.

Eggplant cursed in a low voice:

"Why are these grandsons like chewing gum? They can't be kicked away."

Ethan stepped forward and asked:

"Song Qian, Ji Han, do you know the approximate location of the sacred pillar?"

Chen Ke complained:

"If we knew, we would have taken it away long ago. Why are we playing hide and seek with you here?"

Ji Han replied:

"The clue we know is that the sacred pillar may be hidden in the caves on both sides, but we don't know where?"

Ethan asked:

"Then you pass by so many cave entrances, why don't you go in and search?"

Eggplant continued:

"We want to search from the inside out. Let's do this. You guys search from the outside in, and we'll meet in the middle."

Ethan and the others were not fools, and naturally they would not listen to Eggplant. They guessed that such a rare thing as the divine pillar would most likely be placed in the cave near the back.

Will replied:

"No, no, we can search together with you. Seeing that the area here is weird and dangerous, we are afraid of doing it separately."

Ji Hanxin said, "I don't believe you, you are just worried that we will find the divine pillar first."

Moreover, Ji Han didn't have any feelings for other people at this time, but he was very disgusted with Will. He always felt that this kid was more active than others.

But now that the words have been spoken, it’s hard for everyone to break up.

We had no choice but to walk along the right aisle together, heading towards the depths of the crack.

After walking for about a few hundred meters, the cave dwellings on both sides of the crack became increasingly sparse.

Just when Ji Han and others were wondering if they had misunderstood the translation of the text on the wall, something in the darkness directly above the crack gradually came into view.

Bajiu shined his flashlight and saw a house built with chains and wood on top of the crack.

Chains connect the two sides of the crack, and the wooden building in the middle hangs over the crack, like a giant bird's nest.

Eggplant saw this and cursed:

"Let me tell you, living here is like shitting on a cliff. Sooner or later, you will die."

Ethan was also curious and said:

"Oh my God, who lives on a cliff like this?"

Will joked:

"Maybe it's Red Bull's headquarters."

Ji Han and the others naturally knew the answer. Who else would live in such an unconventional place except the patriarch of that ancient tribe?

Because for the patriarch, the crack is the way to the gods, so he is not afraid of falling.

If the words on the walls of the tomb are not deceiving, then the sacred pillar should be inside.

Ji Hanxin said that he would not go to such a dangerous place. If he fell, he would not be saved.

The money-making task is immediately in front of you.

[Optional mission: Enter the patriarch’s room]

[Task reward: 10,000 yuan for entering the room; 10,000 yuan for obtaining the divine pillar; 10,000 yuan for releasing the power of the divine pillar]

Song Qian stepped forward and said:

"I'm lighter, let me do it."

Ji Han stopped him and said:

"It's not as good as asking the captain to come up, I'll do it."

Will stopped him and said:

"It's better to go in together. What if you encounter any danger inside?"

Ji Han pointed to the iron chain under his feet and the decayed wooden board above and said:

"Even if I agree, this shabby wooden house will not agree. It will collapse if it goes up."

Will still refused to give in:

"Then let me accompany you up there. If there are any monsters inside, it will be easier to deal with."

Ji Hanxin said, you are just afraid that the divine pillar is inside and I will get it first. Do you grandsons insist on interfering with me making money?

Song Qian stopped and said:

"You just agreed to follow the arrangements. You won't change your mind so soon, right?"

Even Ethan stopped him and said:


Unexpectedly, Will raised his hand and said:

"Everyone, please don't hurt the harmony. If everyone goes up and causes this house to fall into the cracks, it will be more than worth the loss. Just let me and Ji Han go in together."

Although Will spoke calmly, his words always sounded threatening.

It seems that if he is not allowed to go up, he will take down this house, and he will not get it anyway.

Eggplant said with a strange air of yin and yang:

"You see, you should have listened to me and ignored them. Their bodies would have been digested and excreted by the giant worms by now."

Samuel heard that he was about to step forward and use force, but was stopped by Ethan. After all, they were in the wrong, and he also felt that Will seemed a little unusual today.

Ji Han had no choice but to agree to go in with Will.

Everyone tied the ropes together and tied them around their waists to prevent any accidents.

The two stepped on the chains and slowly stepped into the suspended house.

You can still feel the house shaking when you walk up. It is estimated that the patriarch of the ancient tribe lived here and slept well.

Stepping over the chain and stepping onto the wooden planks of the house, there was an unsettling creaking sound underfoot.

The two of them walked cautiously along the edge of the house.

The houses of ancient tribes are not as elaborate as three bedrooms and one living room. They are just a long wooden room with two partitions in the middle. The wall panels on the side are gone, and the inside can still be vaguely seen.

The partition room where you first entered only had a chair in the corner, which was probably a status symbol at the time.

At this time, there was a "crack" sound under Will's feet. It turned out that he had broken a wooden board.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and fell to the ground in time to maintain his balance so as not to fall. .

Ji Han turned around and said:

"I asked you to wait below, but you must come up."

Will chuckled, slowly got up from the ground, pulled his feet back and said:

"I'm very interested in you. It's rare to be in the same room with you. This opportunity can't be missed."

Ji Han didn't understand what he heard and replied:

"I'm not interested in men, I'll go in first."

With that said, Ji Han passed through the wooden partition and walked into the middle room.

There are quite a few things placed here, with two simple tables and two chairs in the middle.

The square table in front was filled with plates. The plates were dark and I didn’t know what they were. They seemed to be sacrifices at that time.

There are two pottery bottles on the left and right sides of the long table at the back, and a round wooden stick in the middle. Although it is covered with dust, you can see a groove on it.

The whole arrangement looked like it was enshrining something.

But shouldn’t the sacred pillar be enshrined in the middle? Why is it a stick?

Ji Han walked to the table to check the situation, and suddenly felt something foreign beneath his feet. Just as he was about to lower his head to pick it up, Will also walked in.

Based on the feeling under his feet, Ji Han guessed that it seemed to be a small, flaky object with some thickness.

It's a divine pillar!

The feeling on your feet is definitely that piece of Bagua made of black jade. Oh, this jade piece of sacred pillar was originally inserted into the wooden column in the middle for worship, but it took too long and fell off due to shaking.

After confirming it, Ji Han did not bend down to pick it up.

Because if you pick it up, you will definitely be discovered. Will is a tall guy, so you may not be able to snatch it away from him.

That's right, they don't know the divine pillar anyway.

Thinking about it, Ji Han carefully picked up the round wooden stick in the middle of the long table.

Pretending to be amazed, he said:

"Finally I found it!"

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