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Chapter 203: third party

Remember [New] for a second,! Thinking that the syringe for the modified serum might still be in Zhengqing's house, Xia Xu couldn't sit still.

Looking for an excuse to find clues, Xia Xu asked Ato to come to the residence where Yu Zhengqing was arrested last time after asking for the address.

However, after rummaging through it, he was a little disappointed.

Searched the whole room and didn't see any syringes.

"This one used by Yao Fu is the original sample, you can't miss it..."

Xia Xu frowned slightly, still a little unwilling to give up.

According to his speculation, the special features of the protagonist Yao Fu should be impossible to reproduce in the short term in the plot.

There may be factors of Yao Fu's own genes, factors of luck and coincidence, but it may also be that the modified serum used by Yao Fu is rather special.

If it is inferred according to this line of thinking, even if this new type of bat-modified serum appears again in the future, it is likely not exactly the same as Yao Fu's "protagonist only".

This is definitely a very likely situation. He has made up a lot of bad things about biology these days, not to mention what experiments he has done in person, but he still has at least a conceptual understanding.

The so-called 'modified serum' is not a chemical agent with a fixed composition.

'Serum' usually refers to a mixture extracted from the blood of various organisms, which can provide cells with nutrients, hormones, growth factors, etc., and is often used to protect cultured cells.

To put it in a slightly more vivid way, the serum itself can be used as a medium, and the cells and viruses that can really perform genetic modification should be loaded inside.

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Nowadays, it is actually difficult for humans to interfere at the genetic level with their own technology, and the more feasible modifications are often made with the help of viruses.

Because of the characteristics of viruses, some of them can cut, paste, and copy genes, and use these viruses to modify DNA or gene fragments. This is the most feasible gene editing technology at present.

Of course, the lycanthropy modulation technology and gene fusion technology must be more complicated and sophisticated.

But the same thing remains the same. Since the serum is made, it must be transformed through specially-made cells or viruses.

But the problem is that even if it is the same bat gene, each individual bat will have differences, even if it is the same virus, there will be differences between different cultivation batches and branches, and there may be mutations.

Therefore, it can be said that even the same genetically modified serum will have differences, and don't forget that the underground research institute that produced the new modified serum used by Yao Fu has exploded, and the ones obtained from other research institutes are likely to be very different.

Not to mention whether those serums can achieve similar effects, at least they cannot be perfect samples.

Only Yao Fu's own genes and the modified serum he used, the perfect coincidence of the two, finally gave birth to this 'Batman'. Others may be bat monsters or even simply genetically collapsed and directly cool.

It is precisely because of this that Xia Xu attached so much importance to this syringe that has already been used, because only this is the most likely to complete the re-engraving of 'Batman'.

After searching again for a while, Xia Xu still found nothing, and could only rummage through the debris in the room little by little.

To tell the truth, Yu Zhengqing's room is quite messy. After all, he is a lousy old man who goes out at night, and his mind is still a little abnormal. It is called a dog kennel.

It's a pity that nearly a month has passed since Yao Fu's injection of the modified serum, and the odor remaining on it has already dissipated, otherwise, he can use Atuo to find it.

"No... I seem to have missed something..."

After counting the items one by one in a stupid way, Xia Xu suddenly stopped and patted his forehead.

He remembered when he interrogated Yu Zhengqing before.

At that time, he 'presumed' that he had stolen the modified serum out of Zhengqing, and the modified serum was no longer on him.

Although this is just flickering, judging from Yu Zhengqing's response that he did not refute at all, it is obvious that he acquiesced to his statement.

In Zhengqing's cognition, the modified serum that was stolen has been completely lost.

But in Yao Fu's story just now, it was mentioned that the syringe had been picked up by Yu Zhengqing...

Xia Xu's face turned a little ugly.

There are two possibilities for this situation. One is that the syringe was indeed picked up by someone, but it was not picked up by Yu Zhengqing. There is also a third party.

After all, what is written in the plot introduction is the result of Yao Fu's failure to find the syringe and the speculation based on his perspective. If the plot is revealed from this perspective, it is not that there is no foreshadowing for the follow-up plot development or the possibility of making a sequel.

In fact, he would rather be this possibility. After all, no matter who took it, at least the other party realized the value of the syringe and would keep and handle it properly, so that he at least had a chance to find a way to get it.

But there is a second possibility. Perhaps in Zhengqing's concept, the syringe is not equivalent to transforming the serum, so he still believed that the serum had been lost during the interrogation.

This side also shows that he doesn't pay attention to the syringe, so Yu Zhengqing probably won't keep it after picking up the syringe, but will throw it away in anger.

If you take it home and throw it away, it's fine. If you throw it out on the spot, it's really a needle in a haystack, and if it's been exposed to the wind and the sun for so long, even a small amount of serum will evaporate completely.

Although it may be possible for Yu Zhengqing to take it back for safekeeping, before he came, it was more of a chance to try, but it was still a bit uncomfortable at this time.

After all, people are habitually fantasizing about things that are good for themselves. No matter how much psychological preparations are made, there is a kind of gambler-like self-confidence before seeing reality.

"Yu Zhengqing, do you want to go out?"

After carefully searching for a while, Xia Xu returned to the Decheng branch of the special department and entered Yu Zhengqing's interrogation room and cell again.

"Oh, do you think I still believe you?"

Yu Zhengqing sneered and closed his eyes.

"Then there's no way."

Xia Xu shrugged, with a familiar evil smile on his face: "Now let's continue to play the last game?"


Yu Zhengqing's expression changed, and he couldn't help opening his eyes again.

After all, Xia Xu's mind-reading performance last time made him have a shadow in his heart. No matter whether he answered or not, he could observe the answer. This is simply a monster.

"So, why bother, how good it is to cooperate with me honestly, maybe I can keep my promise and let you out, even if I break my promise, you will have nothing to lose."

Xia Xu smiled and changed the conversation: "But forget it, anyway, I can know if you don't speak, now the game is on..."

"Wait! I said! I said!"

Yu Zhengqing struggled for a moment, and when he heard Xia Xu's words, he hurriedly shouted, and his hands even slapped the edge of his restraint chair excitedly.

Chapter 203 The third party








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