I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 135: see also jump

"I can view character attributes(

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Xia Xu completed a round of morning exercises with Luo Hongyun as usual, and then washed up again to prepare to go to school.

"Hello, is Luo Hongyun's home still here?"

As soon as he walked to the gate of the community, a red supercar stopped beside Xia Xu, and the window slowly lowered, revealing the complexion of a white woman with dark blond curly hair.

He looks very beautiful, but he should not be too young, and his body frame is wide. Although he will not look very fat on the whole, he has a strong sense of strength, giving people a strong pressure like facing a strong man.

"Yes, but he moved to a house next to me. Do you need me to take you there?"

The blonde woman spoke the awkward Xia Guoyu, but Xia Xu guessed her identity in his heart and replied directly in Russian.

This is really a coincidence. It was said last night that someone would come to take care of Louise soon, and it will be here this morning.

"Thank you so much then."

Hearing Xia Xu's words, the blond woman immediately became happy, and she was a little puzzled: "But why do you know that I am from the Xiong Country."

"I know you are looking for Uncle Luo, he usually doesn't have a lady coming to look for him, the only lady he often mentions is Louise's mother, a lady of bear nationality.

I guess it should be you, right? "

Xia Xu responded with a smile.

Uncle Luo, I can only help you here.

"Are you his nephew?"

The blonde woman was happier when she heard the words, and her words were more cordial.

"It shouldn't count, but I have a good relationship with him, and of course with Louise."

While talking, Xia Xu turned around and led the blond woman to his house.

Halfway through, he also opened the blond woman's attribute panel.

【Name】: Olivia

[Life Level]: 1

[Fate potential]: [Supporting role: "Night Owl"]

[Talent Potential]: Fighting (4 stars); Hot Weapons (4 stars)

【Special】: None

[Obsession]: Louise.

[Favorite]: 60

"Sure enough, this family is a monster."

Looking at the attributes of the blonde woman, Xia Xu's cheeks twitched.

When did the talent of four or five stars become Chinese cabbage?

According to his guess, the four-star is already the top group in the industry, and the five-star is the limit of the species and even beyond the limit. This is not often seen. To be precise, it is difficult to find a three-star.

Of course, it would be easier to understand if combined with the identity of this blonde woman.

Olivia, as he guessed, the name Uncle Luo mentioned before. She is Louise's mother, and her nickname seems to be Canary. She should also be a mercenary special forces or something.

It's no wonder that Louise's fighting talent is full of five stars. Uncle Luo, who has double five stars, and a mother who is slightly inferior but also has double four stars, it may be a bit difficult not to inherit this excellent bloodline.

"Aunt Olivia, Uncle Luo is inside, you can go in by yourself, I'm going to school."

Taking Olivia to Luo Hongyun's door, Xia Xu also completed the initial acquaintance with her on the way, knocked on the door and retired.

Of course, before leaving, he also glanced at the plot line of "Night Owl" that was finally supplemented after Olivia appeared.

["Night Owl": ... After Olivia had vented her anger, the two were finally able to sit down and talk calmly. While discussing how to find and rescue Louise, Luo Hongyun also learned from Olivia The reasons why those people kidnapped Louise.

The details of Olivia are still under investigation, but the messenger behind all this seems to be a medical group with extremely powerful hidden forces in Millikin. They seem to be conducting a secret experiment called the Jump Plan, and Louis Silk is the target subject they screened out through the medical records...]

"This Andra is really haunted."

Xia Xu, who had vaguely guessed about this before, sighed secretly.

Combined with some of the information he had before, this part of the plot supplemented by Olivia's fate is basically just about naming names and saying that all this is the Andra Group's troubles.

The original origin of the super-brain medicine should be the Carroll Medical Laboratory where Katherine Acheson worked after leaving Hopkins University. According to Grant's investigation, the Carroll Medical Laboratory was controlled by the Andra Group behind the scenes.

And the introduction of the "Super Brain" plot has already mentioned the transition plan. In fact, the super brain project is just a branch of the transition plan derived from unexpected gains.

However... Andra was the one who was looking at Louise through the screening of medical records, which was quite valuable information.

The strength of the Andhra Group in Milliken should be spread very secretly. Not to mention all medical institutions, some of them must be there. No matter how bad it is, they have cooperation and sufficient influence. It is not difficult to obtain medical reports.

But since they were looking at Louise through the medical report, they must have valued some special features of Louise's medical information that were different from ordinary people.

What can be special about Louise?

Physical signs? Gene?


There is no need to think much, Xia Xu quickly locked the most likely one~www.readwn.com~ Louise has something to say in the past, the special one that can make the Andra Group swear to pursue Xia Guolai , that's only her five-star fighting talent.

Talent may have a certain relationship with special factors such as an individual's natural personality, but the same thing that is absolutely inseparable from the relationship is genetic inheritance.

Louise has the same five-star fighting skills as her father, and there must be genetic factors in it.

Especially fighting talent, which itself involves innate physical fitness and exercise efficiency. This is not something that can be achieved simply by conscious concepts. It must be genetically inherited.

It does not mean that the descendants of the five-star talent must have the five-star talent or the same kind of low-star talent, but when the parents have such genetic genes, there is always a greater probability of inheriting and expressing them than others.

"So... the so-called transition plan, does it mean to improve talent? Is Andra trying to copy high-star talent..."

Xia Xu suddenly understood the content of the so-called transition plan.

The beginning of the plot of "Super Brain" is about the origin of the Super Brain Project, but because the Super Brain Project was born out of the Jump Plan, the first part of the description should be related to the Jump Plan.

The beginning of that paragraph was talking about 'individual differences' and complaining about the unevenness of life.

And the most obvious individual difference between human beings is talent.

The double five-star Uncle Luo is as fierce as a personal beast. The second-level life level is the only example. Except for Uncle Luo, Xia Xu has never even seen any life that can reach this level.

Looking back at his one-star fighting, even the two black technology plug-ins, the super brain potion and the mechanical centipede spine, are not enough to watch, and he suspects that he will be killed in seconds if he does not use two moves.

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