I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 465 Pray! coward?


"Tong Yu asked me to meet your requirements as much as possible. I have no problem. When you want to go, you can find me at any time. It has been so long, and it is time for me to visit my brothers..." Lao Pray The expression was very calm, beyond Qin Lan's imagination. m[Read the novel and arrive~]

Although these words are simple, to Qin Lan and the others, they finally discovered the unknown side of Lao Prayer.

Qin Lan and the others couldn't understand why they were so nagging in normal times but so cold-blooded in battle. This huge difference had always been beyond their comprehension.

It is impossible for a person to have such a big difference in personality unless he has schizophrenia.

But Lao Prayer is usually very normal, that’s what makes them strange, but after knowing that there is such an unknown thing about Lao Prayer today, they understand it, and they won’t laugh at Lao Prayer anymore The reason why Lao Prayer was nagging was that he was escaping, escaping from that battle, and his comrades who loved each other like brothers fell one by one in front of him.

Moreover, Lao Pray's identity has always been the commander, and he should finally put all the blame on himself.

Such a man is a man with a story...

"A man who can face up to his past is a real man. Uncle Prayer, I don't know how your brother died, but I think it can cause such a big psychological shadow on you. The dead person should have something important in his heart." People, and they lost their lives while covering you, but you never thought that they were willing to give their lives for you. Don't you just hope that you can survive in the last days?" Qin Lan and Ling Ya remained silent. They are women, so it is really difficult to speak at this time.

A man is a strange animal. Sometimes a man can be very simple, but sometimes it can be very complicated, so complicated that it is unbelievable, and this is the biggest difference between men and women.

Both Qin Lan and Ling Ya are smart women, so they chose to remain silent at this time.

But they are silent now, it doesn't mean that Xiaojun has the same thoughts as them...

"Xiaojun..." Xiaojun, who hadn't said much all this time, spoke unexpectedly when Qin Lan and Ling Ya chose to remain silent, and his words were directly aimed at Lao Prayer's heartbreak. Where is the place that Lao Prayer is least willing to touch, that's what he said...

Hearing such words, Lao Chan's body hardened in an instant, and his eyes turned blood red when he looked at Xiaojun and the others. Grim expression...


He is not my opponent, a coward is not my opponent, even with one hand I can deal with him..." Xiaojun laughed unexpectedly, at this time Lao prayed like a crazy beast , but Xiaojun has no fear...

He is also a man, he admires Lao Prayer for having such a group of brothers and comrades-in-arms who can sacrifice their lives for brothers! But he despises Lao Prayer, who is not enough to face the past, face the facts, and face the result of his brothers who sacrificed their lives for him...

Especially the last sentence Lao prayed just now. Xiaojun even heard from the inside that Lao Prayer no longer had the desire to survive.

Lao Pray is a coward, a coward who dare not even face his life...

"Coward, I'm just a coward..." Lao Zong's expression was pale, his smile was a little crazy, and his steps were a little bumpy.

But the blood in his eyes has slowly receded...


"Enough, you are not qualified to say that our big brother..." Dozens of people present saw such a sudden change in the scene, everyone was stunned, but just when Xiaojun was about to continue speaking, Lao Prayer A person came out from behind, a young man a few years older than Xiaojun. []

"I'm not qualified. Are you qualified? Well, tell me, is a man who dare not face his life a coward? What's more, his current life is not only his own. The battle Many people died, his life belongs to so many people. He has no right to end it..." Xiaojun stared at the young man who was yelling at him in front of him, and his expression was very ferocious...

"I..." was yelled at by Xiaojun. The young man who rushed out was stunned. He was not as far ahead as Xiaojun thought, and he didn't know that there was such a relationship.

"Are you speechless? Okay, tell me, everyone, is he qualified to end for his brothers?" Xiaojun ignored Qin Lanlingya's hint behind him, and he was very angry today.

Hearing Xiaojun's roar, the scene suddenly fell silent, and no one spoke.

As for Lao Prayer, at this time, his expression was dull, but his body trembled more violently, and he seemed to have aged a few times. Without him, he could see what he was thinking.

And behind him a few young people who were the same age as Hou Xiaojun wanted to speak, but were held back by several people behind him who were about the same age as Lao Zong.

They understand Lao Prayer's character. To be honest, they need to thank Xiaojun for being able to poke Lao Prayer in pain today. This is something they have long wanted to do, but as brothers, they cannot and cannot do this. .

Having also experienced that battle, they knew better what happened.

If Lao Prayer hadn't wanted that energy crystal stone and wanted to give a gift to his favorite Tong Yu, they wouldn't have suffered heavy casualties, let alone so many brothers who died in that battle...

You must know that Lao Chan was a company commander in the army before the end of the world, and they are all in the same company.

A group of brothers who could always give their backs to each other, but because of that unexpected battle, less than a third remained, and most of them died in front of Lao Prayer...

As for the energy crystal stone, Lao Chan said that he gave it away to someone else, but in fact, except for him, everyone knew that the energy crystal stone was smashed by Lao Chan...

At that time, Lao Chan began to avoid him in his heart, and the person he liked, Tong Yu, was also deeply repelled outside his heart.

He likes to say that Tong Yu is his goddess, and also likes to say that Tong Yu rejects him. He is not good enough for Tong Yu...

This madness. No one can help.

If it is said that the most normal time to pray is the time to kill.

"You're right, I've always been a coward..." The scene was silent for an unknown amount of time, Lao Prayer's trembling body stopped, and his breathing became steady. Suddenly, he raised his head, his eyes were calm Looking at Xiaojun, he smiled and said to Xiaojun.

"Don't be afraid of being a coward in the past. What I hope is that you will not be a coward in the future. You will be a man, a man who is worthy of your brothers..." Xiaojun heard Lao Prayer's words and saw Lao Prayer's expression again. After a moment of surprise. Immediately also laughed.

Although Xiaojun is young, he has learned a lot about human nature from Fang Chong. [Just read the novel~]

By this time, he could already be sure that although the current Lao Prayer still looked the same as before, in fact, earth-shaking changes had taken place.

A thing called life has been restored in Lao Prayer's eyes, and Lao Prayer has completed a transformation, a magnificent transformation...


"No, you're right, this life of mine no longer belongs to me. I don't have any right to corrupt it, and I don't have any right to end it. I will be responsible for him and my brothers... Lao Pray raised his head, his eyes looked at the dark blue sky, he clenched his fist and raised it...

"……………………..." Xiaojun didn't speak anymore, he knew that if he spoke again, his voice would definitely choke.

As for the others, especially the group of brothers behind Lao Pray, their voices have long been choked up. I'm so excited I can't speak...

"Thank you, you are young, but you can see life so clearly..." After a while, the scene returned to normal, and Lao prayed slowly walking in front of Xiaojun. He stretched out his hand with a serious expression...

"It was your own strength that defeated yourself, and I just played a certain role in fueling the flames..." Xiaojun also extended his hand. Lao Chan is indeed an extraordinary person. If this person hadn't been wasted for several months, his current strength would be far more than this...

The fall of the heart is the most terrible.....

"Whatever you want to do, I have no problem, and they have no problem...." Lao Prayer is no longer polite. If a man is too wordy, he is not a man. Men have to express their gratitude, and there are their methods...

"That's right, we have no problem..." Although he knew that place was dangerous, Xiaojun's ability to recover Lao Prayer was more important than anything else...

"Anyway, it's not now, it's late, I think we can go back..." Qin Lan was very moved, and so was Ling Ya. They were not men, but they could feel the heart of a confident man.

Qin Lan even had a thought, she decided to find a time to have a good talk with Tong Yu.

Tong Yu is a strong woman, but no matter how strong a woman is, she still needs a man, and Lao Chan is undoubtedly the most suitable man for Tong Yu in Qin Lan's mind.

Although he was still the man with a little sense of vicissitudes, since his temperament changed, his whole person has undergone a huge change.

"That's right, we won't be polite to you when we want to go..." Xiaojun understood Qin Lan's meaning.

"Okay, we'll wait..." Lao Chan could tell that Xiaojun Qin Lan and the others wanted to give him some time, some time to get together with his brothers...

He is really sorry for his brothers, whether it is those who died or these brothers who are still by his side today...

"These medicines are given to you, the effect should be good..." Ling Ya signaled to several team members with backpacks behind them, and left behind several packs of genetic medicines when they left...

"These are..." Lao prayed a little surprised.

"If you want to be strong, don't be polite..." Xiaojun added with a bright smile.


"I didn't expect you, Xiaojun, to really grow up. What you said today was beyond our expectations..." After leaving Laozhao and the others, Xiaojun and the others walked to the outside of Nanyue Base City under the leadership of a soldier.

"I just saw that Lao Chan is really a talent, and I can't bear to see a real man willing to degenerate like this..." Xiaojun stuck out his tongue, he himself didn't know that he could do such a thing today . Thinking about it now, he himself feels extremely surprised...

"Still so humble. When I grow up, I see many girls are fascinated..." Ling Ya laughed. Seeing Xiao Jun's face suddenly turned red, Ling Ya smiled even more happily. "Isn't it, our real man..."

"Eh..." Xiaojun never thought that sister Ling Ya, who was usually very cold, would make such a joke. For a while, he had nothing to say. He was at a disadvantage when talking to women like them who had long since become women...

"Hahaha..." Seeing Xiaojun's expression, Qin Lan Lingya smiled even more happily.

But Qin Lan and Ling Ya didn't laugh for long, Xiao Jun was still a child in their eyes, and this kind of joke could easily teach children badly.

"You said that Lao Prayer and Xiaojun had a quarrel?" Tong Yu was still sitting in his office in the city government building of Nanyue Base City. Although there haven't been any large-scale battles recently, she still hasn't been able to relax.

For a base city with a population of millions, it is difficult to maintain a stable and sufficient food supply at the same time.

There are so many things that he needs to deal with every day, too many.

The appearance of Xiaojun Qin Lan and the others gave you great expectations. Those new weapons were fatal to her, but she didn't dare to agree to them before confirming the purpose of Xiaojun Qin Lan and the others.

But not being able to agree doesn't mean that Tong Yu is willing to let go, otherwise, she wouldn't have to let Lao pray.

But Lao Chan actually had a quarrel with Xiaojun and the others, the more Tong Yu thought about it, the more he frowned.

She knows that Lao Pray likes her. The reason why Lao Pray is allowed to accompany Xiaojun and the others is that apart from the fact that Lao Pray is the reason for Xiaojun and the others to save him, Tong Yu also hopes that this man can be more of a man...

She has mixed feelings about prayer. In other words, Lao Pray made her very complicated, and Lao Pray has never been a simple man.

But judging from her subordinates, Lao Prayer seems to have let her down again...

Thinking of the word disappointment, Tong Yu sighed inwardly, his expression struggled slightly, as if he had made some decision...

"That's right, but things seem to have changed dramatically later on. Lao Pray and Xiaojun didn't make a big deal, but shook hands and made peace. Moreover, Lao Pray seems to be very grateful to Xiaojun and his group..." The subordinate said I don't know that Tong Yu has so many thoughts in his heart at this time. But he still told what he heard about what happened to Lao Prayer and Xiaojun today...

"Thank you?" Tong Yu frowned slightly, these things sounded weird, but Tong Yu couldn't tell what was wrong...

"Okay, I got it. You go down first..." Tong Yu waved his hand lightly after his subordinate expressed his confusion. Signal the subordinate to leave.

"Laozao, what kind of person are you?" After her subordinates left, Tong Yu looked at the star-studded night sky outside, she frowned and murmured softly.

Lao Pray had a very strange place in her heart, and Tong Yu didn't know that a man like Lao Pray, who looked like a wretched uncle in appearance and had a personality like an aunt, could occupy a place in her heart?

Tong Yu had never mentioned this to anyone, and no one knew about it.

The only thing Tong Yu can explain by himself is the legend...


"Are these things really energy crystals?" Xiaojun, Qin Lan, and Ling Ya returned to their convoy directly after leaving Nanyue Base City.

Of course, the first thing Qin Lan and the others did when they returned to the team was to open Xiaojun's backpack.

Looking at the sparkling energy crystal stone, Xiaojun had a slightly puzzled expression.

In Xiaojun's opinion, isn't the energy crystal stone very precious? But there are so many here...

"It shouldn't be wrong, but we'll know after we try it..." Qin Lan didn't nod. Although the energy fluctuations felt similar and the appearance was the same, Qin Lan wasn't Fang Chong, so she couldn't be 100% sure.

But I don't know if they can try it. Now in their team, there are many things that can use energy crystal stones.

"It's good to try it. Brother Fang Chong has long said that there is a world of difference in the power of these energy weapons using energy crystal stones and not using energy crystal stones. We can just take a look today..." Xiaojun's expression was very excited.

"You went to get the energy-focused cannon..." Qin Lan didn't think much about it.

"Okay..." Xiaojun immediately acted.

Qin Lan and Ling Ya didn't stay idle after Xiaojun left, they found smaller energy crystal stones.

As for the energy crystal Shi Fangchongyougen, they have explained in detail, the degree of preciousness is the focus of Fangchong's introduction. With this preconceived idea, even if they try, they are reluctant to use a large one...

Because if it is true, it would be too wasteful....

Soon, with Xiaojun's return, Qin Lan and Ling Ya had already selected the energy crystal stone.

"Start..." Qin Lan ordered, Xiaojun quickly opened the top cover of the energy-focused cannon, and after Lingya threw several thumb-sized energy crystal stones into it, Xiaojun pressed the cannon switch.

With bursts of white light looming, the three of Xiaojun, Qin Lan and Lingya showed joy.

"Get ready..." With an excited expression on his face, Qin Lan's voice was slightly trembling, and he asked Xiaojun to set up an energy-focused cannon, and the target was a dilapidated building hundreds of meters away from them. of buildings.

"Send..." The manual sound fell, and with the movement of Xiaojun's fingers, a dazzling white light burst out from the muzzle of the energy-concentrating cannon, and the white light flashed across the sky like a shooting star. After a few seconds, he crashed into the six or seven-story abandoned building...


A loud noise is very clear in the quiet night...

……………………………………………………………(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) Vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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