038: Ding! Sign in [Ask for flowers] at the scene of the murder and corpse throwing

“What? Did Uncle Liu Qing and nephew catch it? The excited voice of Deputy Director Sheng Tao came over the phone.

“I caught it, and two people who bought drugs, and they were also caught.” The criminal police convoy was driving on the highway, and Zhao Mingyu reported to Sheng Tao on the phone.

“What about the evidence? The key is the evidence, whether evidence was found on the spot! Sheng Tao emphasized.

“This time there was enough evidence, we found 1.5 kilograms of the virus, 600,000 in cash, a pistol, a fruit knife at the scene.” Zhao Mingyu reported.

“Great! Finally caught these two grandsons! Deputy Director Sheng said excitedly: “This performance is good, wait to come back and accept the award!” By the way, what about Qin Feng? Did he join you? ”

“Qin Feng…” Qin Feng sat next to him, Zhao Mingyu glanced at Qin Feng, and then continued to report: “Report Deputy Director Sheng, this operation, Liu Qing and Liu Hao were captured by Qin Feng!” ”

“Qin Feng caught it?” Sheng Tao didn’t have any doubts, didn’t Qin Feng chase after him later?

“What’s the situation, tell me carefully!” Sheng Tao then asked.

“That’s right, Deputy Director Sheng…” Zhao Mingyu then had to detail the details of the entire case-handling process to Deputy Director Sheng.

A few minutes later.

“Good fellow! Boy! After Zhao Mingyu finished speaking, Sheng Tao’s voice on the phone immediately became more energetic, and said happily: “This Qin Feng is really good!” Cracked a big case on the first day of coming to the precinct! Thanks to the fact that I asked Director Li to come forward last night, Qin Feng came from the Donghu Police Station, otherwise…”

When Deputy Director Sheng said this, his words turned around and became stern: “A group of rice buckets, a dozen criminal police officers in a criminal police brigade, is not as good as Qin Feng, who was just transferred to the substation today!” This time it wasn’t Qin Feng, you were tricked by that informant named Liu Shen! ”

“Write me a 3,000-word review when you come back!”

After Sheng Tao finished speaking, he hung up the phone angrily.

“Uncle Sheng, the situation over there…” Xu Yushi was in Sheng Tao’s office at this time, and he came to inquire about the handling of the case by the Criminal Police Brigade.

She wanted to call Qin Feng or send WeChat several times before to ask about his safety, but in order not to affect Qin Feng’s handling of the case, she finally canceled her plan.

“Don’t worry!” Hanging up the phone, Sheng Tao comforted Xu Yushi: “Not only did Qin Feng have nothing happened this time, but he has also made great achievements!” ”

“You go back and wait at ease, as soon as Qin Feng comes back, I will tell him to report to your place.” Sheng Tao said with a smile.

The result this time was good, although Zhao Mingyu and they behaved a little bastard, but there was always Qin Feng who solved the case.

If it weren’t for Qin Feng, he wouldn’t be able to laugh now.


Xu Yushi heard that Qin Feng was fine, so she calmed down.


On the highway, in the moving criminal police convoy, Zhao Mingyu looked a little decadent after hanging up the phone.

“Thank you, Qin Feng.” Zhao Mingyu turned his gaze to Qin Feng and said thank you.

“Without you this time, the operation will fail again!”

“Thank you! I am also a member of the Criminal Police Team! Qin Feng smiled and said, “Team Zhao said so, but they treated me as an outsider.” ”

Hearing Qin Feng say this, a smile appeared on Zhao Mingyu’s face.

Before, because of Xu Yushi’s affairs, the relationship between the two was a little tense.

However, with this common experience, Zhao Mingyu’s attitude towards Qin Feng was obviously much relieved.

“I have to admit that you are indeed an excellent criminal policeman, and I may indeed be inferior to you in terms of investigating and solving cases!” Zhao Mingyu then extended his hand to Qin Feng to represent reconciliation.

“Qin Feng, welcome, and I’m really glad that you joined the Criminal Police Brigade of the Dongcheng Branch!”

Qin Feng also stretched out his hand, and the two shook hands on the back seat of the car.

“However, Vice Captain Zhao, Xu Yushi is really not suitable for you, you are a little older.” Qin Feng then said.

He wanted to remind this Vice Captain Zhao that his continued liking of Xu Yushi would not lead to results, and would only waste his personal time.

When Zhao Mingyu heard this, he immediately put away his hand and turned his head, looked ahead, and said firmly: “I will not stop the war between you and me because of this, work and feelings are two different things, and I will never give in on the issue of feelings.” ”

Qin Feng smiled helplessly and did not answer again.

Zhao Mingyu is actually a good person, work and life problems are separated, although he was scolded by the leader because of Qin Feng this time, he did not blame Qin Feng for this.

Because he knew that without Qin Feng, he might be scolded even worse, and he would have to accept the bitter lesson of an operation failure.

Judging from this matter, Zhao Mingyu is at least a sensible person.

Qin Feng said that just now, it was also for his good.

Because, Xu Yushi is really not suitable for him. If Zhao Mingyu persists, he is just wasting time.

This Captain Zhao is Chinese New Year’s Eve five years old today, and he has to chase a little girl in her early twenties, which is really an old cow eating tender grass.

If it is an ordinary tender grass, maybe regardless of age, he can see the identity of the deputy captain of the criminal police brigade of this old cow.

But Xu Yushi obviously doesn’t care about this, her father is the head of the prefecture-level city police station, and his own conditions are much better than this deputy captain Zhao.

Moreover, although Xu Yushi is twenty-two years old, emotionally, she is still a young girl with a fledgling relationship.

She only likes people she likes, and according to Qin Feng’s previous experience, a young girl with a fledgling relationship will have no other choice before she is hurt for her feelings for the first time.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn’t help but have a headache.

Ma Chuxue, Xu Yushi, who knows that in the future, there will be no women as good as the two of them, or even better than the two of them, in their lives.

“Who should I choose?”

Qin Feng felt that he had endured pain that he should not have endured at this age.

At this moment, a dinging sound sounded in his head.

“Ding! Sign in at the scene of the highway homicide and corpse throwing crime and get a reward of ‘ten times the bounce power'”

“Parking !!!”

ps: Keep asking for flowers~

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