There are two teams of seven people each, one wearing a red jersey with a Red Bull drink painted on the back.

One team wore blue uniforms with a Snickers pattern behind them.

The two teams of men and horses were in close contact with each other, swords and swords, babbling, and they looked very powerful.

However, I don't know if the weapons in my hands have been cursed with blood.

In short, the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and when I saw that the damage was 0.5, I didn't even lose a single hair on my skin.

After playing for a while, the two teams came to a breathless halt and went into halftime.

The BLU team members, the first tall man dressed like Superman and wearing a blue cloak on his back, should be the captain.

With his hands on his knees, he stretched out his tongue and gasped, as if he had exerted too much energy.

Seeing this, the team members behind him stepped forward, handed over a Snickers stand, and said: "Hungry, tired, come to a Snickers." Captain

Blue took it, took a bite, and his eyes lit up.

"How's that?" "Well, it's

coming. Captain Blue immediately stood up, straightened his back, and seemed to regain his strength and spirit in an instant.

Then Captain Blue taunted the Red Bull team: "On the other side, no, I've already eaten the world's No. 1 energy-replenishing food, Snickers."

"Hahahaha, the world's No. 1 energy-replenishing food, that round to get your Snickers, it should be our Red Bull Group's Red Bull functional drink." The Red Bull Squad Captain laughed.

"Hahahaha, joke, our Snickers is made of chocolate liquid extracted from the milk of the Snowy Bull and the cocoa fruit of the Vajra Fruit, with glazed peanuts, which is comparable to a can of Red Bull.

"Oh, what is that, our Red Bull functional drink is made of ice spring water on the Tianshan Mountains, plus various plant essences, pure natural, without any side effects, not only powerful, but also delicious." The

two of them stepped forward together, facing the drone camera in the sky, with a confused smile

on their faces, "The people who ate our Snickers, take one bite, sweep away the hunger, and be yourself."

"That's right, and whoever drinks our Red Bull energy drink will burst into potential, and you'll know that your energy is beyond your imagination. The

two of them

said in unison: "It's really a home trip, an adventure and a must-have food." "

Where, then, can I get it?" asked one of them.

"Oh, this benevolent brother, you are so lucky, now you are on sale, the major Taobao Tmall malls are on sale, the first three hundred users who order, you can also enjoy an additional discount, good quality and low price, first come, first served!"

Who the fuck came up with this?

You guys are so showy, do your mothers know?

I'm not sure if the fuck knows it, but the national audience definitely knows


The people who were watching the live broadcast were also thundered at the moment, and the six small dots on the screen set off a storm of ellipsis.

There are so many that you can apply for Guinness World Records, which fully expresses the speechlessness of the audience.

"On, deal with them. Xu Xian really couldn't stand it anymore, so he said it and jumped out.

This group of people came to participate in the competition to advertise at all, and they never thought of competing for the winner, and their strength was also a mess.

Therefore, there was no resistance at all, Xu Xian and they didn't even make a move, and after showing a little momentum, these people handed over the token themselves and surrendered.

Xu Xian and the others were no longer idle, and began to walk towards the street, preparing to clean up the other teams.

"Xiaofeng, find a vantage point to look at and show us the way. Xu Xian said.

Ye Xiaofeng's wings spread out behind his back, and his figure immediately rose to the sky, and soon he found a team closest to Xu Xian and the others, and rushed in that direction, followed by Xu Xian and the others.

I have to say that it is good to have wings, and flying is really a very practical ability.

After a while, a team appeared in front of Xu Xian and the others, a total of three people, three bad old men.

The person on the left, extremely short, estimated to be only 1.2 meters, is ugly, wearing ill-fitting clothes, and the long-sleeved sleeves are long and wide, covering his hands firmly.

[Huang Tao, do you say I don't look like a human? Cultivation, the pinnacle of the second order. The

person on the right is slightly chubby, with a stocky fat face, dressed very fashionably, wearing a Tang suit, with sunglasses, meticulous combing of his hair and beard, looking left and right with his hands behind his back, not like he is here to participate in the competition, but like he is here to travel.

[Luo Geng, although I don't have the surname Ye, I also want to fight ten, the spirit of the bloodline, Master Luo, two stars. Cultivation, the pinnacle of the second order. ] The

shape of the old man in the middle C position is the most eye-catching, dressed extremely greasy, with a few sparse white hairs on the top of his head, wearing a white vest, and a large circle of fat on his belly, big pants, flip-flops, while buttoning his nose, while walking.

[Guo Ziyun, I have never taken a bullet with my bare hands, nor have I seen a palm technique that fell from the sky, the spirit of blood, the evil god of fire clouds (low-profile version), four stars. Cultivation, the beginning of the third order. As

soon as these three appeared, Xu Xian and the others were stunned again, why are there so many strange combinations?

Now there's another bad old man combination.


you dare to have a normal opponent


"This, Brother Xu, what should I do?" Ye Xiaofeng lowered his body and asked Xu Xian a little at a loss.

"Fighting, what else can I do, I can't play mahjong with them. Xu Xian said angrily.

"This, it's not good to beat the old man? What if they touch porcelain later? Why don't we change our opponent?" Ye Xiaofeng asked with some hesitation.

"Xiaofeng, life is short, you might as well be bold, be bold to love, be bold to wave, be bold, beat the old man!" Xu Xian patted Ye Xiaofeng's shoulder and said earnestly.

"Okay, up, one third-order early stage, two second-order peaks, be careful. Xu Xian said.

When the words fell, the other side had already made a move, and the fashionably dressed old man Luo Geng rushed over, the speed, like a small whirlwind under his feet, Xu Xian was extremely suspicious, this was a sprint champion when he was young.

Old man Guo bent down, his hands on the ground, his body rose and fell rhythmically, and his cheeks gradually bulged.

"Quack!" With a lonely voice, Old Man Guo's figure ejected, spun and rushed directly towards Xu Xian.

Xu Xian's right arm instantly turned into a beast, and he blasted out with a punch.

"Be careful!" With an exclamation, the blue spirit beast turned into tentacles and threw it towards Liu Yiyi.

In front of Liu Yiyi, I don't know when the short old man was already standing.

The old man rubbed his hands, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and slowly spoke: "Little girl, do you say I look like a human or like an immortal?"

This is his natural skill, begging for seal, a very good skill

, if Liu Yiyi answers like an immortal, he will be cursed, and if he answers like a human, he will withstand his attack and hit one hundred percent.

Fortunately, a slippery big tentacle directly swept away the short old man, and Lan Ling took over the opponent.

The short old man's palm turned into a sharp claw and just wanted to cut off Lan Ling's tentacles, but Lan Ling had already sprayed a mouthful of black mist towards his face, and he suddenly felt dizzy, and there was no accident in the end.

Huo Yu's side was the fastest to end, and Master Luo rushed to end quickly.

I vaguely heard a "Ahhh

Xu Xian didn't have the energy to pay attention to that side, and after he blasted the old man Guo away with a punch, he launched a blast step, and his body rose to the sky, ready to let him see the palm technique that fell from the sky.

However, an arrow quickly pierced Old Man Guo's shoulder, and Ye Xiaofeng snatched the head.

Xu Xian's team fought against the bad old man's team, and won completely!

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