
With the sound of gunfire, the Qing army fell dozens of soldiers.

However, they still did not stop and continued to advance. Because, this distance is still not close enough for these archers.

After advancing for a few dozen meters, the Qing troops stopped, and then the archers began to bend their bows and shoot arrows.

A large rain of arrows fell on Wu Jun, bringing them a wave of killings.

"It's fucking cruel."

The commander of the Wu army scolded, but instead of scolding the Qing army for being cruel to him, he scolded the Qing army for being cruel to their own people.

When he saw that the sword and shield soldiers of the Qing army stopped charging and stood in front of the archers, he knew that these people were the human shield wall, the artillery fire used to send death.

It's pretty inhumane, but it works. At least, if Wu Jun wants to kill those archers who are a threat to him, he has to kill these sword and shield soldiers first.

Fortunately, the shields of these sword and shield soldiers are not large, and it seems that the protection is relatively average.

Of course, this is not because the Qing army did not have a heavy large shield. Although the heavy large iron shield can withstand bullets to a certain extent, it is really inconvenient to equip because of its weight.

At this time, the Wu army shot and killed the artillery fire of the Qing army, while the Qing army archers shot and killed the elite of the Wu army, and the Wu army suffered a great loss.

Wu Jun had no choice but to continue shooting.

The Qing army took advantage, but suffered from those cannon fodder.

After a few rounds of bullets, more than half of the three thousand cannon fodder standing in front had died. Among the remaining people, deserters have begun to appear.

Even if the commander promised to retreat after a cup of tea, some soldiers could not resist the pressure after seeing their companions keep falling.

When they lost their calm, where would they think about the supervising team, and they ran away.

However, without exception, they were all caught and beheaded to deter other soldiers.

"I think those people are dying. They have reached their limit. Let them withdraw. It would be better for some archers to die than to collapse completely."

A general of the Qing army suggested to Shangguan that he was afraid that the remaining swordsmen and shields would not be able to hold on and escape. If chaos is created, the losses will be greater.

"Let them withdraw from both sides, don't affect the soldiers behind."

The commander reluctantly said that the death rate of the sword and shield soldiers standing in front had exceeded 50%. This situation has not completely collapsed, which is already very good.

This is the product of special circumstances. Under normal circumstances, their ability to bear is definitely not so strong.

But that's all, if they are not allowed to retreat, the military order will soon become invalid.

Hearing the order to retreat, those sword and shield soldiers burst into tears. It was so hard, it was simply not a life for humans. Some soldiers, who had been scared away, were lazy to take their shields and retreated like dogs.

As the cannon fodder retreated, the archers were exposed to Wu Jun's guns. They don't even have a shield, and their protection is even worse.

The Wu army fired a salvo and immediately fell three or four hundred men.

At this speed of killing, the legs of some tall Qing soldiers in the back were trembling, and they could clearly see how many heads fell neatly in front of them.

After suffering a tragic blow, the archers in the first few rows began to shake their wits, and fired directly without pulling the bowstring fully. This kind of archery is faster, can finish the arrow in the hand faster, complete the task and then retreat.

This is naturally beneficial for them individually. But for the Qing army as a whole, their approach is undoubtedly harmful.

The arrows shot without the bowstring fully drawn are simply not strong enough, and whether they can hit the Wu army's formation is a problem. Even if it is shot, the lethality will be seriously insufficient due to the problem of strength.

Soon, the archers completed their task and began to retreat from the sides.

And Wu Jun also replaced the regiments standing in front and let them rest.

It’s impossible to take a rest without rest. First, they were shelled and then shot by arrows. Their loss rate was as high as nearly 20%.

If these regiments are always put in the front, they will be unbalanced and have opinions. A decisive battle cannot be decided in a short period of time, so it is necessary to replace them and let other troops take turns.

If this rotation system is not adopted, the soldiers in the front have been fighting for a long time, and they will all die 100%. Under such circumstances, who would dare to rush ahead?

At the same time, on the left wing, the Wu army's arquebus troop and the Qing army's arquebus troop have been torn and killed together.

The pace of their advance is similar to that of the Chinese army, but their fighting style is very different from that of the Chinese army.

Because of the slow rate of fire, the two arquebus troops actually have only one chance to shoot each other, unless both sides do not advance, but they are far apart from each other.

The Qing army may be happy to accept this situation, because they are so many that they can fight for consumption.

However, Wu Jun's generals were not so stupid.

They all knew that the essence of the decisive battle of the arquebus force was the charge after a round of salvos at an ultra-close range.

The closer the distance, the more dominant the party who can hold on and shoot.

Naturally, the Qing army did not understand this logic, or perhaps understood, but the quality of its soldiers could not do it. When the distance between the two sides was only more than 20 meters, the Qing army took the lead in firing.

Wu Jun immediately collapsed a row of people, three or four hundred people, accounting for one-tenth of the first wave of soldiers.

At first glance, Wu Jun suffered a big loss, and none of the Qing troops died.

But in fact, the Qing army at this time has fallen into an extremely embarrassing situation.

Reload, too late.

Running away will affect the overall situation.

Rush up, Wu Jun still has bullets in his gun.

After the commander of the Qing army discovered this, he finally came to his senses and understood why the Wu army did not shoot.

At this point, he had no choice but to order to rush over and start a hand-to-hand battle.

After they started to charge, Wu Jun immediately stopped and raised his gun.

When they were less than ten meters away, they launched this salvo.

Immediately, the Qing army fell even more, at least five or six hundred.

Of course, this is not the most critical issue. The most critical issue is that when Wu Jun has fallen so many people, Wu Jun can have time to adjust and let the people in the back row make up for it.

And now, the Qing army has fallen so many people in the process of charging, and the courage has suddenly weakened a bit, but the process of charging has no way to change.

This caused a consequence. After the bayonet attack on both sides, the morale of the Qing army dropped sharply, while the morale of the Wu army was extremely high.

This is also a loss because it was a decisive battle, and the Qing army did not dare to escape casually.

If only the two of them were alone in this situation, the Qing army would have already collapsed and started to flee.

And now, because of the deterrence of the rear supervising team, the Qing army is still resisting.

The bayonets on both sides stabbed indiscriminately, and the psychological pressure brought to the soldiers by the scene was far greater than the previous confrontation.

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