The arrows flew in unison, and the Wu army quickly retreated. In the panic, they lost dozens of people.

Of course, what frustrated Li Lianfan the most was the failure of the plan.

If he can plan to successfully capture the city gate, then he will be a great achievement. And now, he is not at fault, but don't think about the credit.

For a future who wants to climb up, taking his credit is just as uncomfortable as killing his parents.

Depressed and depressed, Li Lianfan was convinced that Hal had no choice for the time being. He could only retreat with the troops for a thousand meters, and then wait for the large troops to arrive.

Relying on their people and those backward weapons, it is a joke to want to siege the city.

"I'll die, I was seen by the enemy and failed to capture the city gate."

Li Lianfan kneeled halfway.

"Forget it, it's not a big deal to attack without cheating."

Although Liu Hansan has some regrets, the battle is like this, and it will always be full of surprises. Li Lianfan's failure was not a crime of war.

Because it was getting late, Liu Hansan ordered to set up a camp and prepare for the attack the next day.

In Nanchang City, Zhun Ha'er saw through Li Lianfan's scheme to deceive the city gate, but he was not happy either.

Seeing through the enemy's strategy, only avoided the loss of one's own side, but did not take much advantage, and the situation of defending the city did not improve because of this.

He was under great pressure because he had only fifteen thousand troops on his hands.

Among them, there are only more than 4,000 Eight Banner soldiers who can be trusted by him, and the rest are the green camps of the Han army.

As for Liu Hansan, there are 30,000 people, dozens of cannons, and various advanced weapons.

"You all said, what should we do this time?"

It was late at night, but Zhunhal did not sleep, but gathered a few confidants to discuss countermeasures.

"As of now, the only way to win is to use extraordinary weapons and tricks. Honestly defending the city, although it can cause some losses to the opponent, the result is that we will lose without a doubt."

One of the ginseng leaders under Zhun Hal said.

What he said is not wrong. In the case of insufficient strength, only by relying on miracles can there be hope of winning.

However, the reason why a conspiracy can be called a conspiracy is naturally a conspiracy that ordinary people cannot think of.

If he could think of a conspiracy even a small staff officer could think of, it would not be called a conspiracy, at best it could only be called a strategy.

The strategy he thought of was a night attack, taking advantage of the Wu army's long-distance raid and fatigue, and led the army to attack at night.

As long as it is successful, it may be able to kill the enemy army, or destroy the materials of the Wu army.

"Night attack is impossible, it's too difficult. Besides, as long as the opponent is not an idiot, it is impossible not to be prepared for night attack."

Zhun Haer rejected this suggestion, the success rate is too low, and it is not surprising, too ordinary. When marching to fight, there is not a general who cannot guard against night attacks.

"Perhaps, we can gather the cavalry, leave the city at night, and ambush on Meishan. When the enemy attacks the city tomorrow, the cavalry will attack the enemy's artillery and generals.

As long as their commander is killed, the enemy will withdraw. "

Another sergeant said, and his words made Zhunhal's eyes bright.

This strategy is a bit strange, at least he didn't think of it.

And, if you think about it carefully, there is a certain degree of success.

When Wu Jun attacked the city, the coach must be standing behind to observe, and it must be very close to Meishan. Because its city gate is not far from Meishan, the place left for Wu Jun is so large.

When their cavalry came out of the woods, they could reach the Wu army with just one charge, which would have the effect of a surprise attack.

As long as they act fast enough, they can kill the senior generals of Wu Jun before Wu Jun can react.

"This plan is feasible, Nalanda, this task is left to you, be sure to kill the enemy's coach. The outcome of this battle depends on you, don't let me down."

Zhun Hal agreed to this strategy, in fact, he couldn't think of any other way besides this strategy.

And, even if this tactic succeeds, they are only temporarily safe.

After killing a coach of Wu Jun, Wu Jun can continue to send new coaches over. Unless, they are able to kill the 30,000 troops outside the city, but this is obviously impossible.

What Zhunhal thought about now was to repel the Wu army, and then take his personal soldiers to retreat by boat while the Wu army was preparing for the offensive again.

This Nanchang has fallen into a situation surrounded by all sides, and there is no way to defend it, and fleeing back to the north is the right way.

The strategy was settled, and then the Qing army began to act.

They made up a total of 2,000 cavalry, all Manchus.

At this time, Zhun Haer can't be trusted by the Han people. If the news is leaked, the surprise attack will be meaningless.

Taking advantage of the darkness, this team of cavalry went out of the city gate, and then quietly came to Meishan in the northwest.

This Meishan is very close to the city wall of Nanchang and is a natural barrier for Nanchang. At this time, it is their excellent cover.

The next day, Wu Jun started cooking in a pot early in the morning and began preparations before the siege.

After all, there are still more than 10,000 Qing troops in the city. If the Qing troops are to resist to the end, they will encounter a lot of trouble in attacking the city.

There is no problem in capturing the city, but Liu Hansan does not want too many casualties.

After all, after conquering Nanchang, he still needs to divide his troops to capture the surrounding county towns and to attack the surrounding counties.

Fuzhou and other places.

In order to reduce losses, Liu Han ordered people to build several building cars, and also prepared troops to bomb the city wall, and made full preparations.

After breakfast, Wu Jun's artillery took the lead in launching the attack, first giving the Qing army a little psychological pressure.

For some motley armies, the cannon is quite a deterrent. Only experienced veterans can keep their composure during the shelling, because the artillery that looks like a big gun is actually a very low hit rate.

However, this time, the experience of the Qing army veterans was wrong. Although the hit rate of Wu Jun's howitzers was not very high, the killing range was large.

You don't need to hit people at all, you just need to be within the killing range of the bomb, and it's no longer safe.

The army of Zhunhal had never fought against the Wu army before, so he didn't know much about it. So there is not much defensive deployment against howitzers.

After only two rounds of artillery shelling, Zhunhal discovered something was wrong. The number of soldiers killed and wounded on the city wall dared to be as high as more than 100.

This lethality is really terrifying. If there is no way, Wu Jun doesn't need to send ants to attack the city, and he can blast them to collapse with a cannon.

"Remove one person and hide first."

Zhunhal had seen descriptions of howitzers in previous battle reports, but it was hard to imagine what was on paper. But now that he has seen it with his own eyes, he has a clear understanding of the so-called howitzer.

Terrifying, really terrifying, much more powerful than solid bullets.

So, he hurriedly ordered the soldiers to withdraw from the city wall first, and continuing to stay on it was equivalent to dying.

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