I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 232 Set fire to massacre the city

"Haven't you taken the city wall back yet?"

Lucid asked anxiously, but none of his subordinates dared to answer.

It's not that easy to retake the city walls.

The longer it drags on, the worse it is for them.

Lucid wanted to hide the news of the fall of the city wall, but in such a chaotic battlefield, how could he hide it.

It didn't take long for the other soldiers on the city wall to know that a section of the city wall was lost, and a large number of Ming troops poured into the city.

This news hit everyone's heart like a bolt from the blue.

The reason why they didn't collapse before was because of this city wall, which could give them some sense of security.

But now that the city walls have fallen, the last line of defense has collapsed, and the soldiers have fallen into panic beyond control.

At this time, Wu Jun also started a new round of offensive.

The Qing army, which was already on the verge of collapse, lost its fighting spirit in an instant. Everyone is thinking of running away to save their lives, not fighting the enemy bravely.

Wu Jun took the opportunity to attack the city and started a full-scale attack.

"General, hurry up, you can't stop it."

The defeat is like a mountain, even if they have at least 60,000 troops in the city at the moment, but it is useless. Once the army is defeated, these soldiers are like a group of scattered sand, unable to organize a resistance.

Let alone a counter-offensive right now, it is difficult to organize the orderly escape of those defeated troops. When people are in a panic, it is difficult to stay sane.

In this era, there were neither telephones nor telegraphs, and it was very difficult to communicate with each other. After being in chaos, it was very difficult to convey orders to the troops below.

"Alas, after losing so many troops at one time, what face do I have to run away."

Lucid sighed, even if he fled back to the north, he couldn't bear the blame for this defeat. It is considered light to cut the rank and go to official position.

In this battle, he lost a full 110,000 troops before and after, which was one-seventh of the total strength of the Qing army.

It was another bruising battle. The previous defeat of Boluo, the Qing army has not yet recovered, but now he has another big defeat, which is simply worse.

"General, stay with the green hills, and don't be afraid of running out of firewood. If you don't withdraw, it will be too late."

His subordinates quickly reminded.

That is to say, he doesn't want to die yet, or else there would be no ship ready to escape.

"The messenger obeyed the order, and ordered Gong Adai to gather the remnants as much as possible, withdraw to Nanchang, and stay in Nanchang to contain the enemy. Order Azali, gather the remnants and set fire to the city, resist to the end, and buy time for Gong Adai. Tell them both, I Treat their families well."

Before leaving, Luck Dehun also made some arrangements.

He didn't want to go to the dead place of Nanchang, so he told Gong Adai to go. As long as some soldiers can be withdrawn, it can more or less play a role in containing the Wu army.

At the same time, he also frantically ordered Azali to set fire to the city to create chaos, and also to retaliate against Wu Jun.

Anyway, Jiujiang was already in Wu Jun's pocket, and Lu Kedehun wanted to disgust Wu Jun in this way. If you can't get it yourself, neither can anyone else.

This was probably his last struggle.

Apart from disgusting Wu Jun, he couldn't do anything else.

After arranging the funeral, Luck Dehun led some personal soldiers and some important generals to board the boat that was being prepared.

Although Wu Yi's navy blocked the Yangtze River, the main blockade was the large fleet. There were too many boats out for fishing, so it was impossible for Wu Jun to search them one by one, and there were not so many troops.

Luckedhun and others took advantage of this to try to escape in troubled waters.

In Jiujiang City, Gong Adai and Azali both received orders.

When Gong Adai received the order, he kicked a helmet and he knew that he had been abandoned. Lu Ke Dehun asked him to lead his troops to Nanchang, obviously because he wanted him to die.

After arriving in Nanchang, there is really no way to escape. There are enemies on all sides, and all of them are mortal enemies.

Moreover, it is still a question whether they can be evacuated to Nanchang alive.

Although he knew it was a dead end, Gong Adai did not dare to go against it.

Lechdhun had already said that he would treat his family favorably, meaning that if he did not follow his orders, his family would become slaves, and his wife and daughter would become prostitutes.

Also, he didn't really have a choice. Even if he disobeyed the order and fled back to the north, he would not be able to bear a punishment for disobeying the military order.

Therefore, Gong Adai could only grit his teeth and execute the order.

He began to gather those still organized and controllable troops, and then began to retreat from the west.

Now the Wu army has only broken through the city wall in the east, and the city wall in the west is still in their hands.

Just as depressed as Gong Adai is Azali. He received an order to break the back, which was worse than Gong Adai, which meant that he had to retreat in the end.

The danger in this is too high, there is almost no possibility of retreat, and leaving behind is equivalent to waiting for death.

However, he was also faced with the same predicament as Gong Adai and did not dare to disobey the order.

Unless he is selfish enough, he doesn't care about his family and only cares about his own life and death, glory and wealth. In that case, he could surrender to Wu Jun.

Given his position in the Qing army, his surrender to the Wu army would be very welcome, and it was another example that could be used for propaganda.


After all, Azali couldn't let go of his family.

As a result, Azali began to order fires in the city, and at the same time began to massacre the city, launching a frantic revenge.

With this order, the people of the city suffered.

Faced with vicious and maddened Manchu soldiers, these people had little resistance. I can't even find a decent kitchen knife at home, how can I resist?

Some Manchu soldiers were unwilling to fail, and at this time they could only vent their resentment of failure to the common people.

Men and children were killed directly, and some soldiers would even release animal desires in their busy schedules when they encountered women.

In addition to killing people, these people also set fires everywhere in the city, creating chaos and causing trouble for Wu Jun.

The houses of this era were mostly wooden houses that were easy to set on fire.

For a time, the city was full of fire, and the people like headless flies were running around everywhere, and the city was completely in chaos.

Experienced soldiers knew as soon as they saw the fire in the city that the Qing army had been defeated. Only when you are defeated and want to escape, will you deliberately create chaos like this.

As a result, the remaining Qing soldiers who were still resisting began to flee and surrender while taking advantage of the chaos.

Even if the coach has run away, it is even more impossible for these soldiers to continue to resist, it is not worth it.

Only Azali's troops were still forced to resist because of Azali's presence at this time.

However, this resistance is also temporary, and the mood of the army soldiers has become more and more unstable, and there is a risk of collapse at any time.

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