I! Become King Starting At Hogwarts!

187 The Malfoy Family’S Statement (Please Subscribe)

Regarding the success of Chen Fan and Hermione's potion, everyone present looked surprised.

No one even thinks about the conflict just now!

If there was anything that was most difficult for them during this period, it must be brewing the potion.

It was easy to brew a potion at first, but the subsequent experiments became difficult.

It required them to conduct a lot of repeated experiments, but they soon discovered that boiling the potion was only the beginning.

Next, how to add various flavors and maintain the taste while maintaining the same effect of the medicine is simply too difficult!

They finally know why no one has studied it yet!

Mainly taste and function, both of which have the effect of having your cake and eat it too.

If the taste is maintained, the efficacy of the medicine will definitely be greatly reduced.

But if the effect of the medicine is maintained, the taste will become very strange. According to Harry's opinion, the taste is worse than adding nothing~!

Originally, it tasted bitter and I could barely tolerate it, but the bitter-sweet taste was simply too unpleasant!

The key is that this thing has great stamina after drinking it!

After drinking it, you will feel that no part of your body feels comfortable!

The weird taste lingers in your mouth, making people shiver just thinking about it!


This is also the reason why Harry and Ronald persuaded Hermione just now!

But I didn’t expect that it would actually be invented?

"Dude!" Harry perked up: "How did you do that?"

Chen Fan briefly explained what they did. After that, he reminded them again: "You'd better apologize as soon as possible."

"If it's late, don't blame me for not warning you...the consequences will be serious!"

Chen Fan's words made sense. After Harry and Ronald hurriedly said goodbye to them, they returned to the Gryffindor tower and planned to apologize to Hermione.

Chen Fan was relieved and planned to go back. He was really tired after a busy day.

First, in the morning, he had to discuss future interests with a group of nobles, how to deal with Voldemort, etc.

We also need to tell them how to arrange their arrangements after Lao Fu completely disappears.

After all, these nobles are more or less related to Lao Fu Neng, and are also related to the name Death Eater.

They were also afraid that after Lao Fu's complete failure, what if those magic people were to be liquidated in the future?

Who knows if it will affect them?

No matter what, people still think about themselves.

Of course, this is definitely true.

Therefore, Chen Fan not only discussed the details with them in the morning, but also promised them that he would keep them.

Then I came back and did experiments. After that, I went out with Hermione and met Will again.

Anyway, he was really busy and tired this day.

All he wanted now was some sleep.

After all, he is not made of iron.

Who knows, when he was about to leave, Draco stopped him.

"Chen Fan, I have something to tell you."

Chen Fan looked at Draco's serious look, sighed helplessly, and then sat on the sofa.

"What do you want to say?"

Draco sighed in a rare mature manner: "I want to talk about the next issue of belonging to the Malfoy family and which side we should stand on!"

"I know that some nobles have followed you now... So, I want to know if the Malfoy family can have this honor?"

Although he already knew what Draco was thinking, Chen Fan still blinked and confirmed again: "You mean, the Malfoy family plans to..."

Draco nodded: "Yes, the Malfoy family intends to stand on the same line as you!"

"Actually, the identity of the mysterious man is no longer a secret, right?"

"We all know he lied to all of us!"

"Okay... maybe we can't decide whether he is a pure-blood or not, but he lied to us. This is too much!"

"You know, what Slytherin cares about most is lies and deception!"

"He has lied for so many years, which made my father very angry and of course very hesitant!"

"Although he is a liar...it is undeniable that his ability is indeed very strong."

"In that era, no one could beat him... My father said maybe Grindelwald could, but Grindelwald was already locked up at that time and there was no way he could come out.

……Please give me flowers…………

"As for Dumbledore... although he was thinking of ways to deal with Voldemort, it was obvious that it was not an easy task."

"Actually, they fought many times, but... well... they were just the same. Although it doesn't sound good, it was true at the time."

Draco paused.

Then he continued: "Actually, the mysterious man was unable to hurt Dumbledore at that time."

"But Dumbledore wouldn't hurt the mysterious man, so the situation would become a stalemate."

But this was only the beginning. Later, Lao Fu was stupid and said he wanted to pursue immortality, and then made a Horcrux, which greatly reduced his own strength.

If you meet Harry again, wouldn't it be like this?

It’s so pretentious!

Therefore, no one knows whether Lao Fu will come back. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to say which team the Malfoy family will be more suitable for!

In the past few weeks, Draco has gone back frequently on weekends. In fact, it is not the result of Lucius's doting [but that they are actually exploring the next direction of the Malfoy family.

After all, this is so important to them!

It's a matter of taking sides. If you take the wrong side, you will be doomed!

If it's those small families, if they don't take sides, they won't take sides, it doesn't matter.

But the Malfoy family is considered a representative, and they must take sides!

Draco and Lucius had been discussing these matters over the past few weeks.

According to Draco's idea, since the mysterious man is so unreliable, he cheats and lies, and he also got himself killed, plus he has a violent personality.

I especially like to use "Heart-breaking" on my subordinates!

How can such a person deserve to be their master?

Why is it worth following them?

But if they followed Chen Fan, they would be much happier!

At least they can live a peaceful life!

Moreover, Chen Fan has a high business talent. He saw Chen Fan's ambition and ability from the process of inventing potions.

In short, if you follow Chen Fan, you can make a lot of money, make a fortune, and live a peaceful life, which is countless times better than following Lao Fu!

Why not make the smartest choice little?.

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