I! Become King Starting At Hogwarts!

179 Sadly Ronald, He Really Doesn’T Want To Take Medicine! (Please Subscribe)

These words were not guessed by Chen Fan, but based on the situation.

Everything he said was correct.

Neil, who was already feeling guilty, had nothing to say now.

Originally he wanted to refute.

But Chen Fan was right.

These situations are what happened to him during this time.

Therefore, even if you want to deny him, you can't deny it.

When Neil was angry just now, he was acting on impulse.

But now that he calmed down, he realized how stupid his previous behavior was!

"Then." Chen Fan said: "Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Dumbledore, I suggest you check his problem."

"It is impossible for a person's ability to suddenly become stronger, especially black magic. Only people with high magic power can use it!"

"But obviously, Neil does not belong to this category of people, so I think it may be related to him going to Knockturn Alley. How about you check what's wrong with him?"

Professor Dumbledore, who was always kind, nodded seriously at Chen Fan and sighed tiredly.

He was so depressed that he didn't even want to eat the honey candies he always loved.

Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall all stretched out their wands and threw countless lights and shadows on Neil's body.

Immediately afterwards, many strange colors appeared on Neil's body!

Finally, those lights disappeared.

Only a dark light remains!

This time Dumbledore's face became even more ugly!

When he was about to say something, Neil, who was looking pale and ugly, suddenly slipped and fainted!

Finally, Dumbledore asked Chen Fan and Hermione to go back first.

For their resourcefulness, one hundred and fifty points were awarded to Gryffindor and Slytherin each.

Then Snape and Professor McGonagall hurriedly took the unconscious Neil away, which meant they were going to visit St. Mungo's!

Later, Chen Fan's five-person team appeared in the medical wing.

Neville and Seamus took Ronald to the hospital wing and scared him away.

Because it is said that Madam Pomfrey looked at Neville with a frown and said that she felt that the child needed some medicine.

After Neville heard this, and after making sure that Ronald was fine, that he could eat, drink, and jump around, he ran away like no other!

Not even a trace was left!

Seamus also followed Neville back.

Harry came back after a while, presumably because Snape didn't have time to deal with him.

So just like that, the five-person group gathered again and completed.

This time it was Ronald's turn to look at the bottles of unknown liquid in front of him with a melancholy expression and worry.

Ronald was fine, he was just scared.

So after Madam Pomfrey checked, Ronald woke up not long after.

But Madam Pomfrey still gave him a lot of medicine.

These medicines have no side effects and are good for your body. They are excellent medicines for strengthening your body!

But Madam Pomfrey’s product has one characteristic—it tastes bad!

It tastes terrible!

The bitter taste reminded Ronald of the time he secretly drank Mrs. Weasley's perfume as a drink when he was one year old!

Although I don't know why he mixed the perfume with the drink.

But none of this obviously matters.

The important thing is that he takes medicine!

Madam Pomfrey likes Chen Fan very much.

The main reason is that Chen Fan sometimes comes over to help, such as preparing the simplest potions and so on, which has a certain effect in reducing Madam Pomfrey's burden.

Moreover, Chen Fan is polite, handsome and very popular!

So I specially allowed several of their friends to come in to see Ronald.

Of course, the premise is that everyone must be quiet and not disturb other patients' rest.

Therefore, Ronald is even more sad!

The little platinum nobleman, who had to take medicine because he was ill before, was looking at Ronald with a look of dismay and supervising him to take medicine.

Ronald suspected that he was just trying to get revenge on himself for insisting on making him drink medicine last time!

If he didn't drink this stuff himself, he wouldn't know how bitter this bowl of medicine is!

"Weasley, are you afraid of taking medicine?" The little platinum noble raised his eyebrows.

Ronald thought, he would have used provocation to get Draco to drink medicine before!

How could he be fooled by this?

Ronald made up his mind, no matter what Draco said, he just pretended that he couldn't hear it!

But the problem has not been solved.

Because after returning from a long trip, En has not taken medicine yet.

Madam Pomfrey, who has a strong sense of responsibility, couldn't help but frown: "Weasley, why haven't you taken the medicine yet?"

Ronald hesitantly explained that he was not sick and did not need any medicine.

And I won’t even look at Draco’s smiling eyes even to death!

This guy must be laughing at him!

But even if Draco laughed at him, he didn't want to drink it!

"Ronald. Weasley!" Madam Pomfrey said seriously: "Although there is nothing wrong with you, judging from the fact that you fainted, your physical fitness still needs to be improved.

"Therefore, you must drink these bottles of medicine!"

"Besides, it's for your own good to let you take medicine...Don't you want to be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible?"

Ronald made up his mind to get these people out of the hospital as soon as possible, and drank the medicine in a sigh.

After seeing Ronald finish drinking the potion, Madam Pomfrey left with satisfaction.

After Ronald saw Madam Pomfrey gone, he took a deep breath.

He stretched out his hand with a ferocious face: "Candy! Which of you brought candy?"

Merlin's beard!

This 547 thing is really hard!

In fact, the potion didn't taste good in the first place.

Not to mention that Madam Pomfrey deliberately brewed such a terrible potion!

According to her, it's because if the potion is bad enough, the students will work harder to protect themselves because they don't want to come to the medical wing!

So much so that for a long time, the Hospital Wing was the second place other than the Potions Master's office that students didn't want to set foot in!

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched a few times and he took out a few candies from his pocket. This was the last time he went to see Dumbledore.

Pudding took the candy from Dumbledore and gave it to Chen Fan.

It is said that they are all the latest models from Honeydukes!

Lao Deng can't eat too much sugar now, and it will end up being cheap pudding.

But the old principal bought too much candy and couldn't finish the pudding, so he simply gave a lot to Chen Fan.

But Chen Fan doesn't like eating sweets very much.

It’s not that I hate it, I just eat a little occasionally, not often.

Ronald couldn't wait to take the candy from Chen Fan's hand, threw it into his mouth, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief!

"It's so delicious...Hey, by the way, how is Neil's situation?"

After Ronald asked, Draco and Harry also looked at Chen Fan and Hermione!

Obviously, they also want to know what happened!.

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