I! Become King Starting At Hogwarts!

173 Dare To Cheat In Front Of Him? How Bold! (Please Subscribe)

When brewing potions.

Professor Snape was still circling down there as usual.

In fact, it is also to prevent some students from accidentally adding the wrong things.

He would remedy it if he could, but if it really didn't work, he would have to "clean it up" in time to prevent them from blowing up the crucible.

But it was obvious that the brewing of the potion went quite smoothly this time.

Even Ronald and Neville are improving.

Of course, it is the Weasley children who have made the most progress, which is really unexpected!

Snape's mood improved significantly.

Usually when Snape walked over to Ronald, Ronald would be very nervous.

When he gets nervous he will add the wrong things.

But today, Ronald was concentrating on dealing with the "517" crucible in front of him, so he didn't notice when Snape arrived behind him.

An hour later, Ronald finished making his potion.

No one helped me, I didn't blow up the crucible, and I rarely had any problems when making the potion.

When he handed the potion to Snape, Snape glanced at Ronald in surprise.

It seems that he is trying to identify whether this person is really Ronald?

The next moment, he focused his eyes on the medicine picture.

Of course, the production of that bottle of potion is definitely not as good as Chen Fan's, but compared to Ronald's previous level, the improvement is simply huge!

Half a day later, Snape's calm voice sounded: "Great progress, Weasley, good."

Does it mean to give him a good one?

Ronald was very excited.

After all, his previous score in Potions was a passing grade!

As for failing, that is a common occurrence!

It seems that his hard work during these days has really paid off!

"Chen Fan! Thank you so much for helping me during these days!"

"I should definitely win this time!"

Although "good" is not a very good result, for Ronald, who usually wanders between "pass" and "fail", this should be considered a great improvement!

As for Neil, among his daily results, the best is just a "pass".

This is why he and Ronald are evenly matched.

It just doesn't explode the crucible, so it's really not that good.

So Ronald has even planned how he will spend his winnings after he gets them from the Weasley twins!

First of all, I must treat Chen Fan and the others to a meal. After all, without Chen Fan, he would not be what he is now.

Next, he was going to Honeydukes to buy more candies that he could only swallow while looking at them but didn't have enough Galleons to buy them.

And those new products...

Thinking of this, Ronald swallowed hard!

There was an excited look on his face.

Potions class is actually very strict, but it is also quite easy for students with good academic performance.

The classroom rule set by Snape is that you can leave as soon as you are done.


In fact, only Chen Fan, Draco and Hermione can do this.

It would be great if the others can finish it before get out of class ends and hand it in smoothly!

Obviously, this time Ronald also joined the people who finished in advance.

After finishing, he didn't leave in a hurry, but waited for Neil over there.

Draco stretched his head and glanced at Neil's cauldron over there, sneered and said to Ronald: "Hey, Ronald, you will definitely win!"

"The color of that guy's crucible is now black and purple... I suspect he added too much of a certain material."

"The best you can do is avoid blowing up the crucible and get a passing grade."

Ronald nodded and said: "Guys, when I get the gold galleons this time, I will definitely treat you."

"What are you waiting for?" Before Ronald could finish speaking, a voice interrupted him.

Neil held a bottle of medicine in his hand and was staring at Ronald with his head raised arrogantly.

According to Chen Fan's analysis, this guy probably wants to learn Draco's usual expression.

But Draco had been raised since he was a child, and he did it naturally.


Neil seemed a little too deliberate.

On the contrary, it seemed weird.

So when they saw him like this, no one could hold back, and Ronald even laughed out loud...

After enduring it for a long time, he could speak normally: "If it's okay, just hand over the medicine first and then we'll talk about it. You can take it and show it to the professor before you draw any conclusions!"

Neil showed the pill bottle in his hand.

The lavender liquid was quickly placed inside.

The best quality of this medicine is the lavender color.

The slightly worse one is purple, and the worse one is slightly darker purple.

Anyway, the worse the finished product, the darker the color.

The better the finished product, the closer the color will be to lavender.

But so far, except for Chen Fan, no one among the students can achieve the lavender standard!

Even Draco only made it close to lavender, but that was already pretty good.

Therefore, there is definitely something wrong with Neil’s bottle of potion!

"Weasley, are you paying attention? This is the highest quality potion!"

"How can you be better than me!" Neil shook the potion in his hand and raised his chin proudly!

"Lavender?" Chen Fan frowned and said, "I remember the color in your pot was dark just now?"

And it was a color that Neil had been working on for more than an hour and was almost finalized. There was no way it would change again!

Neil snorted and said dissatisfied: "What? Do you not want to admit that you won?"

"This is lavender!"

"Wei 0.0 Sly, I think your color just now is just a little bit better than dark purple, right?"

"I told you, you can't compare to me!"

"Yes, some people dare not admit they have lost! It's really embarrassing!"

"Just wait!"

After Neil finished speaking, he strode proudly to Snape to hand over the potion.

There was a lot of commotion on their side, so some students who were about to finish their timetables or mid-term exams but also wanted to know who would win this game so they didn't leave were all watching them.

Everyone is also eager to know who will win!

As for Chen Fan, the moment Neil left, his face became extremely ugly: "There is definitely something wrong with this guy!"

"He is cheating!".

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