I! Become King Starting At Hogwarts!

123 Nagini Innocent? This Must Be An Illusion! (Please Subscribe)


Between Ronald and Ginny's expression of disgust, Hermione's expression of disapproval and Draco's imperceptible trembling.

The six people returned to the castle with a still sleeping Nagini.

no way.

To Harry, the snake seemed innocent enough.

And he seems to be injured and not busy anymore.

And he can chat with it.

It's not very authentic to just put it in the Screaming Shack.

Chen Fan, who noticed the change in Nagini, couldn't help but change his previous thoughts.

He didn't know why, but he felt weird about Nagini.

It seemed like there was no Horcrux on him.

And now he looks very weak, not like he can cause harm to everyone.

Plus it seems to have formed a kind of...attachment to Harry and Chen Fan.

Chen Fan doesn’t know the specific reason.

In the end, he analyzed half of the "230" day and came to the conclusion that probably the first thing Nagini saw after losing his memory was... Harry?

Anyway, judging from the current situation.

Chen Fan had to agree with Harry to take Nagini with him.

No matter what, since I have seen Nagini, I originally wanted to take him back for study.

But no matter how much I study, I have to wait until the next morning.


The question of Nagini's ownership became a big one tonight.

Without thinking, Harry suggested bringing Nagini back to him.

But Ronald immediately screamed in protest: "No way!"

"Harry, are you crazy?"

"What do you think...put such a long snake in our dormitory?"

"No, no! Seamus will freak out!"

In fact, in Chen Fan and Harry's opinion, it seemed more reliable that Ronald would be frightened.

But due to Ronald's desperate opposition, Nagini's ownership became an issue again.

In fact, it was not impossible for Chen Fan to take Nagini back, but Draco on the side did not want a snake to enter the Slytherin lounge.

Although the representative of Slytherin is a snake, this does not mean that the little platinum noble will not be afraid when seeing a live snake.

Merlin's beard...When Draco saw Nagini, Draco felt like all his pores were rising!

Once he thought about that thing entering the Slytherin common room, he wouldn't be able to rest for the whole night!

Chen Fan's mouth twitched a few times when he saw this, and told the little platinum noble that Nagini went to his dormitory, not Draco.

And there is a certain distance between the two bedrooms.

And it's very safe with the door closed.

But considering Draco's life and death situation was unacceptable, this method could only be rejected.

"Then..." Chen Fan thought for a long time with tangled eyes, and finally thought of a reliable method that would satisfy everyone.

"How about the Room of Requirement?"

Putting Nagini in the Room of Requirement seemed like a good idea.

Won't disturb anyone, safe and reliable.

Draco was in Slytherin as long as Nagini wasn't around.

Harry agreed after hesitating for a while.

Ronald nodded like a fool and looked at Chen Fan as if he had seen a savior!

Chen Fan saw several black lines sliding down his forehead.

After determining the goal, the six people moved quickly, and then Harry and Chen Fan brought Nagini into the response room.

Among the remaining people, Ronald first accompanied Ginny to rest in Gryffindor's tower.

What the little girl experienced this night was even more exciting than the first half of her studies.

I guess I won't be able to accept it for a while.

I still need the comfort of being an older brother.

Needless to say, Ronald felt like he had grown up all of a sudden and was now able to comfort others.

Hermione and Draco acted as showmen.

But in fact, it doesn't matter whether he lets it go or not. After all, at this point, not to mention Filch, even the professor on night watch should be sleeping.

So the final result was safe, smooth, and ended perfectly.

After saying goodbye to Harry and Hermione, Chen Fan and Draco returned to Slytherin.

Harry Hermione replied to the Gryffindor.

It's just that they were so busy that the shortcomings became apparent the next day.

Yes, they all got up late without exception.

Including the little platinum noble who always pays great attention to his etiquette also got up late.

So that means they are late again.

Unfortunately, this time it's Potions class again.

So Ronald cried in despair on the way.

And Ginny, who was never late, was also nervous.

But she was in the first year, not in the same class as them, and Ginny's professor in this class was Professor Flitwick, who was notoriously lax.

I believe that as long as the little girl apologizes sincerely, the matter will definitely be resolved!

Ginny nodded to them and left in a hurry.

And the remaining five of them, you look at me, I look at you.

Chen Fan coughed a few times and said, "How about... let's go see Professor Dumbledore first?"

"Tell him about Nagini?"

Ronald nodded quickly, with expectation in his eyes!

Very good!

In his eyes, Chen Fan is no less than a good man who saves the world!

Ronald thought happily, if this is the case, with Professor Dumbledore, Snape wouldn't even think about punishing him!

However, Ronald's idea was soon shattered...

Hermione said seriously: "Well, I think Harry and Chen Fan can just go with Nagini."

"There's no need for me, Ronald, and Draco to go."

After all, Chen Fan is powerful and can speak snake language just like Harry.

Besides, Nagini's attitude of dependence on Harry made it perfect for Harry and Chen Fan to go.

And Hermione believed that there were things that Dumbledore didn't want his students to know too much about.

It's probably a waste of time for them to go, so they might as well get back to class quickly.

Because they got up late, they are already late.

Then don't make more mistakes.

Go quickly, it's still too late.

But Ronald doesn’t want to go!

When he thought of facing the Potion Master's "venomous tongue", he felt that he would rather face the "venomous snake" Nagini!

So, for the rest of the way, Ronald begged Hermione as best he could.

But Hermione seriously rejected Ronald's request!


Before Ronald could finish his words, he was interrupted by a cough.

"Ahem...Children, may I know why you didn't go to class?"

Dumbledore blinked 0.4 and looked at them kindly.

Chen Fan felt that Dumbledore must have known that they had no classes and was waiting for them here.

But obviously now is not the time to think about that.

So Chen Fan started talking about what they were facing.

There is obviously no way to tell everything in this place.

Therefore, Chen Fan had to explain it in general.

It took about two minutes to complete.

Dumbledore's smiling expression had turned serious.

"So that's it... Kids, I have to say, you are great."

"But Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, and Mr. Malfoy, I think you should go to class first.

"If you don't go, Xifo will have to sue me!"

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he said to Chen Fan and Harry: "So, can you take me to the Room of Requirement?"

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