I! Become King Starting At Hogwarts!

108 Sirius’S Troubles (Please Subscribe)

"Okay..." Ronald sighed helplessly.

Then he followed the group in silence all the way to Lupin's office.

"Harry!" As soon as the door opened, Sirius gave Harry a warm hug.

Then he greeted Chen Fan, Ronald, Hermione and Draco.

After everyone sat down, Sirius couldn't wait to ask if any professor had bullied Harry recently!

As we all know, Harry is quite popular.

Except for Professor Snape, who was able to protect Harry for some reason, Chen Fan felt that he was already great!

The specific meaning of the word "professor" in Sirius' mouth is too obvious!

I think there are other students here.

Lupin couldn't stand it anymore and coughed several times: "Sirius..."

Sirius was unmoved, and "Six-Six" continued to look at Harry with concern.

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched a few times, then he shook his head: "No, Sirius, what I want to tell you is that I will find Professor Snape now."

Sirius looked expectantly: "This big bat...ahem...well, what shortcomings did you find in him?"

Harry shook his head and said slowly under Sirius' expectant gaze: "I actually think Professor Snape is pretty good."

"I hope you won't quarrel with him again!"

After Harry Potter finished speaking, he glanced at Chen Fan anxiously.

Chen Fan nodded at him encouragingly and expressed his appreciation for Harry's words!

Okay Harry!

Very well said!

The entry point of the opening statement is very suitable for the current situation!

But Sirius didn't think so. He sat on the sofa as if he was struck by lightning.

The expression of joy just now and the eyes of disbelief now are intertwined!

"Harry, did Snape force you to say that?"

"I heard that he still put you in solitary confinement, right?"

"Sirius..." Harry said, "I did something wrong. As a professor, Snape can naturally punish me."

"But he has never done anything to hurt me, so I think he is a respectable professor.

In fact, Harry and the others didn't expect the two of them to become friends when they said this.

Merlin, thank God!

As long as they don't start fighting whenever they meet, the world will be peaceful for a long time!

In fact, Lupine didn't hate Snape very much.

On the contrary, he was quite grateful to him - Merlin for blessing. You know, the wolfsbane potion he needed every month was made for him by Snape!

If Snape really has any selfish motives or is unwilling to help.

He won't be so relaxed when he transforms every month.

not to mention.

Lupine knew in his heart that Snape made the wolfsbane potion for him ostensibly because of Dumbledore's orders.

But in fact, he knew that if Snape didn't want to, no one would say anything!

And they were the ones who made mistakes when they were children.

To be honest, Snape didn't bother them at first.

It was after James fell in love with Lily that he disliked Snape, and Snape was usually just a person.

That's why James and Sirius always use joking slogans to deal with Snape.

Now that I think about it, it's actually their fault.

Therefore, Lupine also hopes that Sirius can take the initiative to talk to Snape.

Furthermore, everyone is in the same camp.

From now on, it’s not appropriate for the two of them to always be like this.

Lupine wanted to persuade Sirius before, but when he mentioned Snape, Sirius started to complain.

I can't wait to tell you all the shortcomings of Snape.

So Lupin had to shut up every time he spoke halfway.

It's perfect for Harry to bring it up now.

With Harry's start, the rest of Chen Fan and others also had some good words to say for Snape.

He never expected that Snape would be so "popular" among the students now, which made Sirius nod at them glumly.

Sirius looked exhausted until they said goodbye.

I couldn't tell what was going on with him at all.

So, as soon as he walked to the door, Harry asked Chen Fan worriedly: "Do you think it will work?"

He looks a bit mysterious!

Chen Fan nodded towards Harry and said in a low voice: "Of course it won't work once. You have to say it several times to subtly let Sirius think Professor Snape is good. www

"Once his attitude changes, I think there won't be any quarrel between them.

What Chen Fan said made sense, and Li looked teachable.

After coming out of Lupine's office, it was almost time for dinner.

Harry and Ronald are going to Snape's place for confinement.

Chen Fan, Draco and Hermione went to the auditorium to have dinner.

Before they separated, Ronald's owl sent Ronald a letter.

Because the time is coming.

And they know if they are late for lockdown.

Professor Snape will never let them go!


Ronald could only walk in a hurry, taking out a letter and reading it.

Then, at night, Harry and a dejected Ronald brought them bad news!

"Ronald may not be able to go to Gringotts this weekend!"

Draco asked strangely: "Why? What did he get into again?"

Ronald sighed with a sad face: "I didn't mean it, that damn old bat must have done it on purpose!"

Harry coughed a few times before speaking: "Ahem... Ronald, I don't think there's anything wrong with Professor Snape punishing you with a day of solitary confinement at the weekend.

"Who made you... be distracted in his office and cause the crucible to explode?"

"What?" Harry was answered by Chen Fan, Hermione and Draco were all shocked!

Chen Fan glanced at the pale Ronald in disbelief: 4.8 "He blew up the crucible in Professor Snape's office?"

Draco immediately became nervous: "Is Godfather okay?"

Ronald was so angry that his teeth itched: "Draco Malfoy! I think there is no better godfather than yours! Shouldn't you care about your friends first!"

"That's me!"

"It's because of your godfather! I have to be in solitary confinement on the weekends! I can't go anywhere!"

Ronald said breathlessly, snorted, and then found a place to sit down.

Seeing him like this, everyone present couldn't help but gulp!


In Professor Snape's office, he was so distracted that he exploded a cauldron!

He is truly a man of God!

They were really impressed!

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