
96 .

Aiden left somewhere, and only Uriel remained in the bush, watching the front.

The cave was quite far and dark, so she couldn’t see clearly inside with her eyesight. I could only barely figure out the shape of the character or the situation that was going around.

Immediately after Euron and Gielan entered a confrontation, Saya’s new model collapsed.

Yuriel fixed her eyes on Saya. A nine-tailed fox dying on his stomach. Aiden left his lover behind. As always, there will be a reason. Even so, Aiden’s coolness approached savagely.

It wasn’t something that happened to Yuriel himself. Also, the nine-tailed fox was her rival and the one who planted shame on her. Still, I was feeling pity. It may be because of anxiety that it is not someone else’s business.

Whatever it was, it was pitiful.

At that time, the blue pupil that had lost its vitality began to embrace the light. He moved his eyes toward the bush and exchanged glances with Yuriel. His expression was also revealed because of the bright light.

Saya drew a bitter line. Because his keen sense of smell had noticed Aiden’s visit. Then he quickly lowered his head. Yuriel also made a slightly complicated expression.

The thought was immediately cut off. It was because of the roar that came from the cave.

“Yeah man!”

The swordsman swung the branch horizontally. An intangible energy passed through Euron’s hair. Kwagwagwang! Part of the poor exterior wall collapsed.

“S, Master!”

“Can’t you step back!”

Judging from the fact that Aiden had left, Gielan must have been acting. It was quite real, and Gu Xian didn’t even notice it right away.

The problem was theory. She fainted and slowly raised her upper body. He immediately looked down at Saya and filled his fists with demonic energy.

Thoughts of crushing the brain and harvesting the heart. And if he turned his body into powder, no matter how much he bought it, he would lose his life.

Because that body was the main body, not an incarnation. Ilmi was not a perfect immortal.

Right before Saya’s death, Uriel had to fulfill Aiden’s words.

‘If you really want someone to die, move. Don’t show yourself at all.’

Saya’s death was an opportunity for Uriel. I didn’t want to let one die. That way didn’t match Uriel’s values at all.

The moment Uriel was about to sing a hymn, a noise continued to tear through the air. Wedge love! A chain that flew from somewhere instantly bound Shiron’s arm.

Daryl. He drew in a heavy breath as he reached the entrance of the cave.

“Ugh, the timing is great. hey! Eye color!”

Gu Xian frowned. He let out a low, menacing voice.

“The liver came out of the boat.”

“It’s a cub. You know how to fish in a naive way, the great devil is an asshole.”

Guxian looked at Shiron with a displeased face.

“Tear and kill!”

Shiron’s eyes burned red. A quick tug on the chain caused Daryl’s body to float in the air. The distance narrowed in an instant.

Chiron raised his leg. Just as he was about to slam Daryl down on the head, the chain broke.

Gielan’s Sword. Daryl fell headlong to the ground and rolled over.

“Daryl, you bastard! Can’t you just turn it off!”

Gusian looked at Gielan with an annoyed expression. There is no end if we go on like this. Right away, by manipulating the authority, the marionette, he moved the demon hidden in Gielan’s brain.

‘Fenrir is Daryl, not Saya.’ so ordered.

At the same time, Gu Xian narrowed his brows. Because there was no magic in Gielan’s head. In a word, the marionette was released.

I was rather perplexed. Why is the authority released? In other words, Gielan’s actions meant acting… No, there was no time to think about it.

Things take a strange turn.

Like a cornered cockroach, Gu Xian’s brain moved quickly. Immediately spread the demonic energy all over the place.

The moment the cave and its surroundings were covered with black smoke, it sensed Yuriel.

‘Taegwang has arrived.’

Uriel’s existence proved that fact, but he couldn’t feel Aiden’s presence. That was more of a problem. There must be gossip.

I judged like a flash.

‘Return to the Demonic Realm.’

I came over after seeing the extreme loss, but there was no other way. As a demon, Iden’s plan had to be shed.

Gu Xian looked down at the black heart in his hand. It had to be destroyed to return, but it was impossible with the physical power of the alter ego.

I was thinking of using magic. Right after that, black smoke began to wrap around my heart.

Upon seeing that, Daryl exclaimed loudly.

“Grandpa! Take my heart!”

On the way to this place, it was a part that Iden had emphasized several times.

‘The heart must not be broken. Keep it unconditionally.’

As soon as Daryl finished speaking, Gielan drew a trajectory at the speed of sound. Wow! The sword flew vertically and cut off Gu Xian’s arm.

Falling arm and heart. The swordsman stepped on the step and snatched the piece of meat. I immediately moved to Daryl and Euron’s side.


“You have no face.”

Mortals were absolutely unable to defend against the powers and hallucinations of the Great Demon. It was also difficult for the Sword Saint to deviate from that standard.

Gu Xian looked at the party with a stiff face and shook his head.

“The worms…”

Sein, who arrived late, briefly explained to Gielan.

“God told me to protect Guxian’s heart.”

I couldn’t figure out why. Gielan simply nodded.

“Don’t do that.”

Goo Xian’s expression was colored with bewilderment. Only then did he realize Iden’s intentions. He intended to tie Guxian to the continent.

If Aiden closed the crack in the Divine Barrier, Gu Xian’s soul could not return to the Devil’s Realm.

The reason you can’t see it now is probably because it’s working on it.

There is only one way left. Hallucinations were unique. The marionette was released, and Guxian was able to use phantom magic.

I immediately tried to open my red eyes, but it didn’t work on Gielan. Only the minnows were hardened.

The swordsman moved at a speed that his eyes couldn’t follow. I stabbed my fangs in the order of Sane, Daryl, and Euron.

The hallucinations that had gripped the three of them disappeared in an instant. The ability of the alter ego could not surpass that artifact.

A terrible sense of despair overtook Guxian.

I couldn’t come up with a way to take back the heart held in the Sword Master’s hand.

Now that this has happened, there is no need for Yuriel to hide. She jumped straight out of the bush and ran to Saya.

Shiron, stained with madness, had another seizure, but was easily subdued by Gielan. Now that the hallucinations were lifted, no one in this room could stand against Gielan.

Even Gusian was impossible. I don’t know if it’s the body.

Yuriel knelt beside the fallen Saya.

Everyone in the party, including Gielan, approached Yuriel and stood around. like escort.

Daryl said with his eyes fixed on Gusian.

“Can you save me? Fox sister, I heard your condition is a little cocky.”

Saya’s body was barely holding its shape. The gaping hole didn’t spurt any more blood. Because there was no blood to come out.

Yuriel nodded and said.

“It is possible. However, I need to focus, so please take good care of me.”

Everyone in the party nodded. Gielan replied.

“Focus on treatment.”

Saying so, he swung a branch several times. At the same time, Gu Xian, who was standing far away, was broken into pieces and rolled on the floor.

Pieces of meat dispersed like smoke.

He might be aiming for a gap in the party while reconstructing his form somewhere.

Uriel stopped paying attention to him and looked down at Saya.

The already white skin was getting paler.

Immortals were not invincible. It would last much longer than the others, but if the time left unattended was longer or if there was no Uriel, Saya would have been difficult to avoid death as well.

For that reason, Aiden must have left the saintess behind. Uriel thought so.

“Saint Vacheksar, lend me your strength to save the lamb.”

As the hymn began, a white light flowed from Yuriel’s hand. Divinity soaked into the wound while holding Saya warmly.

In the midst of the loss of life, Saya walked toward the light, pushed by a soft touch. The warm sunlight melted death away.

Eventually, when the surroundings became brighter, Saya’s gaze moved toward Yuriel.

why? I thought of that first. It was difficult for Saya to understand why this woman was doing this.

Even if Iden ordered it, he wasn’t here anyway. If so, isn’t this an opportunity? It was enough to pretend to heal and then fail.

Even if that was impossible, there was no need to be engrossed with such a serious expression anywhere. Saya would never have saved Yuriel.

‘······ Foolish b*tch.’

As the wound healed, Saya’s expression gradually darkened. I felt defeated, and my pride was hurt.

Yuriel, who was looking at Saya, said with a voice mixed with relief.

“Are you awake?”

Saya didn’t answer. I felt embarrassed and did not want to open my mouth.

Uriel said while looking at the colleagues surrounding him and Saya.

“I need Saya’s arm.”

Daryl nodded, threw down the chain, and took the white cuff.

Yuriel, who was handed over, carefully began the procedure. Saya looked at the figure quietly and uttered a low voice.



“······I owe it, so I will pay it back.”

The nine-tailed fox was a spiritual creature that repaid the favor. Come to think of it, Yuriel was a benefactor who saved Saya’s life twice.

Once in the North, once now.

Uriel said with a light smile.

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“Then, do so.”

“Stupid b*tch.”

Saya slowly raised her upper body. Powers related to beauty began to slowly erase the ugly scars.

It was a quality similar to that of Atraksha, the goddess of love. After brushing, it returned to its normal appearance.

Daryl looked at her and said.

“Sister, it still looks like a piece.”

“I’m annoyed, so don’t talk to me.”

Saya pushed Daryl away and looked at Gielan.

“Did Iden order it?”

He pointed to Gu Xian’s heart. Gielan replied.

“You said to keep it.”

Saya turned her back without saying a word. Since he had not fully recovered, he was in excruciating pain.

While frowning, he moved to the other side of the cave.

Daryl opened his mouth.

“Where are you going? It is better to stick together.”

“To Aiden. You guys stay.”

said Euron hesitantly.

“Ha, but Gu Xian…”

“It’s not here, so keep an eye on the beans.”

Kongal meant Shiron, and Guxian had long since run away.

Saya was able to pinpoint the direction in which his soul was escaping. The smell of Aiden also came from there.

I couldn’t figure out why, but Gu Xian was flying to Aiden.

The moment Saya was about to kick the ground, Uriel approached and spoke cautiously.

“Please take me too. The treatment isn’t over yet, and with me, His Holiness will be able to face Gu Xian much more easily.”

Saya looked at Yuriel with a disapproving face. After a brief conflict, I spoke to Gielan.

“Inspiration, bring the fangs.”

Gielan threw the necklace upward. Saya snatched it up and roughly handed it to Yuriel.

Then he wrapped her tail around her.

“Don’t touch me.”

Saying that, he flew into the air.

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