I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 697 He Became a Taboo Existence (350 Monthly Pass Plus Change)

Chapter 697 He Became a Taboo Existence (350 Monthly Pass Plus Change)

The more you read, the deeper you feel.

When the Necronomicon was halfway through, Kemen felt that his body was really weak and there were many things that could be improved.

For example, use necromancy to strengthen bones and skin, and inject heterogeneous blood to transform the body, preferably divine blood, but where can you find a living god these days? Lu was like a sleeping statue at the bottom of the sea, without any life fluctuations, as if he had died.

Kemen shook his head, trying to get rid of those thoughts, but he, who had opened up the path to becoming a god, was too sensitive to necromancer magic, and a series of magical ideas popped up in his mind just sitting in a daze in the air.

He believes that as long as he uses these ideas and consumes his magic power, the system will trigger the prompt to create a new skill, and remind Kemon to name his new skill.

Kemon didn't move, touched the book with his hands, and didn't open it, but he knew that he had read enough wealth of knowledge now.

Now he can already manipulate the divinity of the book, and then read the memory of the ancient god.

However, Kemon did not read the memory of the ancient gods now.

From this book, Kemen felt that his resistance was not enough to face the god-level domain.

If you want to get out of your body, you have to increase your total resistance again.

Although he has the means to build resistance, those methods are relatively slow, and it will take hundreds of years.

Kemen temporarily let go of the urge to read the memories of the ancient gods, and studied necromantic magic to increase his resistance.

On the road to becoming a god, necromancy has many ways to increase resistance, and there is even a way to not die.

Immortality is very simple, it is resurrection.

The first way is to resurrect in a coffin in a different place. Kemen has already tried it with resurrection props.

Props are props. Even if Kemen was able to analyze the mystery of resurrection at that time, it was only a superficial analysis and could not be fully utilized.

Kemen is different now. There are a lot of ideas and inspirations in his mind. When he sees a flower, he can associate life and death, positive and negative forces.

The Necronomicon broadened Kemon's horizons, seeing things no longer on the surface, but reading and understanding from the perspective of death.

The more you know, the more powerful you become.

The spirituality that had been quiet before did not grow anymore, but after Kemen analyzed the world from the perspective of death, the spirituality once again ushered in a wonderful explosive growth.

It's like a layman suddenly found a way to improve, and he made rapid progress every day.

Through hard work, the players slowly reached level 860.

The players also learned from the former Amon and developed high-lethal skills of the memetic infection type.

This world has become even more chaotic, especially after the memetic infection skills were unearthed by the players, it was like discovering a new continent. People developed new skills every day, and then spread the infection.

The meme information of the players circulates internally, creating an immune backdoor for the human body.

This type of memetic infection skill is specifically aimed at non-human wild monsters. Due to the huge range of infection, even if the output damage in a single second is not high, hundreds of millions of players can mobilize it collectively, and they can reap the experience of wild monsters.

Kemon made a bad start, the players all learned badly, and their experience soared.

However, players are a lawless group, and he is not surprised that there will be such a day.

"After all, they are all meme-infected virus skills." Kemen walked around the game world, and every time he saw a dead wild monster corpse, he stopped to observe the death of the wild monster.

Behind every wild monster corpse represents the passing of a life, and life is closely related to the game world.

To observe death is to observe the world, so as to bring oneself closer to God.

In addition, Kemon was also on the way of observation, slowly digging out ways to increase the total resistance.

At the moment of death, a life loses its extraordinary power. Where does their original energy go? Of course, it flows back to the game world itself.

Kemeng secretly activated the death magic. When harvesting the corpses, he secretly intercepted this part of the energy and integrated it into his body, increasing his resistance.

It's just that the absorption efficiency is not high. Probably each wild monster corpse of each level can provide hundreds of points of resistance.

When the amount increases, the resistance absorbed by Kemon in a single day will increase.

The days passed day by day.

When a player rushed into the 900-level field, the Liver Emperor player Colin cast a memetic infection skill in the wild, and sensed a terrifying aura blowing towards his face from a long distance away.

That breath was dark, like a mountain pressing on his shoulders, making it hard to breathe.

"Who is it?" Colin was startled, and looked into the infinite distance.

The sky over there obviously didn't darken, but as the figure appeared on the horizon, it seemed that the entire sky was darkened.

"What's wrong Colin?"

"The sky...it's getting dark!" Colin's mouth and tongue were tied, and he couldn't speak clearly.

"It's not dark, why is it dark?" The partner beside him looked at the distant sky and said that the sun was still rising, and the sun was shining brightly.

"Didn't you see, the sky over there is dark, he is darkness." Colin's fingers trembled, pointing to the humans in the sky.

It was also this finger, and the man in the distant sky seemed to be aware of it, and turned to look at Colin.

A look, as if seeing through them, made Colin feel cold all over.

At this moment, a hallucination flashed before Colin's eyes. He saw a male adventurer wearing equipment, observing him expressionlessly, exuding the breath of death from his whole body.

Obviously the sun was behind the other party, but he couldn't feel any light, as if it was night over there.

In other words, in his domain, there is darkness.

Amon, this taboo name jumped out of his mind again, causing alarm bells to ring in his heart.

"It's Amon, it's Amon, go away, don't look at him." For some reason, Colin felt very scared, as if he was already dead when Amon glanced at him, and he had no chance to resist.

Originally, the player Colin thought that he had reached level 900, and he should be able to fight against Amon. After all, he has not only studied the memetic infection virus skills for these months, but also specially equipped Amon with a full anti-virus. The Divine Clothes also specially developed a set of temporary skills that are good at resistance and increasing blood for Amon Poison.

Now, Colin threw those stupid ideas away.

When did it make him feel that Amon was someone he could challenge?

No, Amon has never been someone he can challenge.

He has become a real taboo existence!

Colin took his companions and ran away, using the teleportation skill to leave in lightning, unable to stay for even a second.

For him, a place with Amon is a hell on earth.

Kemen stood at a very far distance, watching the two high-calorie life forms leave from a distance, and withdrew his observation gaze.

Seeing that look, Kemen remembered that he was an ordinary player before, but now he has gradually become an observer, observing ordinary people from a higher level.

As for the darkness the other party saw, it wasn't that Kemon's skills leaked, but that the color was too dark due to the growing spirituality.

At the beginning, it was still blue and turned dark blue, and later it has developed to deep black, and finally it has transformed into pure black today.

Continue to add more tomorrow.

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