I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 602: Whistle

Chapter 602: Whistle

In room 148, loess was flying all over the sky, and Kemeng's face was hit.

Ke Meng didn't close the door, but let Tangyuan rush in.

The glutinous rice balls immediately closed the breathing passage, and the planet in room 148 is not suitable for ordinary creatures to survive.

Drones are also not suitable for surviving in this stormy environment. People can only send a dozen or so A-level members who are professional explorers to investigate inside.

Wearing isolation props, they walked into the door, and countless sand and dust walked around them, forming an extremely spectacular pseudo-vacuum ring.

A few minutes later, the detection members brought back first-hand information.

Carbon dioxide makes up 93 percent, nitrogen makes up 4 percent, and the rest of the gases follow.

The oxygen content is very scarce, at 0.3.

Normal people stepping into this door will definitely be instilled with air that is not suitable for human beings to breathe and die.


The yellow sand has blown into the interior of the assembly corridor, covering the beautiful velvet carpet with a layer of gray.

"Shall we close the door first?" Luo Yuan asked for advice.

The wind in room 148 was too strong, and the sand and dust were continuously exported into the room, which greatly affected the mood of everyone.

Kemen shook his head and ordered: "Increase the number of detection personnel."

"Team Ke, the door of room 104 has been closed, we need to open that door again, and let someone come in from there." Luo Yuan reminded.

Kemen was stunned for a few seconds, then took the key to open the door of Room 104.

In the next second, the door of 148 automatically closed, and the increase of sand and dust in the corridor stopped.

This is the function of the master key. When one door is opened, the other door is closed.

As more and more people came to the investigation bureau, the detection work continued in an orderly manner.

147, 146, 145, one door after another was opened by the Bureau of Investigation.

There is a new planet behind every door, and the number of people sent by the Investigation Bureau quickly increased to 2,000, and the door was opened to room 110.

Not all the gates are connected to major forces. At least judging from the opening of Kemon, most of the planets are planets with very low development procedures, and the people from the gate organization did not send people in to develop them.

Of course, it may also be related to the lack of manpower of the door organization. It is not as simple as Shadow Stream for the door organization to train offline personnel.

Xu Zhishao released the man and used interrogation tools to interrogate the intelligence of the sect organization.

Kemeng used the ring of the King of Lightning and the electric current to clear the other party's beliefs. He used two prongs to get through the ideological work of the disciples, and then the Bureau of Investigation obtained the first-hand organization information.

It turns out that every disciple needs to go through the level of knowledge assessment. If his own level is not enough, he will face the situation of amnesia and madness after receiving a lot of knowledge.

The probability of amnesia is 80%, the probability of madness is 19.99%, and the remaining 0.01% is the success probability of ordinary people becoming disciples.

Therefore, the door organization began to study another path of discipleship, that is, non-human discipleship.

In the non-human group, some creatures are several times weaker than humans, but some creatures are several times stronger than humans. The success rate of accepting knowledge, comprehending knowledge, and digesting knowledge is much higher than that of humans.

Later, through the early resources, the master of the Golden Gate collected a variety of gate channel resources, traveled through various habitable planets, and developed a group of non-human disciples.

After that, the door organization began to deploy in Blue Star to collect available talents.

At this time, Shadow Stream has completed its global layout, and there are shadow streams everywhere in high-level executives in various countries, but Jinli Island has not been fully penetrated by Shadow Stream.

No matter how low the promotion probability of ordinary people is, it is still a resource.

With a population of billions, at least hundreds of thousands of disciples can be exchanged.

The door organization asked a shadow stream elder to join the door organization and use the resources of shadow stream to start doing things.

But the good times didn't last long. Today's sect organizations cut off a large amount of sect resources, lost their wives and lost their soldiers.

"A word of advice, the elders of Shadow Stream have often warned me that Kemon is capable of killing the leader of Shadow Stream, which in itself shows that Kemon is also a monster and a double-edged sword of the Bureau of Investigation. Be careful when something happens."

The disciples had been baptized from their faith at this time, knowing that their identity was very embarrassing, and they would definitely not have a good life in the Bureau of Investigation prison in the future.

Kemen was dragged into the water by his disciples. He was a little nervous, but after thinking about it, he didn't need to be nervous.

As the other party said, the leader who can win Yingliu is also a monster, but Kemeng's role in the investigation bureau is irreplaceable.

The personnel involved in the interrogation, as well as the members of the S class, laughed and were not affected by the disciples.

Luo Yuan patted Ke Meng on the shoulder and said, "Captain Ke, I believe in you."

"Just listen to the disciple's nonsense. Anyway, I don't believe it. I only believe in Captain Ke."

"Captain Ke's ability to defeat the leader of Yingliu is his ability. We know where his ability comes from. We don't need you to sow discord." Xu Zishao stared at him. At this time, he was far away from the side effect of whistle There are still ten minutes counting down.

Kemon's special ability is that he has a chance to get special items when he wakes up every day. Many of these special items are things that increase physical strength or mental strength.

Every item is very powerful, drink it every day, eat it every month, and after a few months, only he knows how strong Kemeng is, and outsiders can't guess the exact number.

Therefore, it is not beyond comprehension for Kemeng to defeat the leader of Yingliu.

"Are you blind? Don't you know how strong Kemon's spirit is and how powerful his body is? Only by accepting the power and knowledge instilled by unknown existences can he become so powerful. There must be something wrong with Kemeng!"

Mr. Disciple was very angry and felt that he was underestimated, his words were slighted, and his words were not taken seriously.

How did he know that Kemon had something to eat every day, and the unequal intelligence caused a cognitive error.

Several S-level members laughed, but they didn't say that Kermon had any special abilities.

"Team Ke, my time is almost up, let's take a rest first." Xu Zishao pointed to his mouth, he did not forget the side effects of the containment post.

The side effect of the containment sentinel happened 24 hours later, now 39 doors have been opened, it took 23 hours, the interrogation also took a lot of time, the side effect is about to happen.

"I'll go too, bring me one." Luo Yuan and Kemon were both interested in the whistle and followed.

"No way, you are poisonous, want to see me become a whistle?"

"Take me one too!" Those who are interested add one.

Xu Zishao had a sad expression on his face, everyone was gloating.

"Where are the brothers who arranged the barrier, where did they go?" Xu Zishao looked behind Kemeng, trying to find the troubled brothers.

"They have gone to rest a long time ago. It's not like your side effects only broke out after 24 hours." Luo Yuan shook his head.

After a while, Xu Zishao was sitting in a single room on the first floor of the centaur castle, and his mouth slowly grew a metal skin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Don't talk later, so as not to pollute everyone's spirit." Kemon said.

Except for Kemon, there were four people who came to watch with them, and everyone brought items to increase mental resistance.

In fact, they didn't need to prepare anything specially. Kemen patted the scarf and took out the sound-absorbing sponge.

A whistle with the attribute of spiritual pollution, if you want to pollute the human spirit, the first step is to speak, if you don't speak, you can't send out spiritual pollution.

As long as these sounds are absorbed, the mental pollution will naturally disappear. The sound-absorbing sponge is the nemesis of the containment post.

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