I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 575: Battle Situation

Chapter 575: Battle Situation

"What kind of monster is this!" The heart of the poisonous heart was extremely at a loss, and it was the first time I saw a freak who was fine in the face of the poison.

Oh no, there are also "people" in the sect organization who are fine in the face of severe poison.

But those "people" are no longer normal people, but monsters in human skin!

Monsters have a body far superior to that of ordinary people, as well as extraordinary resistance to poison, and their bodies are infinitely alienated in the direction of monsters.

The more alienated a "person", the more terrifying.

For example, the master of the golden gate is the only monster in the organization with a 100% degree of alienation.

No one has ever seen the master of the golden gate in a fully liberated posture, and he usually behaves in the human form.

The alienated body of other people often has a certain part that cannot be alienated, and is stuffed in the body, making people unaware.

These parts of unfinished alienation are the weaknesses of the disciples.

Kemen in front of him is a monster in human skin in the eyes of Toxic Heart!

And the weakness of the poisonous heart is actually its heart.

Its alienated body has entered the underground battle, and the first heart is left on the ground to corrode the enchantment. The high-intensity poison is enough to melt any investigator.

Unexpectedly, Kermon himself was so poison-resistant.

By the way, its alienated body still has a heart, with two hearts, that is to say, this heart is destroyed, it still doesn't have a heart, and the other heart is in the alienated body underground.

But if this heart is blown by Kemon, it will be very difficult to deal with.

The poisonous heart fled quickly. With two hearts, it can use two hearts. If one is blown, it can only use one heart.

It has been alienated, affected by alienated knowledge, the brain cannot afford the ability to think, and the nerves of the heart assume the functions of the brain.

It ran fast, and Kemon was chasing closely.

The wings on the back bloomed with holy light, fighting the bayonet with the poisonous mist, leaving a bright burning belt in the sky.

The poisonous mist is even better, not afraid of Kemeng's holy light, the poisonous mist is still huge after burning.

Electric arcs jumped from Kemeng's fingertips, and the Lightning King's lightning formed an electric field for an instant.

The steel-core bullet is fired instantly when the magnetic field changes, and the bullet body is equipped with the electricity of the King of Thunder and Lightning.

These powers have the ability to cleanse beliefs, as long as they hit the body of evil believers, their beliefs will be greatly shaken.

Even if they can't crush their beliefs, it can still make them fall into inexplicable reflection, reflect on whether their beliefs are true, and whether it is worth paying their lives to believe in them.

Relying on his incomprehensible sixth sense, Kemon predicted the path the opponent would take, and shot at the point 0.1 second ahead of time.

The spiritual alarm bells of the poisonous heart rang loudly, and the common sense felt that some kind of life-threatening danger was approaching.

It subconsciously changed its flight direction and changed orbit to the right.

But it didn't know that Kemon predicted its prediction.

Kemeng made use of the ring of the king of pharaoh on his hand to create a strong magnetic field again to control the nearby magnetic fields.

The bullet is controlled by the subtle geomagnetic field, and the trajectory of the bullet is slightly changed, which is different from the previous direction.


The poisonous heart only flew a few hundred meters before it was hit by Kemeng and exploded in the air.

The huge kinetic energy pierced through the fragile heart, and the heart body couldn't hold such a huge amount of energy, so it quickly evaporated.

Seeing this, Kemen took out a containment object and put the highly toxic gas in the air into an ordinary containment object.

The containment was quickly poisoned, but the poisonous mist lost the support of the poisonous heart, and after the poison was consumed, it was no longer so poisonous.

Kemen quickly flew back to the investigation bureau, the poisonous mist at the gap in the enchantment was rapidly melting, and the gap began to shrink.

When Kemon retracted halfway, he retracted his wings when he was close to the gap, and just got into the investigation bureau.

Looking back, the gap was repaired within ten seconds, and the light curtain stretched all the way to the ground.

Kermon changed his clothes, took out the pottery pot of repairing fluid on the way downstairs, and applied a little repairing fluid to the scarf, and the scarf was quickly restored to its original shape during the liquid repair.

Go all the way down to the ground floor and come to the location of the Sealing Pavilion.

Outside the door of the Sealing Pavilion, the investigators were trapped outside and could not enter.

There were no corpses or anything like that under their feet, and the intruders from the door organization had already been subdued by them.

With the background of the Bureau of Investigation, it is not impossible to subdue these foreign invaders, but the losses are heavy.

Kemen saw that several people's hair was white, withered, and their skin was sunken.

"Did you use powerful items and not eat vitality fruits?" Kemen couldn't help asking.

"It's useless, my life... can't be saved..." Several investigators who were as dry as bones sat against the wall and waved their hands weakly, like candles burning to the end.

This is no longer a question of vitality, but a price for replacement.

One person can't even see the outside world clearly. The pupils seem to be fixed, like the eyes of a human doll. The pupils can reflect light, but they don't move, and they don't look bright.

When Kemen was synesthesizing in the dream, he could still sense that there were people fighting outside the Sealing Pavilion. Now they all survived, but a few of them were also close to death.

"Team Ke, the Sealing Pavilion is closed now, and we don't know what's going on inside." A surviving S-level member coughed, leaned against the wall and took out the storage items on his body: "Team Ke, take the My items, help me find a successor, or you inherit my relics."

This S-level member is the owner of an ice-type item. Kermon remembers that it can freeze the enemy's blood in the air, and it can also make the enemy's ice blood explode, commonly known as ice blast.

This is a powerful tool for dealing with blood creatures, and it can control groups of more than a thousand people with thoughts.

This item can be used as a top-level combat item for extreme individual soldiers. With it, you can invade the rear of the enemy area and assassinate S-level members. No matter how strong the S-level members are, they are still human beings. As a zero-level prop, its strategic significance is very high.

It's a pity that the disciples of the door organization are too strong. They are no longer normal humans, and their bodies have a high degree of alienation. After the blood inside explodes, the body parts after the explosion can quickly gather and regenerate.

At that time, the Bureau of Investigation still didn't know where the weakness of human beings turned into monsters was. Kermon only chased and killed Toxic Heart based on intuition, and everyone relied on instinct to find each other's weaknesses.

Kemen walked to the gate of the Sealing Pavilion, patted on the gate, and shouted to open it.

There was no sound from the Sealing Pavilion.

Kemeng's heart sank, could it be something wrong inside?

Kemen closed his eyes and listened attentively to the voice of the Sealing Pavilion.

Flames, endless flames burn inside.

The Sealing Pavilion cannot open the door, and the flames of the flaming man may come out and burn the public.

Its flames are controlled by the flaming man, but if the flaming man loses control, these flames cannot be controlled freely, and it will become a flame that destroys mankind.

The body of the Sealing Pavilion is powerful, trying to suppress these flames, trying to push these flames into the gate of knowledge.

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