I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 559 Two months of calm

Chapter 559 Two months of calm

From this example of death, Kemen saw another possibility.

The image made up by the believers themselves is far from the real image of the evil god Cthulhu seen by Kemen, only the feeling is right.

Of course, the evil god Cthulhu does not have a very specific image, which Kemon also knows, but after many months of synesthesia, Kemon found that most believers retain several obvious characteristics in the first impression of the evil god.

For example, the octopus head, countless tentacles, etc., are the impressions of most Cthulhu believers, but this centaur believer has no such special features at all. The image of Cthulhu in his mind is entirely derived from his self-imagined brain.

Because of information asymmetry, the direction of his brain is a bit skewed, which is quite different from the mainstream impression that Kemon knows.

Such examples aroused Kemon's deep thinking.

In the eyes of different people, evil gods may have different images and appearances.

Then on the blue star, those strange statues can also be understood as being carved by different people according to the image of the evil god in their hearts.

Some statues have different images, but the god behind them may be the same.

With this awareness, Kemon's thinking has been expanded, but there is no more inspiration for the time being.

After waking up again, Kemen asked the person inquiring whether there was anything unusual behind the door.

With such a large-scale door closure, the door organization will definitely take action, Kemen guessed in his heart, but who would have expected the door organization to be silent.

Luo Yuan shook his head: "We have sealed the thousandth door, and still no one came out to destroy it, and we found that the stairs have come to the end, and there is no way ahead."

"A thousand doors is the limit?" Kemeng murmured.

Kemon intends to try it himself.

But this time the investigation bureau disagreed very much. Last time, the sect organization hadn't reacted, but this time, the large-scale ban will touch their bottom line with a high probability, and they will definitely counterattack.

If Kemeng goes up again at this time, he will inevitably face the offensive like a storm, so he must be careful.

The flaming man had been living there twenty-four hours a day, on standby in a light sleep state, and would go out whenever there was a situation, and burn everything.

Kemen thought for a while, and it was indeed the truth.

In the dream last night, Kemen saw the actions of the centaur group, and knew that they were not the core members of the door organization, but a branch organization under the door organization—the centaur group!

An entire ethnic group is a loyal fan of the door organization, and the leader and a few elites are disciples of the door organization.

In other words, behind a door, there may be only single-digit disciples, and the rest are non-staff members of the door organization.

Should war go to war, these non-staff would be the first cannon fodder.

Kemen stayed for another two days and held two online classes.

There have been no accidents on the stairs behind the door, and the centaur side has also stabilized, and there is no chaos. Kemen can only go back to Whale City to continue his classes and teach students to learn to control spirituality.

There are many bright students in Kemeng's class who have already touched the spiritual feeling and broken through the barriers of perception.

With successful examples, the students in Kemeng's class are very excited.

This indicates that this skill is not unique to Kemon's innate ability, it can be mastered through acquired learning.

While teaching carefully, Kemeng understood their difficulties through communicating with outstanding students, and then pointed out the solution direction one by one.

Then share these successful experiences with the students who have not yet succeeded. Half a month later, more than a dozen new students who successfully perceived the existence of spirituality were added.

With more and more experience of trial and error, the students in the back gradually found their way, and successfully perceived spirituality one by one.

In one month, they have made great progress.

Even Director Wu and the others sensed their own spirituality by listening to the course.

The S-level bosses at the General Administration couldn't sit still anymore, and they came to Kemeng's class in batches to observe.

If there is something you don't understand, or if you have a problem, ask Kemeng for advice, like an open-minded student.

Kemon didn't treat them specially because they were S-class personnel. Basically, he treated everyone equally, and he only gave half-pointers, and he didn't tell them all the details and process.

It comes down to the teaching style, Kermon doesn't want to be the fisherman, he wants to be the fisherman.

It is better to give them the method of catching fish than to give them fish. They can explore and improve themselves. If they encounter new problems in the future, they can solve them by themselves.

After all, everyone's spirituality is unique, and Kemen's experience really can't help them for a lifetime. After leading them on the right path, they have to do the rest of the work themselves, and Kemen can only do vague guidance .

In the centaur territory, after the centaur held the cremation ceremony, they never appeared again, and even the door was removed.

Kemon doesn't have a deep connection with the things there, and he can't communicate with farther places, so he can only fix that place for fixed synaesthesia.

Therefore, he didn't know what the centaurs were doing recently. The sect organization seemed like a calm mystic, and hadn't taken any special actions for a whole month and a half.

A thousand doors were sealed, and the door organization could bear it. Kemen couldn't help but think of another possibility.

Is it possible that these gates were strategically abandoned by the gate organization, and the original people in the world behind their gates all retreated and left through another gate.

If this is the case, Kermon will have to re-initiate the investigation of the door organization.

After all, there are not many illegal organizations that pose a threat on Blue Star. Who else can they look for if they don’t look for door organizations? Shadow creatures are one by one.

In such a stable day, Kemeng's resistance has steadily increased. By continuously posting videos and harvesting global attention, Kemon's resistance points have expanded to 8,000 points.

Compared with the period of world exploration after entering the door, Kemon is more fleshy and more resistant.

But compared to the players in the game world, there is still a distance.

First of all, the players on the other side of the game world have successfully brushed up to level 360 through difficult leveling, and are attacking towards level 400 at a slow speed.

Some people have been able to take risks in the 500-level area, but the players can't kill the 500-level monsters. Those monsters are very terrifying, and they can kill a large number of players with a single slap. That area is also the second.

It can be seen from this that the monsters in the game world are far beyond the level on Blue Star, unilaterally attacking the illegal transnational organizations known in the market.

Even if the former shadow stream leader is reborn, facing the monsters in the game world will only face being killed in seconds.

Kemon paid so much attention to the player's level, so he naturally wanted to know which level of player his eight resistance points were against.

According to Kemon's long-term observation, 8,000 points of resistance are against players at level 350.

Note that Kermon is an all-resistance route here, and normal players don't take the all-resistance route, so Kemon is actually more resistant to beatings than players at level 350.

As for how many resistance points a full-level player has, Kemeng estimated that it may be tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of resistance points.

With such a low resistance, it is definitely not enough to face a full-level boss. In addition to the resistance that naturally increases due to the level, players have other ways to improve. Hundreds of thousands of resistance points are not the limit of human players.

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