I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 557: People Chasing the Truth

Chapter 557: People Chasing the Truth

Centaur Small World.

"Leader, I'll start tracing the source later, and I have something to tell you." The centaur Da Zhang walked in front of the leader, took off his coir raincoat, and showed a youthful face.

Da Zhang, a young man with potential in the centaur tribe, is no less than the son of the patriarch in terms of potential, but because of his mentality of being invincible, he voluntarily quit competing for the position of patriarch, so he has been living well.

But today he is destined to be unable to wake up safely, because he has already experienced it before. It was a very dangerous dream and an extremely vicious curse.

If he wants to trace the source of the curse, he will bear the power of the curse himself, and then reverse the synaesthesia in his dream.

That is to say, if he is in the process of tracing the source backwards, if the synaesthesia takes too long, his body may be completely trapped in a vicious curse.

If the time to track down the person who cast the curse is very short, he is sure to get rid of the curse and repair the loss of his mind through later recuperation.

In short, tracking down the real culprit at the source of the curse is a self-defeating thing. Whether you can track down the true face of the enemy depends on the progress.

"What's the matter?" The centaur leader kept a straight face in awe.

The leader has already sensed that this trip may be far more dangerous.

He couldn't help but think this way, is it worth risking the loss of a general in order to track down the real culprit?

However, when the leader thought of his dead son, the angry crowd, and the danger of this territory, he felt it was worth it.

He has ruled this territory for a long time, and there have been no creatures that could threaten the centaur group. Even if there were, they were destroyed and turned into scum, and there were no heirs. Who could curse and kill his own son.

And there is a big problem here, those enemies in the past didn't have the talent to be good at dream-like curses.

In order to find out the truth, this trip is still necessary.

"My trip to the dream world is more ominous than good, but I know that the safety of the territory is more important than me, so I will try my best to track down the real culprit. If I can't come back, I will die in my nightmare. Please bury my body on a high cliff facing the sea with spring flowers blooming." Da Zhang said firmly.

"However, if I succeed, please allow me to propose to your daughter." Da Zhang paused and spoke from his heart.

The leader has a son and a daughter, and Da Zhang is thinking about someone.

"I agree to this marriage, you must come back alive!"

With a wave of his hand, the leader agreed to Da Zhang's last request.

Dazhang smiled with satisfaction, and then began to arrange the dream synesthesia scene.

Everyone glanced at each other, this is really breaking news, that Dazhang has a dream lover.

"Spread out, don't hinder the construction of the ceremony site." The leader waved his hands away.

In the crowd, a centaur girl with four legs showed a worried look.

Dazhang smiled at her, and then hung up the wind chime with the function of summoning souls.

Jingle bell.

It was like the sound of hell's urging soul resounding in the forest.

Each candle was arranged in a circle around the corpse, burning slowly, shaking from yellow flames to blue spiritual flames.

The young centaur brother sat next to the horrifying corpse, bowed his head slightly, and held a stick of incense in his hand. When the incense was burning, the curling white smoke was divided into two bunches, one bunch penetrated into the nose of the living person, and the other The beams penetrated the nostrils of the dead bodies.

The white smoke is like a bridge, establishing a bridge of communication between the living and the dead.

The bells in the wind rang loudly, guiding the soul of the centaur Zhang Zhang to move forward, and the fantasies in his mind were gradually covered with an impenetrable white mist.

The fog enveloped him, making him unable to see the direction clearly.

An inexplicable call gradually came to my ears, it was indescribable, and it was not a language with special meaning.

He thought about it carefully, and it was impossible for this voice to be meaningless, but with his identity and personality, he probably couldn't figure it out even if he tried his best.

At this time, a black shadow appeared in the white mist.

Sombra has four horse legs, a horse body, and a human upper body.

It was the figure of Boyi who died!

Da Zhang chased after him, his heart pounding.

This time, in the dream synesthesia method, he used long incense to cover the dream with fog, trying to cover up the content of the horrible dream, so as to protect the mind and maintain sanity.

He knew that the person who cast the curse must be a master of dreams, otherwise it would be impossible to use dreams as poison for the curse.

In the face of such a master, the first thing to avoid is the content of the dream.

Once you see something in the dream, you are very likely to be cursed.

Last time, he didn't observe Boyi's dreams so closely, but only glanced roughly from the perspective of passers-by and spectators.

This time he was deeply involved, and he had already used his soul to join this synaesthesia, in order to increase spiritual perception, and at the same time, be aware of danger at the first time, and then choose to retreat.

One step, two steps, three steps, the footsteps of people and horses echoed continuously in front of him, and Da Zhang felt bad in his heart.

As the sound spread slowly, a huge silhouette appeared in front of the white mist.

This silhouette is extremely huge, and he can't tell how big it is, and he doesn't know what scale unit to use to measure its size.

Da Zhang only knew that the monster was very big, unimaginable.

This can no longer be described in words.

Is that human being?

Before the dream synesthesia, Da Zhang imagined several possibilities, one of which was that "the murderer is not a human being".

The murderer may be unknown existences from the void. These unknown existences are not gods, but existences that have the possibility of ascending to the throne of gods. They are extremely terrifying. If you encounter any of them, Da Zhang will die without a whole body.

They contain an amount of knowledge that is difficult for normal creatures to understand. For a high-ranking being, this knowledge is nothing, but for a small person like him, it is a deadly poison.

"Could the caster come from the void?" He couldn't help thinking.

The giant silhouette in front of him was too huge, and he couldn't accurately imagine the other person's true face in his mind. He just felt that he couldn't describe it, and subconsciously didn't want to think about it.

He told himself that some dream masters can deceive others through real and fake pictures.

The giant silhouette in front of the white mist may also be an illusion set up by the other party.

"My spirituality hasn't called the police yet, so I should be fine." He muttered to himself, but he didn't realize that his heart was beating faster than the usual alert value.

The brain cells were extremely active, and fine sweat was streaming down his forehead, but he didn't know it.

Ahead, the black figure of the centaur in the white mist stopped.

The white mist gradually faded, and the giant phantom above his head seemed to become real.

Da Zhang stopped immediately, and his spiritual perception trembled for a moment.

"What is that?" Da Zhang questioned in his heart, and wordless fear filled his mind.

He wanted to escape from this dreamland filled with white mist, but found that he had already sunk into it without knowing when.

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