I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 515 Traveler in the Void

Chapter 515 Traveler in the Void

After Kemen fell into a dream, with the help of the powerful power of the evil god, he communicated with the whereabouts of the patriarch of Blue Star.

The patriarch jumped into the void, and according to Kemeng's knowledge, he jumped outside the blue star.

Without the protection of Blue Star's large filter membrane, Kemeng's synaesthesia would be less hindered and easier.

Within a few minutes, Kemon had a feeling.

Pure black entered Kemen's perspective, but the blood-red patriarch came into Kemon's vision.

How should I put it, the blood patriarch is quite different from what Kemon saw before.

Its body lost its lower body, only half of its body, lying unconsciously in the silent void.

On half of the arm, a strange creature took root in the bicep, causing the muscles to faintly glow with purple veins.

Those blood-red blood vessels were no longer red, but purple blood flowed instead.

The patriarch's head was also very abnormal, with his mouth wide open, and his eyes were dark with purple light.

Is the patriarch of the blood clan still alive, Kemeng made a judgment in his heart, it was already dead.

This is a dead body, too dead to be dead.

The creature rooted in the biceps looks like a strange purple grass, but an eye grows on the top of the grass.

Zicao, whose eyes were closed, felt something, and suddenly opened her eyes, staring at the void, just facing the direction of Kemeng's synaesthesia, as if the two sides had completed the meeting of eyes.

However, the other party didn't see Kemon's body, and only felt that there was something strange peeping in the void.

"Who?" The strange purple grass made a voice full of doubts.

It was also this voice, and Kemeng thoroughly confirmed that this comfrey was not the blood patriarch himself, but something strange.

Kemen responded in his heart, but he didn't know if the other party could hear it, maybe he couldn't, because the other party was not a believer and the distance was far away, so it was too difficult.

After Zicao knew that something had noticed its existence, she stepped up her efforts, and the body of the blood patriarch shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The skin dried up and the blood flowed backwards. In just half an hour, the blood patriarch's skin was gone, the flesh was sucked dry, and even the bones were melted into liquid and swallowed by a comfrey.

After devouring it, a cloud of foggy gray mist came out of nowhere and covered the whole body.

The roots of the comfrey were swimming in the void, moving towards an unknown distance, at an extremely fast speed, as if equipped with a rocket engine, moving at a very fast speed.

The tail of the purple grass does not have the spray material like a burning rocket. It uses some invisible force, which produces some kind of ripples that smooth the space, making the space behind it flatter, and the body is naturally pulled forward by the space. .

Kemen was very surprised. This miraculous way of flying contained a very complicated amount of knowledge. It can be seen that the strength of this comfrey is many times stronger than that of the blood clan.

Is there a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times?

Kemen didn't know, so it was difficult to evaluate.

Because he was very interested, he didn't lose track of the other party, and kept a close eye on where the other party was going along the way.

Comfrey is also a little confused, it travels a certain distance in the void, and it can easily escape the gaze of the other party. After all, the void is too big, and every distance in the void represents an infinite distance in the real world.

It is very difficult for the opponent to locate its existence in the void, unless the strength of the opponent is far above it and has mastered some kind of superb positioning and tracking ability.

Kermon stared at it, not even interested in looking at the game world or the dream world, and only thought about where this guy would go.

At the same time, because of staring too much, Kemen roughly deduced that the blood patriarch himself was really dead.

The murderer is this traveler from the void

The patriarch of the blood clan must have some kind of mysterious item on his body to ensure that it can cross the void and withstand the turbulence in the void.

But the big-faced cat has instilled some knowledge about the void. In the void, there are some unknown beings of unknown races and unknown strengths. They travel in the void and have strange abilities. If they are slightly unbearable, they may be controlled or tempted.

The patriarch of the blood clan was lucky enough to escape Kemon's pursuit, but he was unlucky and encountered an unknown creature in the void. Then the patriarch died and became a kind of life nutrient for the unknown creature.

As a result of staring at it for a long time, the sounds of sacrifices from believers gradually sounded in Kemen's ears, and they wanted to sacrifice certain items to Kemen.

Kemeng thought for a while, rejected the believer's sacrifice, and continued to stare at the purple grass in front of him.

Usually, it is very difficult to find the existence in the void, not easy at all, they can't see the end of the dragon, if there is no relationship, it is difficult to communicate.

After staring at it for several hours, but still didn't see the other party stop, at this moment, the sound of the believer offering sacrifices sounded for the hundredth time in Kemen's ears.

There are many sacrifices every day, and the premise for Kemen to accept the sacrifice is to see his mood.

At present, Kemen can't find any fun in this comfrey, so he accepts the sacrifices of the believers and sees what weird things they bring.

Soon, Kemon's consciousness crossed the boundaries of space and time, and a great consciousness came to the game world.

A group of masked believers in black robes circled a pool of water, singing the name of Cthulhu loudly.

"Great Cthulhu, the sleeping god of R'lyeh, the old ruler..."

Kermon heard their voices and kept silent, trying to minimize accidents.

Believers are not as powerful as Kemon, and if they are engulfed by the voice of evil gods, it will be very troublesome to go completely crazy.

The believers knelt down one after another. They had already felt the presence of terror, trembling all over their bodies.

Then, a host in charge whispered:

"Great Cthulhu, we are adventurers. Today we got two legendary treasures from the werewolf tribe and dedicated them to you. I hope you can give us powerful power. We need stronger power to fight Entering the high-level territory..."

First of all, at present, the purpose of the sacrifices of the players is not the same, some sacrifice purely in the direction of unlocking the seal, and some players sacrifice purely to become stronger, so the sacrifices of the sacrifices are not necessarily Aids in unblocking.

For example, this time, what the believers sacrificed was not to help unblock the future, but the legendary treasure that was spawned by fighting the wolf boss for a few days.

Of course, adventurers won't emphasize what monsters they spawned. Kemon slowly reads this information from the players' emotions.


The core staff who presided over the sacrificial ceremony held a beating purple heart and put it into the puddle.

Then another person wrapped a dagger emitting purple air with a piece of cloth.

The poisonous gas is very fierce. Although I don't know what kind of corrosive power it will have in the real world, Kemon has to consider the problem of pollution and whether he can resist it.

However, the piece of cloth wrapped around the dagger seems to have the function of a sealed item, sealing all the poisonous gas in the cloth, and there is no danger for the time being.

Kemen thought for a while, and simply accepted it.

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