Episode 4

“Oh, Dad? Why are you here?”

“What kind of ugliness are you doing right now!”

It was Naeun-sol who was just embarrassed.

His father, who had never once said anything unpleasant to him, let alone shout at him, now yells at him with the force to devour him.

Naeunsol blinked her eyes and spat out the words.

“No, Dad! Listen to me!”


ensuing gossip.

Kang Tae-san, who didn’t want to hear that, was angry, but Naeun-sol wasn’t going to back down.

She glared at Natae-san with her characteristic cynical eyes.

“Why are you screaming? Do you know what just happened to me? I’m really upset!”


What’s going on?

Cheon Hae-beom is just dumbfounded.

I wondered if a middle-aged man like that was mobilized in an accidental quarrel.

Na Tae-san strode toward Eun-sol.

In the meantime, Eunsol’s words continued.

“Dad! Answer me! Can’t you see my face right now! My clothes are-“


Suddenly, her words were cut off. The cause is the raised hand of Mount Natae.

It happened so quickly that Cheon Hae-beom had no time to stop.

“…. Dad?”

Naeun Sol’s pupils widened.

He moved his trembling hand and touched the affected area.

did i really get hit?

It was Naeun-sol who still couldn’t believe that he had been hit.

“I told you to stop. Naeunsol.”

Nataesan put a wedge in, and Naeunsol finally grasped the situation.


The first emotion expressed was anger.

The fact that I was right made me feel so unfair and angry.

However, the other person is the father who took care of him all his life.

When he thought that such a person had hit him, his anger subsided and a sense of sadness took its place.


Naeunsol raised her head and looked at Nataesan.

My dad, who always faced me with a warm smile, today looks like a goblin.


Naeun-sol couldn’t overcome her emotions in the end.

A clear liquid flowed from her eyes.

“Huh…… Dad! What’s wrong!”


“What’s wrong, Dad! Heuuuong!”

“Apologize quickly!”

“Sigh. I’m sorry, Dad. Don’t be angry…”

Not shrinking from her daughter’s tears, Natae-san maintained a reverent demeanor.

“Not Dad. Apologize to the person standing in front of you. Eun-Sol Eun.”



Naeun-Sol wanted to shout out of injustice.

why do i have to apologize

However, because of the unstoppable tears, my throat keeps hanging.


She turned her back and ran out.

It seems to be Naeun-sol’s own rebellious behavior, but

“Ah, hehehehe… Hello…”

– Nod


The way he greeted Ma Seong-yong as he passed by was a bit funny.


In an instant, too many situations and information were injected into my head.

‘So… that crazy bitch is Naeun-Sol?’

Naeun Sol, one of the main heroines of the original work.

I thought it was a familiar face somewhere, but it looked exactly like the illustration.

‘As expected… There’s not a lot of bad things.’

It is the same as the setting of the novel.

A typical caravan. The fact that he is drunk on his own pride and despises others is exactly the same as the description in the novel.

Arguing with the heroine from the first day of being possessed is very spectacular.

“I’m sorry, seniors. I’ve caused trouble unintentionally. How can I apologize for this…”

If this person is Eun-Sol’s father, it must be Na Tae-San, the chairman of the Haesung Group.

But why is this big man apologizing to me? I don’t know English at all.

“Ah, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am Na Tae-san, the chairman of the Haesung Group, whom I was promised to. I am also the father of the girl who just had a conflict with the elder. This is disrespectful.”

Since the other side is polite, I have no choice but to treat them respectfully.

“It’s okay. I didn’t do anything well either.”

“No. It’s all because of my lack of education policy.

Are you doing that in part?

It was quite uncomfortable to take a low profile and apologize over and over again.

“Today doesn’t seem like a good day. The elders won’t feel comfortable either. I’ll just have to be content with seeing your face.”

Nataesan lowered his head again and said.

“Please give me a seat whenever you want, sir. Then I’ll leave.”

Looking at the nuance of the words, it seems that I had an appointment with me, but the appointment was postponed.

If you’re lucky, you’re lucky.

Since I was at an age where I did not know the previous situation, the promise with Natae-san was not very pleasant.

After Na Tae-san said something to Seong-yong Ma, he disappeared.

“Master. What the hell happened?”


Conversely, I would like to ask

What the hell is this Satan about?

‘I have to break the quest first.’

I almost forgot because of the sudden meeting with Naeun Sol.

Academy Instructor Appointment Quest.

In order to clear that quest, the Demonic Dragon’s consent is required.


Talking badly to that man who seems to have lived several times longer than me. As a citizen of an eastern polite country, I feel rejected.

However, now I am a perpetrator.

“I’ve changed my mind.”

“Yes? What do you mean?”

“Did you say teacher? I’ll try to do that.”

Ma Seong-yong’s shoulders trembled at my bombshell remarks.

“Yeah? Really?”


Let’s say it one more time with confidence, and Seong-yong Ma only blinks as if he is thrilled.

After exhaling a few breaths of admiration, he spoke in a voice mixed with concern.

“Huh… Well, it’s welcome, but I wonder if I’ve been forcing Master…”

“No. Let’s just say it’s a matter of personal curiosity.”

“I see… I understand, Master! I will help you so you don’t regret your choice!”

Fortunately, I don’t have any doubts.

Does that mean I’m good at acting Cheon Hae-beom?

Thanks to Ma Seong-yong’s reaction, I put a lot of dignity on my face.

And I nod my head solemnly.

“Someone like Master…? Um? Master?”

Something is strange.

Ma Seong-yong, who had been in admiration until just now, stops talking and just looks at me.

I tried to interpret his gaze with rising anxiety.

The gaze has only one meaning. only doubts about me.

Did you notice anything strange about me?


I involuntarily swallow dry saliva.

I barely endured the case of swallowing it wrong.

I calmed my dizzy head and foresaw the future.

‘Isn’t it behind?’

It wouldn’t be a lie even if I said that my limbs would be torn apart with my stupid words.

Ma Seong-yong If it was that man, I think it would be true.

In the dizzying vision, the devil’s lips open.

“How has Master’s aura changed?”

f*ck. What are you talking about all of a sudden?

You seem to be thinking and thinking.

I hid my emotions as much as possible and kept a poker face.

Seong-yong Ma examines every corner of my body with his eyebrows raised.

“Hmm… The flow of magical power… Huh… Huh, Master!”

hit. You said you were in a state of mana incapacity?

f*cked up


Suddenly, Ma Seong-yong’s legs collapsed.

The sense of loss at the loss of the teacher must have loosened up the strength in the legs.

I closed my eyes and turned away from reality.

However, no matter how much time passed, there was no pain that I should feel, so I slightly opened my eyes.


The Maseongyong in a prone position was trembling.

he said in a booming voice.

“Finally. Have you finally mastered it!”


“I believed! I had no doubt that Master would do it like he was proud of it!”

I can’t understand what you are talking about

What did you master and what did you believe in?

‘Whoa… But I saved my life.’

I was so thrilled, but I couldn’t stay still.

“Yeah. It’s been quite a while, but I finally made it.”


No more words should be refrained from.

Anyway, if I stay still, Ma Seong-yong will explain this phenomenon.


“It’s like this.”

Due to unexpected circumstances, the promise with Cheon Hae-beom was broken.

I couldn’t hide my feelings of regret because it was a valuable encounter that would never happen again.

Nataesan clicked his tongue and opened the door.

‘… It’s a mountain beyond a mountain.’

A woman’s back could be seen in the distance.

Naeun Sol is crouching at the end of a sidewalk block.

The attendants were circling around her, not knowing what to do.

Looking at it, I can only sigh.

“Na Eun-sol.”

no answer

Even though I heard it clearly, I didn’t reply, but rather, I only gave off a pouting tea.

Nataesan had no choice but to approach and touch his shoulder.

– tuk tuk


“It’s okay. I’m not going to talk to Dad anymore.”


It seems that the calm wind that came after the storm will cut you off.

Nevertheless, Natae-san continued to speak.

“Eunsol, I’m sorry about what happened to your father just now. But you know that if you make things difficult for people like that every time, you’re dishonoring your father’s face?”

It was a sincere statement.

He wrapped himself around his daughter too much just because he was blood related.

Even if I made a mistake, I didn’t scold him too much, I showed him good things every day, and I only heard good things.

It seems that such affection has cut off the child’s personality, so there is no shortage of worries.

I knew it all along, but I tolerated it, and that’s why the unfortunate incident like today happened.

It can’t be like this forever.

Nataesan moved his mouth with difficulty.

“I want you…”

“I’m not going to talk! Daddy don’t even talk to me!”

“Don’t keep talking like that, listen to Dad.”

“It’s annoying… I want to go.”

As is always the case with adolescents during puberty, they do not listen to what their parents say.

Furthermore, Naeun-sol is more severe in nature.

She got out of there without even listening.

“… I’m really pissed off.”

The back view of the daughter who is moving away.

I want to run right now and hold on to it, but now is the time to make up my mind.

“egg plant.”

Nataesan got on top of a black sedan.

I entrusted myself to a cozy sheet and recalled the face-to-face encounter with Hae-Bum Cheon.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

In fact, there were many reasons why I was looking forward to meeting him.

simple admiration. And the desire to be together as a business partner.

What era is it these days?

In a world dominated by monsters, superhumans are in full swing, and the public spotlight is bound to be on such superhumans.

As a result, there were numerous companies expanding their business into that field.

Haesung Group was one of them.

‘Cheonhaebeom. If only we could bring that man into our guild…’

Anecdotes I heard from Ma Seong-yong.

I guessed that there would be some exaggeration, but it turned out beautifully.

He was a much greater man than I had heard.

‘It’s quiet enough that you can’t feel the flow of magical power.’

The biggest difference between ordinary people and superhumans is one.

presence or absence of mana.

Nataesan, an ordinary person, did not know what mana was, but could vaguely sense it in the aura of the heroes around him.

Right now, it is the same with my daughters Eun-sol Na and Seong-yong Ma.

No matter how much they suppress their mana, a speck of mana leaks out, and that puts very little pressure on ordinary people.

But what about that man, Cheon Hae-beom?

‘It was as if… Mana didn’t exist.’

Chun Hae-beom hides the mana that exists inside his body.

It is a phenomenon that can only be explained by saying that the mana control has reached a state of near perfection.

No, it is more realistic to assume that there is no magical power at all.

In this way, the eccentricity that Chun Hae-bum just showed went beyond the human category.

“That is amazing.”

Due to his high position, he has met many superhumans.

I have encountered everything from insignificant bridesmaid supermen to supermen with enormous power enough to devour a country.

While all of them exuded a sense of intimidation that could not be ignored, Cheon Hae-beom was just ordinary.

But that side drove Natae-san even more crazy.

‘If I use all the mana in my body based on such magic management… I can’t figure it out.’

The more I think about it, the more admiration comes out.

What would happen if we recruited that man to the Haesung Guild?

‘There must be a risk of getting burned while being greedy. I don’t think Sungyong hyung-nim will look down on me either.’

My heart keeps going even though I know it.

The Haeseong Guild is growing rapidly based on high financial power, but it is still a fledgling.

A situation where they are working hard to recruit talented people who do not belong to a guild.

In this situation, the existence of Cheon Hae-beom?

It rains in a drought or a storm.


An uncontrollable weapon may one day stab you in the neck.

Because of such problems, there were companies that could not maintain guilds for a long time.

Of course, Natae-san could be proud of not bowing down to such arrogant heroes.

However, the opponent is none other than Cheon Hae-beom, the teacher of S-class hero Ma Seong-yong.

It is a double-edged sword that cannot be wielded carelessly.

I don’t think I can handle it, but it’s too sad to give up.

‘Whoa… What should I do?’

Nataesan calmed down his confused mind and struggled.

First of all, the person who is called Cheon Hae-beom.

Most of the bad-tempered heroes making unreasonable demands on the guild is the starting point for things to get worse.

And Cheon Hae-beom’s disposition was truly touching.

Despite her daughter’s rudeness, she didn’t say much and rather apologized.

More surprising than that is the thoughtfulness of him who saved up his magical energy for himself.

It’s true that when you face yourself with an expression that doesn’t change as if that consideration is natural, you feel awe.


The thoughts continued endlessly.

how much time has passed

After a long and long thought, Natae-san made a decision.

‘I should also recruit them. Quickly before the others snatch them away.’

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