I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 98 Hello teacher~

There is a mage tower with a height of fifty-seven blades in the north area of ​​Green City, which is half an hour away from the Scarlet Mage Tower.

Standing at the highest point of the Mage Tower, you can overlook half of Green City.

This is the White Tower, a mage tower built by Archmage Spark Russell himself. It is one of the three major mage towers in Green City.

The White Tower is named after its pure white body. The white alchemical material painted on the body of the tower is extracted from a kind of monster called the Mountain Ogre, and has a powerful effect of absorbing magic power.

In the White Tower, the level of magic power is at least three times that outside the White Tower. In contrast, the level of magic power in the Scarlet Mage Tower is only twice that of the outside world.

As one of the three major mage towers in Green City, the existence of the White Tower can be traced back to 50 years ago.

The owner of the White Tower, Spark Russell, was not an archmage at that time. He was just a young man who had just broken through to become a level 10 senior mage.

The White Tower built with the help of the Green City Mage Association was only over twenty blades high at that time.

As a long time passed, the young mage became a famous archmage, and the height of the white tower also increased from more than 20 blades to more than 50 blades now, protecting more than 200,000 residents around it.

When Li De stood at the door of the White Tower and looked up at this miraculous building, he felt sincere admiration in his heart.

The round body of the White Tower stands like a mountain. Its grandeur is far beyond that of the Scarlet Mage Tower, and its area is at least five times that of the Scarlet Mage Tower.

Compared with the White Tower, the Scarlet Mage Tower, which was pretty good, completely turned into a dwarf next to a giant.

Not worth mentioning.

In front of the White Tower, on both sides of the open pure white door made of white leaf maple stood two formal mages wearing white mage robes with proud faces.

As the territory of the Archmage, the White Tower always has a high-ranking mage standing guard.

After seeing Li De's figure, the pride on the faces of the two mages instantly disappeared and was replaced by respectful expressions.

The half-moon-shaped high-level mage standard on Li De's robe made them restrain all their thoughts, and they must maintain enough respect for the strong.

"Master Mage, here is the White Tower. What can I do for you?"

Although he is Spark's disciple, Li De, who has never visited, will naturally not be known to the mages of the White Tower.

"Please inform me that Li De is here to visit the teacher." Li De's face was calm.

The two mages looked at each other in surprise when they heard this.

"Are you the master of the Scarlet Mage Tower, Lord Li De?"


"Lord Li De, you are Lord Spark's disciple and there is no need to inform you."

After learning Li De's identity, the two became even more respectful.

Although Li De has never been to the White Tower, the mage of the White Tower is not unfamiliar with this name.

This is the disciple that Spark personally accepted at the Green City Mage Association three years ago in front of hundreds of mages. Moreover, Li De also holds the title of genius mage and is the youngest senior mage in Green City.

He has many legendary deeds that are envied by many people. How could the mage of the White Tower forget such a character.

“It’s time to work”

Li De nodded and followed the two mages into the White Tower carrying the elven wine wrapped in exquisite packaging.

Laurent, who came with him, was waiting honestly on the roadside outside the White Tower. The businessman was not qualified to deal with a mage of Spark's status.

In the afternoon, after Laurent prepared the car, Li De asked Isa to follow Wei Na. After he changed his clothes, he came to visit Spark alone. Although Isa was a little reluctant to leave, she still stayed at home very obediently.

Li De was still very curious about his powerful and cheap teacher.

Archmage, this is a title earned by his own strength in Green City, a city with a population of millions.

Spark is not Amy, who was promoted to level 15 after becoming a vampire. Amy now has level 15, but his background in all aspects is not yet up to level 15.

Mages are not warriors. After a warrior reaches level 15, his physical fitness in all aspects will be greatly improved, and his combat effectiveness will explode immediately.

But after a mage reaches level 15, what he improves is his mental power and control of magic. It also takes a lot of time to learn 4th-level spells.

After truly mastering the 4th level spell, only a level 15 mage is qualified to be called an archmage, and only Amy, the shadow priest, is qualified to be called a high priest.

At that time, the magician's power of destroying heaven and earth can truly be unleashed.

Perhaps it is Spark's hobby, but the White Tower deserves its name. Not only is the White Tower white on the outside, but everything that enters the Mage Tower is also white.

The walls are painted with white alchemical materials, the floor is made of white leaf maple, and even all kinds of furniture are painted with white alchemical materials.

It's like entering a pure white world.

Li De's cold-toned dark blue mage robe instead became a bright color in the white tower.

"Lord Li De, Lord Spark has often talked about you before. He said that your understanding of magic is the most surprising to him among the young people he has met.

My Goddess of Magic, we have never heard Lord Spark praise a mage so much..."

The two young men who had just become official mage were a little excited after seeing Li De, and they kept talking. They were very curious about this legendary figure with the title of genius mage.

Li De chatted with the other party calmly with a faint smile, and at the same time, he was thinking about everything about his teacher.

But after all, he had too little contact with him. The memory of the ancestor of the blood clan only stayed at a very superficial level with Spark, which prevented him from gaining more confidence.

I had no choice but to shake my head and give up.

"Hey, where did this kid come from? It's been three years, and I thought you would stay in that damn mage tower for the rest of your life!!"

As soon as he entered the mage tower, an angry old voice came from the front.

"Good day, Lord Sparkle"

"Good day, Lord Sparkle"

The two mages next to me raised their chests and bowed respectfully.

Li De followed the sound and saw a strange figure in his eyes.

An old man with rosacea wearing a black mage robe, a little fat, with messy gray hair and white stubble on his face appeared in front of him.

From a distance of twenty blades, he could smell the smell of alcohol coming from the other party.

The memory in Li De's mind overlapped with the figure in front of him, and he recognized him instantly. The slovenly old man in front of him was the master of the White Tower - Archmage Spark Russell.

Spark's figure is completely different from Li De's imagination, wearing a white robe, with elegant demeanor, outstanding temperament, and infinite fluctuations of magic power emitting from his body.

With this look, let alone a great mage respected by millions of people, he would dare to believe even a beggar on the street.

Sparky didn't know what Li De was thinking. His cloudy eyes were filled with anger. After opening his mouth, the smell of alcohol in the air became a little stronger.

"Why don't you speak anymore?!!"

Seeing Lidspark made me furious. Disciple represents so much in glory...not just an ordinary teacher-student relationship, but also represents inheritance.

Three years ago, Sparks saw Li De break through and become a senior mage in the Mage Association. The strong fluctuations in magic power in his body made him fall in love with talents. After talking with Li De, he was impressed by his profound knowledge.

In a heartbeat, he accepted Li De as his disciple in public and planned to pass on all his magic to him.

After that, he also worked hard to help the Green City Mage Association help Li De build a mage tower.

It started out fine, but things changed after the Crimson Mage Tower was built.

This damn bastard actually jumped into the mage tower and never came out again.

He, the teacher, had not seen Li De for more than two years.

If the people below hadn't said that Li De had never interacted with other nobles in Green City, he would have thought that the other party did not take him as a teacher seriously.

Now that I see Li De, the resentment in my heart is not to mention how deep it is.

I promised to teach you magic, but you became an otaku.

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