I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 88: Vibrant Residents (2/3)

Finally got the land.

It was already late at night after Anthony and Jike registered at the city hall. Early the next morning before dawn, they excitedly came to the land that belonged to them... The two plots were next to each other, and they were big enough. 10 acres of land.

Although it was still covered with weeds, Anthony couldn't help but feel excited when he looked at the dark land beneath the weeds.

Land, he had it again! !

The goddess of life is above, this is simply a gift from the gods.

He still remembered the scene when his father sold the only land in the family to a noble lord in order to make a living when he was young.

The sky fell, and he still can't forget that his father, who used to smile like a child, cried like a child at that moment.

Today, decades later, he finally owns a piece of land of his own again. Even though this land cannot be bought or sold, it still belongs to him.

From then on, he truly put down his roots.

The old man Jike on the side couldn't stop his tears from falling, and his tears flowed horizontally because of his wrinkles.

Although crying, no one felt sad, it was joy, it was tears of excitement.

"Goddess above, I never thought that I would get a piece of land that belongs to me in this life. Praise the goddess, praise the Lord of Cachar City, and praise the Holy Light Blood Clan!!!"

The excited old Jike was already a little incoherent.

Anthony wiped away his tears and said nothing, but the expression on his face was filled with unspeakable joy.

Praise the City of Dawn!


The porcupine held his child in one hand and his wife in the other, looking stupidly at the two pieces of land in front of him.

There are two adults in his family and they were allocated 20 acres of land.

Goddess above, this is a real twenty acres of land. Because at that time no one knew who would get which piece of land when measuring land, so everyone was very careful when measuring. They would only take more and not less.

Such a large piece of land was simply unbelievable to him. He did not help the mayor cultivate so much land every year in the town of Eric.

But this area belongs entirely to him.

At this moment, he was inexplicably reminded of that dusk, those giant bats that covered the sky. At that time, he was still holding his child, fearing that those terrifying creatures would kill them, and even thinking of escaping in the chaos.

At this moment, it seemed that his behavior was so ridiculous. If he had really escaped that day, maybe all this beautiful life would have nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the Dawn City behind him.

There are two-story houses erected in the south area without city walls. The fire caused a large area to burn down the night before yesterday. At this time, people were still busy cleaning up.

There was no worry or fear on the faces of the people coming and going, their eyes were full of yearning, joy and excitement.

When encountering vampires with giant bat wings behind them who look like demons standing guard, these people will not be afraid. Instead, they will say hello to each other with a smile on their faces.

This scene is like being in a dream, so calm and peaceful.

There are no wars or oppression by nobles. They can get free food every day and have their own place to live.

And he also has a decent and honorable job, earning 12 silver pukes every month! !

It’s a life that you can’t even dream of.

Now he has also obtained land, and even in the future, the city will build a great school and magic tower, where his children can study.

If there is a Kingdom of God, maybe this is his Kingdom of God. Porcupine took a deep look at the quiet City of Dawn.

I felt extremely lucky in my heart, lucky that I would be chosen by the vampires, lucky to be a part of the City of Dawn, and lucky to meet such a great person as Lord Cachar.

At this moment, this man who didn't even have a name reached an extreme level of gratitude and loyalty to Li De.

If there is no accident, this man will be a supporter of Li De in this life, and he will even give his own life to defend this city and his current life.


Rekel is now the most prestigious person among the residents of Eric Town, not only because he once led them to resist the nobles, but also because he took the lead in defecting to the Holy Light Blood Clan.

Yes, take refuge.

They were forced to surrender helplessly at first, but after the publicity from the residents of Eric Town, they became aware of the difference between the Holy Light Vampire Clan and took the initiative to join the Holy Light Vampire Clan.

And they are the first residents of this city, and they feel extremely proud of this status.

So much so that when facing newcomers, these residents will always show off to them with a proud expression that they are the first to set foot in this city.

It was they who measured the land, they who cleared the streets, and they who cooked the food for those who came after.

A strong sense of honor arises because of the Holy Light Vampires.

As for the latecomers, especially those who were shaken by the rumors spread by the Wild Wolf Gang, most of them felt extremely guilty after they were actually allocated the land.

They actually wronged the great Holy Light Vampire Clan, and they all blamed that damn Wild Wolf Gang.

Those who were originally skeptical and even fearful of the Holy Light Vampires turned into ashes after being allocated the land.

That's land, Goddess above. The lifelong dream of most of them is to own their own land.

But at this moment, their dream came true.

In this city ruled by the blood race, they achieved a dream that was simply impossible in human society.

Suddenly, people's hearts quickly stabilized at an unimaginable speed.

It can be predicted that as long as the vampires don't mess around in the future, these people will continue to support them unconditionally.

The ferocious faces of the Holy Light vampires at work have become friendly in the eyes of humans, and many children even dare to step forward and say hello with a smile.

This was something unbelievable before.

"Brother Leiker, ten acres of land, we have our own land!!"

After registering at the city hall, Ollie excitedly went around to find his own land and walked around a lot. He also imitated others and erected a tall wooden sign on the uncultivated land.

Ollie's land! !

Yes, Ollie's land. After getting the land, Ollie couldn't wait to tell the world that he owned the land, and it was ten acres of land, enough to support a family.

"Congratulations Ollie, we all have our own land"

Rekel touched the big boy's head, but in the end he seemed to think of something and his face became stern.

"But aren't you on duty today? Who told you to run around?"

Ollie said with a smile, "Boss Cali knew that we had been allocated land, so he gave us a holiday. Everyone in the security team has a rest today~"

Kali is one of the six vampires in the security team and happens to be in charge of Ollie.

Reker's expression improved, "If you build a good relationship with Mr. Cali, the security team will definitely expand in the future. Maybe you can also get the position of captain in the future."

After getting along with each other for a long time, Raikel is no longer the ordinary person who is afraid of vampires when they first meet him.

Now it can be said that he has the best relationship with the vampires, not only because he is a level 7 warrior, but also because Raikel is a good person. He has studied the interests and hobbies of the vampires he has come into contact with, and has given many gifts.

In his opinion, the Vampires are actually easy to deal with, but as for being scary? Not at all, there are even many people who are just plain cute.

"I understand, brother Reker, the security team is indeed about to expand its recruitment, and Boss Kali also gave me two places ~ hahaha,"

Ollie patted his chest and smiled happily.

The microcosm of each scene represents the current living conditions of the residents of Dawn City.

It can be said that at this point, the seeds Li De planted have finally taken root and sprouted.

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