I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 4 The 1st Casting

Bang bang bang~

The knock on the door interrupted Li De's thoughts, but the shock of looking at a different world for the first time was far from gone.

Wei Na dragged her lunch into the room, greeted her and skillfully placed her lunch on the blue-heart sycamore log table beside her.

"Lord Li De, please use it slowly."


Li De sat down, as if something happened, and asked the girl who was about to leave: "Is there anything special happening in the city recently?"

Weina was slightly happy when she heard Li De's inquiry. Although she was a maid, Li De rarely chatted with her.

"Lord Li De, I recently heard that the Mage Association will hold a magic seminar in November. The three great mages of the Mage Association will attend."

"What else?" Li De straightened the plate. He was not very interested in meetings or anything else.

Thinking of the scene he just saw through the window sill, he continued to ask: "Have there always been so many beggars on the street?"

Wei Na quickly shook her head, "No, Lord Li De, the orcs in the south of the Yuanshan Mountains have recently launched a war again, and there are more people fleeing."

After saying that, he quickly said: "If you don't like it, I will immediately send people to drive away all the beggars near the mage tower."

Most mages have weird tempers, although Wei Na is unwilling to drive away those poor beggars.

But if those beggars angered Li De, he might not even be able to save his life.

Li De shook his head. From the scene on the street just now, we can roughly judge the political, economic and people's livelihood status of the Nolan Empire or Green City.

A high-ranking noble, a well-established slave owner, a cautious commoner, a ferocious mercenary, a poor beggar, and a kind shop owner who is afraid of causing trouble.

This is not a stable world.

"No need. If you have extra bread, you can give some to charity, but don't give too much. You can go down first."

After hearing Li De's words, Wei Na suddenly realized that although the master was kind-hearted, he was also very understanding of human feelings.

If those beggars give too much, they will gather in large numbers and it will be difficult to deal with them.

Their mage tower is not the city lord's palace, and it has no responsibility to rescue beggars.

"Yes, Lord Li De"

Seeing that Li De didn't speak again, Wei Na pursed her pretty lips, lowered her head and left, but her footsteps were a little slow.

Li De knew the maid's little thoughts clearly and didn't say anything.

It's okay to give some food to those beggars, but it's impossible to help on a large scale.

His current status is too dangerous. It is understandable for a mage master to occasionally take out some food as a gesture of kindness, but doing so frequently is an alien.

This is a matter that the city lord should take care of, and he does not need a mage to join in the fun.

Sit down at the table and start eating.

For the Vampires, human blood is food. These human foods do not provide enough nutrients for the Vampires... although eating them into the stomach will not cause any harm.

In order to hide his identity, the ancestor of the vampire family would eat on time every day.

Li De is not a vampire at heart, so he naturally has a hobby of enjoying delicious food, so eating like the ancestor of the vampire clan has completed a task has become a pleasure for him.

The lunch was quite sumptuous, consisting of a glass of milk, a large piece of magic-rich roast meat, two large pieces of bread, plus two plates of side dishes and a plate of dessert.

The most rare thing among them is the piece of barbecue. Only the meat of Warcraft can possess such rich magic power.

In Green City, this piece of Warcraft meat can be sold for at least fifty silver pukes.

The salary of a restaurant waiter is only 10 silver pukes a month.

The piece of meat he had for lunch was enough to feed a family of three for a year.

The currency in "Glory" is divided into copper puke, silver puke and gold puke. The exchange ratio is 100 copper puke = 1 silver puke, and 100 silver puke = 1 gold puke.

The copper puke is the most basic unit of currency. 1 copper puke can buy a piece of black bread on the street, and its purchasing power is roughly equivalent to 1rmb.

But it doesn’t matter if the world is different. Although “Glory” is an extraordinary magical world, it is still in the setting of the Western Middle Ages and the productivity is not high, so the purchasing power should be even stronger.

As an elite member of the Green City Mage Association and a baron canonized by the Nolan Empire, Li De can receive a monthly subsidy of 20 gold puke.

In addition, the area near the Scarlet Mage Tower is protected by him, and he can receive an additional protection fee of about 10 gold puke every month.

In addition, some nobles with whom he has good friends will provide him with a certain amount of money every month as protection, and this fee is also 20 gold puke.

So now Li De's monthly income is around 50 gold puke, and maintaining the operation of the Scarlet Mage Tower requires 20 gold puke every month, so there is still about 30 gold puke left in the balance.

Eating a meal of Warcraft barbecue, which is considered luxurious and expensive by ordinary people, is nothing to him.

The entrance to the roasted meat, which is rich in magic power, is polarized. After the rich magic power enters the body, it begins to wash away every cell.

The body feels like taking a massage bath, every cell is cheering for joy.

"This is Su's great sword."

Li De's face was full of comfort. No wonder the price of Warcraft was so high.

After eating the Warcraft BBQ, eating other food seemed a bit bland, and I finished the food on the table in a few mouthfuls.

After resting for a while, Li De looked at the spell skills on the attribute panel, ready to move.

As an Earthling, there is no doubt that I am curious about these extraordinary abilities.

Especially after the soul came through, the curiosity became even more intense.

Magic, the magic power of these two words is more attractive than gold coins.

Although he has no experience in casting spells, Li De is extremely familiar with these skills and spells after receiving the memory of the ancestor of the blood clan.

It's like I learned it after practicing hard tens of thousands of times.

No sense of strangeness at all.

This gave him a huge sigh of relief.

The world of glory is not a peaceful world. It is full of various evil races.

If you don't have some strength, you may not be able to live well.

He is currently the ancestor of the blood clan in the game, and may not be able to be resurrected infinitely like the player.

If he really dies and can't be resurrected, then he's really done.


Li De turned his attention to his own skills.

For modern man, only this ability to transcend reality is more interesting to him.

here we go.

The magic that had been practiced countless times in the original body's memory formed a line map of dots and lines in the spiritual sea.

Magic model.

A familiar yet unfamiliar name.

If a mage wants to cast a spell, he must activate the magic model.

The magic model consists of two parts: magic nodes and magic circuits.

Magic nodes are fixed points, and the route connecting magic nodes is called a magic circuit.

Magic power starts from the first magic node and is input to the second magic node through a fixed magic circuit, and so on,

After the last magic node is activated by magic power, the magic model has been formed and can release magic immediately.

The principles of magic are not difficult to understand, but understanding and using them are completely different things.

If a mage wants to cast magic, he must imprint the model of the spell into the spiritual sea.

The more than ten magics learned by the ancestor of the blood clan are all successful magic models.

Now if you want to cast a spell, you only need to input magic power according to the original magic model.

After recalling the process of casting the spell several times, Li De suppressed his inner excitement and slowly regained his composure.

It is best to be calm when casting spells. Excessive emotional fluctuations will affect the effect of spell casting. This is common sense among mages.

After he calmed down, Li De began to mobilize his magic power to slowly transport it to the magic model.

Small fireball.

The simplest introductory spell for a mage, a ring of magic.

A ring of magic connects no more than a hundred magic nodes, while the small fireball spell only has fifty magic nodes.

If cast by the original person, this kind of one-ring magic can be cast successfully with just a snap of the fingers.

But Li De was a rookie after all, so he was still a little nervous.

Stretching out his left hand, he learned the release gesture in his memory and began to silently invoke the magic power in his heart.

Five seconds later.


An orange-red fireball the size of an apple floated in the air in his hand.

The scorching fireball made the temperature in the study room rise several degrees in vain.

Li De's face was filled with surprise.

success! !

The first spell cast was successful! !

It is so mesmerizing that those who have not experienced it cannot imagine the pleasure of summoning fireballs from their hands.

This is magic that is far beyond reality.

Li De could clearly feel that he could control the fireball in his hands as he wished.

Just using mental force to pull it, this fireball can fly towards the enemy at a speed of tens of meters per second.

It is no less powerful than a gas can explosion.

If you want to continue to increase the power, you can continue to input magic power into the small fire ball to strengthen the power of the small fire ball.

He turned around and looked around at the storage shelves in the magic laboratory. He shook his head and put an end to this plan.

Inspired by his spirit, small fireballs kept flying in front of him, like a pulled balloon.

The scorching flames emitted an astonishing temperature, and the temperature in the room continued to rise due to the existence of this small fireball.

The orange-red fireball is like the most beautiful flower, dangerous and mysterious.

The scorching and exploding small fireballs flew up, down, left and right, spinning on the fingertips, bouncing under the feet, and floating in front of the eyes.

Li De's mind was completely lost in magic.

It wasn't until half an hour later that he began to slowly stop delivering magic power into the small fire ball.

The small fireball began to shrink slowly without the support of magic power, and its scorching orange light also slowly dimmed, disappearing into nothingness after a few minutes.

That's magic.

Li De's interest in magic immediately increased to the extreme after he cast the small fireball technique.

He liked this feeling of controlling magic so much. He swore that the feeling of fireballs flying at his fingertips was far more fulfilling than anything else.

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