92 – Second Pet (4)

“Are you okay?”

Doyuna said that she had to organize the rankings, and she took the guy who was riding on top of me and disappeared. Shortly after, Erio came up to me and asked me that.

“It’s okay. It’s just that my head is a bit complicated.”

I said that and lay down on my bed.

Lying on the floor in that state, staring blankly at the ceiling, how to say…… I have a lot of thoughts.

‘When I was young, I heard what her parents said and vaguely imagined her family growing…… In my imagination, this never happened…… ‘

She doesn’t even have a girlfriend, let alone a wife, and she already has two daughters.

I wondered what kind of mess this was.

‘What…… ‘

In Doyuna’s case, she accepted it on her own, so she had no intention of holding back.

The problem was that new fox kid.

‘Should I just drive a nail in from the beginning saying that you are a summons and I am a contractor? Even if you do well, the position of a pet dog at home is the limit?’

That was my original plan, but it was quite vague to say because the situation took a strange twist.

If I speak up, Erio and Shigure, who were watching the situation naturally, will hear the story, but if that happens, what will happen to the image of me as a human being in the two of them…… Because I knew it without even thinking about it.

‘Well, to be honest, that part doesn’t matter much…… ‘

I am me and I only move as I think.

So I had no intention of changing my behavior out of concern for other people’s eyes.



‘He’s a bit of an exception…… ‘

When she moved her head slightly, she saw Doyuna talking to her little fox in the distance.

It seems that he is trying to hide it in his own way, but Doujin also knew about it.

Doyuna’s mind and behavior change dramatically between when she is present and when she is not.

‘Looking at how he suddenly changed, it seems like he had high expectations for his younger brother to come…… He’ll be disappointed if she suddenly says he’s not your brother, right?’

Do Yu-jin could live ignoring the gaze of everyone in this world, but she had no choice but to pay attention to her daughter, no, as much as her family’s gaze.

Of course, Yu-Jin Dou-Jin’s thoughts were that if Do-Yuna had heard of it, she would have tilted her head.

Unfortunately, however, she was focused on educating her younger brother, so she did not know how Doujin looked at her.

‘What…… ‘

To Youjin Dou, being her family was a heavy burden to carry, but it was such a word that no matter what, she could not put it on the floor.

It was difficult to accept that child because of that, but conversely, it was also difficult to reject that child because of that.


“I can’t help it.”

After thinking about it for a long time, Doujin eventually decided to accept her as her second daughter if she wanted to, and she nodded her head slightly.

She adopted a puppy and brought it home, and it seemed like she was getting lonely, so the principle of action was to adopt another puppy, but because she values her family more than herself She just decided to try it out.


“What do you mean all of a sudden?”

“Nothing, it just solved the problem I was worried about.”



“…… By the way, Erio, why are you touching my face from a while ago?”

“It’s interesting.”

Erio said while touching my face like a massage.

“We’ve always been together, but I think this is the first time I’ve seen Eugene’s face so clearly.”

After hearing that, I quickly checked and saw that [In a transparent world (5★)] Was not activated.

In response, I quickly shook my head and spat out an excuse.

“I used all my strength to sign a contract with him, so maybe that’s why my abilities aren’t activating.”

“So that’s how it is.”

Erio kept touching my face while saying that.

Looking at that, I belatedly realized that my excuses were wrong.

‘Don’t make excuses, I’ll just use my abilities naturally.

While I was blaming myself like that, Erio took out the device and looked at me and asked.

“Can I take a picture?”

“Can’t you?”

I answered immediately.

To be honest, from the point of view of wanting to disappear like the wind later, the hints given so far were too fatal.

So, if possible, I wanted to avoid the situation where I gave my hints and information any more.

Perhaps he expected my refusal, Erio said without a hint of embarrassment.


“You…… “

A rule called a request that exists only between Erio and me.

When Erio said that, I was speechless for a moment and stared at Erio.

And he stared at me without avoiding my eyes, as if he had no intention of stepping back.

As this tug-of-war continued, I was the one who was pushed back in the end.

“…… With this, the request I asked you to come to Japan and the debts Yuna has made as a result of her mistakes until now are all settled?”


With the same expressionless expression as usual, he answered without hesitation.

However, thinking that it was strangely fast, I let go of all my strength.

Click- Click-

And Erio took pictures of me mercilessly with a professional attitude that I don’t know where he learned from.

“Wasn’t it just one shot?”

“I wasn’t.”

…… Yes, do as you please

I gave up my resistance when I saw Erio’s strangely brazen appearance, who I had learned from.

And when I’m begging in my heart to get me out of here because I like whoever it is.


Has my prayer reached you?

Shigure, who had been observing the situation from a distance, sneaked up to this place.

‘Are you trying to help?’

As I looked at her with that kind of expectation, Shigure nodded at me once.

Then he reached out his hand to Erio and said.

“Shall I take a picture with you?”

This bastard beats betrayal here?

While I was gaping at the tingling sensation in the back of my head, Erio quickly handed Shigure the device, as if taking a picture together was attractive.

And Shigure used it to film me and Erio diligently.

Only for one purpose, for the purpose of raising the affinity for Erio, who seems to have a close relationship with Do Yujin.

-Honey, I told you not to turn your socks inside out, right?

-Oh, hee hee hee! I obviously didn’t turn it inside out and took it off……

-Oh? So you’re saying the sock turned inside out on its own?

Shigure, who did not know about the peculiar contract that existed between the two people, had no choice but to apply his common sense to figure out the relationship between the two.

And as a result, she decided to win Erio’s heart by thinking of her father, who always showed a weak side to her mother.

‘Haa, I’m going to die, really…… ‘

‘Hee hee, flirting.’

Well, I couldn’t deny that there was also a reason that seeing Yoojin Do’s suffering face was fun.

◎ ◎ ◎

“Can you bring him over here when you finish taking pictures?”


Erio answered with a lively voice unlike Do-Yuna, who looked like a green onion.

They had already left the dungeon because they wanted to take pictures in various places other than dark places like the boss room.

For your reference, the Taegeuksa Temple in the boss room was completely placed inside Doujin’s shadow.

All the shadow snakes that Erio had caught so far were in Doujin’s shadow.

‘I can still hear the clicking sound in my ears.’

Erio fell and took a breather. Yoojin Do touched her ear and activated the [Miracle Contractor (9★)].

‘It doesn’t seem like I’m being manipulated by anything like I was worried about, I don’t see any sign of that…… Huh?’

While checking the information about the guy’s current status, Dou-jin rubbed her eyes once as if she saw something strange, then checked in front of her again.

[Summon Status]

Name: ???

Level: 1

Attribute: Light

Overall grade: A grade

Features: –

Strength: 60

Agility: 140

Stamina: 80

Intelligence: 160

mana: 200

[Summoned Beast Temperament]

-[A child born in the ninth of completion]

-[With charm like consolation]

-[Shock the earth and extinguish the sky]

‘Why is the information displayed like this?’

Approximate information is available, but precise information is not available.

‘How did this happen?’

But as soon as I came up with that question, I noticed the answer that could explain this phenomenon.

That’s right, I’ve already seen a case like this once.

In the first place, there was only one case where detailed confirmation was impossible due to the legendary attribute [Miracle Contractor (9★)].

When you have a talent so great that you can’t confirm it with a legendary level.

In other words, in a nutshell……

From noble mtl dot com

“Why did you call me?”

This meant that he also had the potential to reach the Shinhwa level.

‘Does this make sense?’

When I reached that point, my head became complicated again.

‘I heard that there are times when a genius-like summon that surpasses its species gets caught, but is that the case?’


‘No, according to what Shigure told me in the first place, the white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox was so strong that it was caught and sealed while ascending to the sky when it became defenseless, so it might not be impossible to be labeled as a myth…… ‘


“Ugh, yes!”

I came to my senses at his words and answered.

Then I saw the face of a guy with a slightly sullen expression in front of me.

“I was called, but what the hell are you doing?”

“Oh, sorry. Suddenly, I have a lot of thoughts.”

At first, I calmed down and asked him.

“I don’t know what he said…… I’ll ask you right away Do you intend to be my daughter?”

“Of course. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have even mentioned the word father.”

Come to think of it, I was so surprised that I heard it with one ear and shed it out, but this guy was looking straight at me and calling me Father.

“Okay then, I’ll take good care of you in the future, Yuri.”


At my words, his ears pricked up.

“Yes, Do Yuri. It is your name that will be used in the future.”

“Is it my name…… “

The guy opened his mouth slightly and chewed on his name, then put his hands on his waist and smiled broadly.

“Mmm! I like it!”

“Then I’m glad.”

I said that and lightly stroked Yuri’s head.

It was a welcome message for me to come into the family in my own way.

Yuri Do rubbed her hair in my hands with her eyes closed, as if my touch wasn’t too bad.

“By the way, Father, I have a question for you.”

“What is it?”

I asked Yuri, pointing her finger in the direction of the city in the distance.

“From the memory of the main body, it seems that there are more youkai in the city than when I saw it. Is that okay?”

“…… What?”

At the same time I was taken aback by an unexpected question.


In the distance, in the direction of the city, there was a huge explosion that I could see.

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