I Am Your Sister

Chapter 106:

The poster in the video is just a normal player, and after a month of hard work, he can also blow up the flowers that cover the entire intersection.

Did you change Li Xin...

Corian stood on the boat, staring at Li Xin who raised his staff in midair.

At this time she has used the third [Butterfly Blade].

Each time, the transparent wind blades that flew from the tip of her stick were like a scythe of rice cutting. They cut off the large flowers on the island below and cut off the waist. There are small animals and insects running out of the flowers in panic and fleeing.

"What is she doing..."

After ten minutes.

After cutting the island for several kilometers, it was finally satisfied.

"Krion." She looked back and smiled, "Come and help me put these together."

Corian: "..."

He sighed heavily and set the boat ashore.

For the next hour or so, Kerian felt like an old farmer who was harvesting wheat, and bent over repeatedly—collecting a bundle—to put it up, then bend over, gather up again, put it up again...

Li Xin is also collecting flowers, but she is directing Cheng Yun to work.

Spread out into a white mist by the cloud, which can be hundreds of meters, and then float down to wrap the flower branches on the ground and gather the body. This scattered flower is gathered. Li Xin only needs to go up and put away.

After the two people's backpacks were filled with groups of flowers, there was still some left on the ground. Li Xin thought about it and asked Chengyun to take the rest to the boat.

Dumb did not come out for a while.

The big body of the big green cow suddenly appeared, which surprised Kerian.


Dumb was obviously so mad in the system pet space, he spread his hooves and rampaged as soon as he came out.

So the plants on the ground were not only cut with flowers, but also trampled into green mud by cattle...

Wild barbarian cattle are a kind of miscellaneous food. Silly ran for a while, stopped, lowered his head and put his nose against the flowering branch on the ground, and was sneezed by the pollen.

He shook his head, chewed a bunch of petals with his mouth, swallowed it, and spit out again.

Cheng Yun, who was ordered, was wrapped in flowers of various colors, and looked very happy, spreading it on the deck.

Under the bright sunlight, Bai Xuxu's body turned pink.

"Well, you'll still change color!" Kerian, tired enough to sit on the bow, was surprised when he saw it.

"Purine!" Cheng Yundou scattered his petals.

"You—" Kerian was furious, reaching for his tail.

"Purinine..." Cheng Yun flew away quickly.


The weather was very good on this day. At eight or nine o'clock, the sun was shining and the breeze was smooth.

Xu Yan led his own gang and went to the sea to catch fish.

It's really fishing.

Charts, fish monsters account for most. It's been a long time since I opened the service, and the players at the beach have almost figured out the pattern. Two days a week is a "high tide day." There will be a lot of weirdness on the beach and diving next morning. At this time, it is more profitable to brush.

It is now the morning after a "high tide day".

Originally as the leader of a gang of tens of thousands of people, Xu Yan did not usually need to lead the group himself. He is busy, the game reality is very busy.

But recently the situation is more complicated, regarding the cruelty among the gangs, the private struggles of private consortia, various rumors and so on.

So today Xu Yan deliberately took the time to bring this team in person, which also showed his attitude.


Afterwards Xu Yan was thinking that if he was to let him know what would happen next, he would definitely not come here.

Li Xin changed his skirt. This skirt was once bought to her by an old lady npc, and it was his favorite one. Normally, as long as Li Xin wears this skirt to look for him, the whole person will enter the state of "say what should be what".

In this life, Li Xin bought it after coming to Hanyuan City.

It is a tube top skirt. Its lining is pure azure blue, the cloth is smooth like water, and its texture is like the petals of velvet that just bloomed. The lower body is a long and veiled skirt, with colorful layers of colored gauze in the shape of stars and broken diamonds, fluffy and soft, rotating and dazzling like a rainbow in a dream.

At that time, a silver-haired old lady smiled and said, "It carries the most beautiful dream of my youth, and it is still today. But now I want to sell it and return it to treat my lover-also give it to me People, the cost."

Li Xin came out of the cabin and walked on the deck covered with flowers. The sunlight touched her bare shoulders, and the pearly arc was round and beautiful. She wore this skirt with her collarbone and large white back exposed. Her long blond hair spread from the ear to her shoulders, and her arms appeared slender and slender as she walked.

There was wind on the deck, blowing her hair flying, and the skirt fluttering like a cloud.

The first time Ma Zhajian saw it, he said something very literary.

"The way you wear it reminds people of flower fields under the sky."

Corian leaned in a daze on the side of the boat. When she looked back at her new dress, her eyes widened into walnuts. After a while, she took a breath of cold air, and she coughed violently.

Li Xin ignored him and walked to the side of the boat to sit down with a skirt.

It's also a game. If in reality, such a skirt might be blown away, it would be broken.

"You...you..." Kerian blushed and you couldn't figure it out for a long time.

In the end he came with a somewhat inexplicable expression on his face, and said in silence for a while: "Your hairstyle is not suitable. Do you want me to help you get another one."

Li Xin looked at him in surprise.

"Can't do it!" Kerian was annoyed by her and turned her head towards the cabin: "Come here if you want to!"

Li Xin was sitting on the sofa, and Corian stood behind her, brushing her hair very seriously.

His technique was a bit rusty at first, but soon became as proficient as he did thousands of times.

"You are wearing this skirt...for the last man?" Corian asked.

Li Xinke gave a whisper indiscriminately.

Corian was silent for a while, muttering lowly: "...It's pitiful, isn't this a lie."

Li Xin took a piece of copper armor and used it as a mirror to see Kerian’s fingers flexibly interspersed between his hair. The slender braid... the bun... split, and in less than ten minutes, a beautiful hair style was shaped in his hand.

Finally, a few white flowers were inserted on her head, and Corian turned around her and nodded with satisfaction: "OK. You will stay in the cabin afterwards, don't mess up."

Li Xin looked at the bronze armor and wondered: "How do you know this?"

Corian froze, glaring at her: "The meeting will be the meeting, so many words."

Li Xin stared at him for a while, then turned back to the table and continued to take out his life skill brush.

Soon, the iconic giant Baifan port flag of Fengdia Port was near.

"A lot of people." Corian's voice came from the deck.

Li Xin stood up and walked over to the window to look at it, and saw a large group of players everywhere on the beach in front of him playing Daguai.

She looked at it for a while, and was about to leave. She suddenly looked at it—in the middle of the most crowded place, she saw Xu Yan in black leather armor.

The ship sailed towards the shore.

Most players around noticed the ship full of flowers. During its driving, the petals that have been blown down by the wind have been curled up and looked very beautiful.

At that time, someone was screaming at Corian outside: "Hey! Brother! You can't sell this flower!"

Kerian shook his head vigorously while extinguishing the boat, slowly approaching the shallow water.

This is Li Xin pushing open the cabin door.

What kind of wind skills the male player used specifically did not say in the post, and Li Xin did not know. But as far as she knows, there is exactly one skill that can blow things up-[Wind Curse].

This is a quite magical wind skill, the effect is to summon a small whirlwind. Say it is a common skill-because the city npc is sold, the attack power is not higher than other skills. But there is the same, its effect is determined by the user's [God] attribute, which is equivalent to a disguised upgrade, which has been favored by some Gaofa.

Li Xin, once used as a method in the east, was used at the time, and the effect was similar to a large tornado.

As the soft spell casts in the wind, as if to get a signal, the surrounding air flow trembles steadily-the flat ground whirlwind starts.

Li Xin stood behind the cabin and turned his back to the shore. Her figure was blocked by the cabin, but the huge whirlwind rising from the ground clearly attracted the attention of players.

Many people were vigilant immediately, slowing the offensive in their hands and staring here: "What are you doing?! Want to fight to blame?"

The tip of Li Xin's wand drifted down a bit, and turned his head to Corian: "The flowers are thrown out."

Corian: "...here? Who's here?"

Li Xin looked at him.

Corian: "Walking..."

Two backpacks, mountains of flowers were thrown out.

The invisible whirlwind is getting bigger and bigger, and it instantly rises by several feet, dozens of feet. As Li Xin swings his staff, he takes these flowers in.

"Wow la la la..."

Countless bright and colorful beautiful flowers were blown up by the wind, held in the whirlwind, and twirled in the air.

The wind is invisible, but it is painted by thousands of flowers.

"Lying...groove." A group of players on the beach were stunned, their eyes removed from the window, gave up their actions, lost their language, and turned into a bottle of stone sculptures.

"Hongtu doesn't mean that, and there will be no so-called "charging fees", your help..."

On the beach farther away, two people stood facing each other. Holding a long sword, Xu Yan stood upright, stood in the middle of the crowd and looked at the other party's principal formally and seriously, and then he suddenly heard the crowd around him-both parties, and suddenly began to commotion. There are faintly piles of "horizontal troughs and troughs" ringing one after another.

What is noisy?

Xu Yan frowned, paused, and looked around slightly.

However, this time, the "death ray" of the old helper Xu did not receive the desired effect.

Jiu Mei, who was standing beside him, looked around and looked back at the eyes of those with strange expressions...

"Lying trough!"

His voice became the largest of the crowd.

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