I Am the God of Games

Chapter 227 Primordial 8 Clan

"The original eight clans..." Xi Wei of the kingdom of God whispered again.

As far as the God of Games is concerned, he is just a newbie and he naturally has no relevant knowledge, but if he knows the key words and searches in the memory of the Godhead of the Sea-dwelling Lord, he can still find some information.

In fact, after the Supreme Three Saints first opened up the world, they created many different races. They lived in the main material plane and continued to multiply and inherit from generation to generation, giving birth to many wonderful cultures.

Under the protection of the gods, these races grew vigorously, just like the Ediacaran period before the explosion of life in the Cambrian period.

This is the 'prehistoric age' of this world.

But as mentioned before, there have been three battles of gods in this world.

There is almost no record of the first battle of gods in the godhead memory of the lord of the sea, probably because even the lord of the sea was not born at that time.

However, it is certain that the battle of gods did not take place in the main material plane, and hardly caused any damage to the nether.

In fact, Xi Wei still doesn't know, after ruling out the possibility of a civil war between the gods, what exactly was the god fighting with the first god war...

Different from the first battle of gods, the second battle of gods is closely related to the main material plane, and even caused the biggest ecological catastrophe in the world.

After the first battle of gods, the gods were severely injured, and for a long time did not pay attention to the development of the creatures in the lower world. Ironically, it was during this period of 'no gods' that the development of the tribes in the lower realms was much faster than when the gods interfered.

Although the specific time is not clear, it is certain that many races have developed amazing civilizations during that time, not even inferior to Earth.

This is the first era in the records of the Nether clans.

Because of the prosperity of many races and the population blowout, I don't know since when, many gods who feed on faith have appeared in the world of gods.

Their existence gradually began to erode and even snatch the power of the native gods. Finally, when the contradictions accumulated to the extreme, the native gods took the initiative to start a war with the gods of faith. This was the second war of gods.

It seems that Xiwei's predecessor, the original god of the game (the original god), was killed in this battle of gods and deprived of his godhead.

Unlike the first battle of gods,

The second war of gods not only involved the main material plane in the war, but even many other planes were not spared, they were all affected by the war, and they became the victims of the competition between gods for power and power.

The three-hundred-year-old war completely destroyed the ecosystem of the main material plane, and almost all living beings were wiped out in three hundred years of continuous natural disasters. The splendid civilization of the First Age also came to an end.

In the end, neither the native god nor the belief in the gods won the victory (although Xiwei felt that as long as he continued to believe in the gods for a while, he would die because there were no believers), the supreme three saints who could not stand it stopped them from continuing to fight, and Set out to reshape the environment of the world.

Almost everything developed directly from scratch. After the gods were beaten badly by the Supreme Three Holy Spirits, they understood how much pain their actions had brought to the world, and they temporarily let go of their fighting spirit and began to act obediently. With his own vocation and power, he carefully took care of the intelligent race that was born after the second war of gods.

The ancestors of human beings also appeared in this world inexplicably during this time, and taking advantage of the rare tender care period of the gods, they gained precious development time and quickly spread their figures to almost every material plane. corner!

This is the second era.

It's just that the most brilliant intelligent race in the second era is not humans, but goblins. They use many other races (including humans) as slaves, vigorously develop technology, and eventually even create warships that can break into the realm of the gods and face the gods.

After the gods slapped the goblins to death, they slightly modified the settings of this race, causing them to lose their original wisdom and degenerate into fish monsters. Attitudes are beginning to move closer to the present era.

Probably because the goblin civilization angered the gods, in the third battle of gods, many gods actually had the opportunity to save the intelligent races in the lower world and make their civilization continue smoothly, but they didn't make a move in the end, just helplessly. Watching the developed and diverse civilizations of the Second Era cut off, all intelligent races were once again beaten back to the starting point and developed again from the Stone Age.

Not only that, but even in the process of development, the gods have to point fingers in various ways, making their development stagnant. Human beings have been able to develop to what they are now in a thousand years. Most of the reasons have nothing to do with the 'teachings of the gods' preached by many churches. ) developed!

By the way, after the end of the second war of gods, the three supreme saints also disappeared, if not later, when the third war of gods almost destroyed the main material plane, they intervened again and stipulated that 'the gods cannot go there. As for the iron rule of the main material plane, maybe many new gods like Xiwei would think they perished after the second battle of gods...

The original eight tribes mentioned by the Elf Queen are the creatures originally created by the Supreme Three Saints. For various reasons, they avoided the tragedy of being genocide in the second war of gods, and survived and continued successfully. eight races.

They are dragons (the dragons participating in the war of gods are all destroyed, and the survivors are the descendants of the dragons that were dormant during the war), saints (an ethnic group similar to angels, it is said that the three supreme saints used the survivors when they created gods) made of leftovers), giants (human-like giant ancestors, not related to mountain giants), devils (the only survivor of the hell plane), night devils (ancestors of shadow creatures and vampires), high elves (all Ancestors of elves), orcs (ancestors of modern orcs), hill dwarves (the only race that has remained unchanged until now, and the gray dwarves are a branch of it).

If it is said that this zombie transformation is really based on the original eight clans, then in addition to the zombie dragons, zombie devils and zombie oaks that have appeared now, there should be zombie angels, zombie giants, and zombie vampires (?) , Zombie Elves and Zombie Dwarves.

Thinking of this, Xi Wei couldn't help but feel a pain in the ball.

"Hey...isn't this situation a little bad?"

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