I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1873: city ​​breaker

   Chapter 1873 City Breaker

   "Yes!" Following the order of the robber's head, the other robbers were also excited, and then ran to the back of a pile of debris and dragged one of the boxes out.

  When the box is opened, what comes into view is a mysterious item covered with a black cloth! It looks about one meter long, and if you look at the shape, it is very similar to the grenade launcher before the end of the world.

   is only a few laps bigger.

The head of the robber couldn't wait to lift the black cloth, and what was revealed in front of him was indeed an enlarged grenade launcher, but there were some differences in details. Compared with the current mainstream weapons, this thing It seems extremely backward, and few people know it.

   This kind of thing that looks like a grenade launcher actually has another name called City Breaker!

   As the name suggests, this is a strategic weapon specially designed to deal with corpse walls, it can easily tear apart the corpse walls of any sanctuary city and survivor base!

   Someone once used it on the already occupied Pingnan base, and at that moment, the entire anti-corpse wall collapsed!

   However, the usage of this thing is too simple, and it has almost no effect on the corpse tide, but it is very effective for destroying rigid substances.

The person who invented him is unknown, only know that this thing was invented six years ago. At that time, the concept of the corpse king was not clear, and no one knew that the four corpse kings would invade the Shenzhou continent together in the future, and the original intention of inventing it was originally. It is to occupy other survivor bases so that those in power have greater power.

But that period was the most chaotic period. Many powerful new human beings were divided into one side. No matter who they were, they didn't even wipe their buttocks clean. Unless their own survival was seriously threatened, no one would pay attention to spanking. to other survivor bases.

  Although attacking other survivor bases does help to expand the influence of those in power, this kind of thing also takes a lot of risk for the invaders. Attacking other survivor bases means war!

  War! It is usually accompanied by the flow of blood, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and labor-intensive.

   When the time comes, let other equally powerful people in power take advantage of the emptiness, and there will be nowhere to cry.

In a word, the invention of this city-breaking device was used to mutilate the same kind of things, and it deserved to end like this. Not long after it was developed, it was submerged in the long river of time and gradually forgotten by people. Fortunately, this thing is here. can have unexpected effects.

  The robber excitedly picked up the city breaker, recalling how the seller told him to use it, took out a cylindrical ammunition from the box, installed it in an unfamiliar way, and handed it to the next man.

   "Target! We rushed out and entered Jiayan City. Those big-headed soldiers can't help us. At that time, I will take you to Yunxia Base to have a good time!"

"Don't worry, boss!" The big cake painted on the head of the robber made the younger brother's eyes glow with golden light. He took the city-breaker with trembling hands, and then stretched half of his body out of the window, aiming the launch port at a distance of less than 200 meters from them. Meter's anti-corpse wall, decisively press the launch button!


   "Fuck!" The moment the ammunition was just fired, the huge recoil almost prevented the younger brother from flipping out, but fortunately he finally stabilized his body.

The   cylindrical projectile slid through the air at an extremely fast speed. After seeing the menacing "scavenger", the soldiers in front of the corpse wall had already locked the door and quickly completed their assembly.

   When the younger brother pressed the launch button, the soldiers thought it was powerful for the first time, and hurried to the sides to avoid being affected by the next explosion.


A voice with very little movement came. This strange voice is not easy to hear if you don't pay attention. Strangely, the imagined explosion did not happen. The soldiers who were already lying on the ground looked at each other. They both saw the suspicious look in each other's eyes.

"what happened?"

   "A dud?"

   A soldier looked back at the corpse wall behind, and saw that the strange cylindrical projectile was firmly attached to the corpse wall, and nothing happened behind it.

"What is this?"

   "I'm not right..."

   Few people know about the City Breaker. Many soldiers have never even heard of this strategic weapon, which was eliminated as soon as it was developed, and they are particularly puzzled by the cylindrical projectile.

On the other side, the head of the robber saw that the city-breaking bullets that were launched were nailed to the anti-corpse wall and did not move for a long time. He thought that because of his age, the trigger device inside had aged and lost its original effect, so he quickly With a loud voice, the "scavenger" who was moving at a high speed stopped with a sudden stop!

"Nima, you won't be trapped!" Looking at the dead body wall, the robber leader was also shocked and angry. This **** city breaker cost a lot of gold, if you can't afford it The effect, directly driving the "scavenger" and crashing into it is simply Shabby's behavior!

  This anti-corpse wall is not broken. If you want to get out, you have to get off the "scavenger" and break out of the encirclement on foot!

But doing this will undoubtedly lead to death. Compared with the equipment of the corpse wall garrison, the weapons in their hands can be said to be very backward. It is difficult to say whether the exoskeleton suits on those soldiers can be penetrated. Under the circumstances, giving them ten lives would not necessarily be able to break through!

   After thinking for a while, the robber leader didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up! Another shot! Hurry up!"

"Okay, okay." The robbers in the back hurriedly sent out a second city-breaking bomb from the box. This city-breaking device was discontinued five years ago, and now it is almost invisible on the black market. It is sold to them The city-breaker only has two city-breakers in their hands. If the second shot doesn't work, then it's really dead!

   In the "scavenger" at this time, Nariel and Chen Chaoyang came out, and all the remaining robbers raised their hearts in their throats.

Just as they were loading the city-breaker, the soldiers on the front of the anti-corpse wall had also reacted. They quickly opened the exoskeleton suits on their bodies one by one, and put up the weapons in their hands to violently attack the scavenger. shooting!

In desperation, the head of the robbers could only order to go back. The blade, the minced meat left on it splattered!

At this time, a non-commissioned officer had just put on his exoskeleton suit and walked out of the building next to him. Looking at the "scavenger" who was forced to retreat by the fierce fire, his face was full of coldness. A certain window on the second floor of the building behind, his face is serious and excited! Just listen to him shouting: "Be sure to kill these outlaws. If you let them escape, everyone will go to the twenty buildings for Lao Tzu to report tomorrow."

   (end of this chapter)

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