I am so Accurate

Chapter 699 Three consecutive MVPs! !

Sun Hao was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene.

Duncan has also done this in history, and it was also during this season.

That was when they played G6 in the Finals with the Heat. Before that game, the Spurs had led 3-2.

If G6 wins, the Spurs will be the championship.

And in that game, the Spurs led the Heat by 10 points after three quarters.

Based on the poor performance of the Heat's Big Three at critical moments, the Spurs had a great chance of winning the game.

It's a pity that the Spurs themselves performed very average in the last quarter. They only scored 20 points, and the Heat dragged the game into overtime.

The Heat had the upper hand again in overtime, and on a similar play, Duncan did the same thing after missing a key tip-in.

That sentiment is completely understandable, as a great situation was reversed and Spurs lost their best chance.

It was indeed the case after that. The Spurs failed in the away game tiebreaker and ultimately lost the championship with regret.

But the current situation is a little different. This is only G1, and the Spurs are not reversed.

In theory, Duncan should not be so annoyed and frustrated.

But the fact that Duncan did this can only mean one thing. His frustration is no lower now than it was then.

The reason why it is low is because there is no hope!

Throughout G1, the Spurs were unable to limit the Lakers' scoring.

They can't defend, and their current offensive level cannot match the Lakers. Coupled with the feeling of grabbing duckweed in the final quarter, Duncan's frustration is easy to understand.

In the end, the Lakers got off to a good start by beating the Spurs without any blood, 121-104.

After the G1 game, the emotions of Lakers fans were a little high.

For football watchers, what could be more satisfying than watching the home team defeat their opponents with a devastating offensive attack?

What's more important is that this feeling continues!

Just two days later, G2 continued to play at Staples Center.

The process of the game was very similar to G1. It can be seen that the Spurs played more focused and harder, but neither Popovich nor the Spurs players could guess what the Lakers were wearing in every round. , so we can often see them focusing on one thing at the expense of the other in the game.

After all, the Spurs do not have a perimeter defensive leader like Green, and with their current lineup, they cannot achieve the high-speed rotation of the Warriors.

The result is naturally predictable.

113 to 97, the Lakers made another victory, and the big score was already 2-0.

A very cruel reality for Spurs fans is that the scene of Sun Hao and Popovich talking trash on the court should never happen, because it will never be needed again.

And the even more cruel thing is that they can't find a comeback point.

Indeed, the theoretical toughness of 101 strikes is full, but the problem now is that what they hit is diamond. If the hammer breaks it, it will not break it!

However, when the two sides came to San Antonio, the Spurs narrowly defeated the Lakers 104-101 in G3 and regained one victory.

It can be seen from the score that the Lakers' offensive performance was somewhat abnormal.

Sun Hao scored 41 points and Yao Ming had 21 points and 11 rebounds. In terms of core performance, the Lakers did not have a big problem.

The real problem came from the role players, who combined to shoot 7-for-35 from the field.

This has something to do with their own strength as role players, and it also has something to do with Popovich's defensive deployment.

After two games, he found that Yao Ming did not take many offensive shots in this series.

He initially thought that Yao Ming's injury might have recurred, but it turned out not to be the case.

He couldn't find the reason and didn't look for it. He followed his own strategy and gave Sun Hao and Yao Ming certain scoring opportunities, and then limited the scoring of other role players.

This sounds like a suicidal defense, but it works.

Harris' ability to adapt on the spot is average, which was demonstrated when he played the Warriors before.

So by the time he reacted to attack Yao Ming, it was actually too late.

Although the Spurs cannot guard the Lakers, it does not mean that their own offense is not good.

In a duel between masters, a set of sword techniques can suppress you, but if your opponent finds a flaw, you may be killed in one blow.

Popovich's sophistication and experience were well demonstrated in this game.

The mood of Spurs fans also changed from gloomy to sunny after G3.

1 to 2, if the Spurs can continue to show this characteristic, there is no chance of a comeback.

But after G4 started, Spurs fans felt depressed again.

It's not that Popovich suddenly changed his mind and changed his defensive tactics, or that there was something wrong with the Spurs' performance.

Instead, the Lakers started acting rogue and unreasonable.

And after the game, Popovich said he was familiar with the plot.

Sun Hao scored 57 points and directly beat the Spurs.

The Spurs' defensive system and Leonard were all in vain when Sun Hao was determined to score.

Although Sun Hao's shooting percentage when defended by the Spurs is actually not too high, Neal and Leonard on the Spurs were both beaten and left the game with 6 fouls.

It's such a arrogant lethality.

Moreover, after the first three games, Sun Hao said that he seemed to have deceived Yao Ming, but it turned out that the time had not yet come.

When the time comes, nothing can be stopped.

111 to 101, after a fierce battle, the big score has reached 3 to 1.

Then, return to Los Angeles with this score.

The Lakers did not give the Spurs another chance. After a big victory, they sent the Spurs home 4-1.

Lakers fans regret that they still haven't had the opportunity to see the familiar Sun in G6.

What makes Spurs fans uncomfortable is that they all sat on the bench in the fourth quarter of G5, and the sight of Duncan with his head wrapped in a towel was distressing.

Popovich stared blankly ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

At the end, he took a long breath and stood up, instantly giving people a very old feeling.

In fact, Yao Ming played as a support throughout the series, or it can be said that he did not exert any force.

The Spurs lost because of Sun Hao, but more importantly because of the whole team.

Moreover, Popovich would not dare to abolish Sun Hao.

Even the rest of the Spurs wouldn't dare.

So in the end, it was a bit frustrating to lose this game, but there was nothing I could do about it.

4 to 1, no bloodshed, the Lakers entered the Western Conference Finals first.

At this time, Lakers fans can really feel the distance between the championship and them.

The Lakers took the lead in breaking out of the conference semifinals, and the remaining three groups of games also ended one after another.

There was no suspense on the Eastern side. Although the Pacers and the Eagles resisted fiercely, and the Pacers and the Bulls even scored 2-4, in the end, the Eastern duo managed to break out of the siege and successfully meet in the finals.

Then in the West, the game between the Mavericks and the Warriors was much more intense than expected.

Perhaps no one could have imagined before the game that these two teams would actually play another tiebreaker in this year's playoffs!

The Mavericks played in awe.

They were close to losing several times, but in the end they were able to withstand it and win the game.

If they hadn't met the Warriors, they might have reached the Western Conference Finals.

The final tiebreaker between the two teams attracted much attention.

But this game was once again unexpected.

Nelson played five small teams at the beginning and directly defeated the Mavericks.

Ibaka's outstanding form left the Mavericks with not many options on the defensive end, and they were obviously lacking in physical fitness until the tiebreaker.

As a result, the Warriors directly eliminated the Mavericks.

In the fourth quarter, the scene of Nowitzki sitting on the sidelines with a long beard and some white hair on his side was embarrassing.

Moreover, it is also easy to think of Duncan in another group of conference semifinals.

The four forwards at the beginning of the century, no matter how strong and durable they are, their era has passed after all.

After sighing, the fans immediately turned their attention to the conference finals.

As mentioned before, the Bulls and Knicks in the East, plus the Lakers and Warriors in the West.

The match between these two groups was simply a cosmic collision!

No matter which group played against each other, it was full of highlights.

Before the start of the conference finals, there is another thing that everyone is paying attention to, and it is also very suspenseful this year.

Regular season MVP!

Last season, Sun Hao won the regular season MVP with his ultimate personal performance, but this year, it is not just about personal performance.

In reality, the core players of the four teams that have advanced to the conference finals. Except for Paul on the Bulls, who is slightly inferior, the core players of the remaining three teams, James, Durant, and Sun Hao, are all outstanding in terms of record and personal data. He is definitely worthy of MVP.

In terms of record, the Warriors are first in the league, the Knicks are second, and the Lakers are third.

In terms of statistics, Durant averaged 28.3 points, 9.3 rebounds and 3.7 assists per game, James 27.6 points, 8 rebounds and 7.3 assists per game, and Sun Hao averaged 32.5 points, 4.1 rebounds and 8.7 assists.

Sun Hao has a great chance to complete three consecutive MVP awards!

However, the Lakers' record is "drag" him to some extent.

Although the gap is actually only a few wins, the league's practice has always been to use record as an important reference.

And there is a very important thing in history, that is, there are only three players with three consecutive MVP awards, namely Russell, Chamberlain and Bird.

That's right, Michael Jordan.

Jordan was unable to complete three consecutive Bulls dynasties, especially during the second dynasty, which was a pity for many fans.

Because your team is very strong and your personal ability is very strong, it is possible that your opponent is also very strong.

The two people who stopped Jordan were Barkley and Karl Malone, who were in their prime at the time.

Now, there's nothing wrong with you saying that James and Durant are at their peak.

Especially Durant, after Sun Hao left the team, he still led the team to first place in the Western Conference and reached the Western Conference Finals.

You can say that Curry replaced a large part of Sun Hao's role, but there is no doubt that Durant is the real core of the Warriors.

So no one really knows what the final result will be.

And before the final results were announced, something interesting happened.

Before the final grand prize is announced, reporters will naturally interview the three popular candidates.

The three people answered in very different ways.

The first is player No. 1 James.

Faced with reporters’ questions, James’s answer was this:

"It doesn't matter to me. No matter who the MVP is given to, it will be recognized by the fans and the media. If I can get it from that team, it will be a great encouragement to me and the team. If I don't get it, it means that others will More deserving of this award.”

Well, that's very James.

Then there’s Durant, the second player:

"Do you need to ask? Sun is the only candidate. Before the start of the season, do you think the Lakers can play that well? And for a player who averages 32 points per game, why should he not be elected MVP?"

And when the reporter asked why it wasn't him.

"If there were no Sun, this award should belong to me. We are No. 1 in the league, but now he should belong to Sun."

This is the number one fanboy!

And from an ordinary person's point of view, it is even a bit difficult to understand, but when it comes from Durant's mouth, you will feel that there is nothing wrong with it.

Then when the reporter reluctantly asked if the two teams were going to play each other and Durant was deliberately trying to poison his breasts, Durant looked at the reporter with a look that looked silly.

This made the reporter feel a little numb.

Finally, it was Sun Hao’s.

"I can't guess how the media will choose, but if I had to vote, I would vote for Kevin, the best player on the best team."

Sun Hao's move was invisibly a business exchange with Durant.

And in fact, these words were also Sun Hao's inner thoughts.

Because there is another point. Among the three people, Durant is actually the only one who has not won the MVP.

This season is Durant's best chance.

As for the future, if the Lakers get better together and their record is better than that of the Warriors, then Durant really won't have much chance.

The answers of the three people also caused a lot of discussion among fans on social media.

Of course, this also makes fans look forward to the final selection results even more.

The day before the start of the conference finals, the league officially announced the selection results.

The three people's votes were very close, and even apart from the three, Paul also took away a lot of votes.

In the final result, Sun Hao received 31% of the votes, beating Durant with 25% and James with 20%, and was successfully elected as the regular season MVP for the 2012~2013 season!

After receiving this award, Sun Hao also became the fourth player in NBA history to complete three consecutive MVPs!

After the results were announced, various people immediately expressed their congratulations to Sun Hao.

"Well deserved." -James;

"I have long said that no one deserves this honor more than you! (Omit 50 words)" - Durant;

"Belated honor, the best player in history!" - Nowitzki;

"There is no doubt that Sun will become the first player in NBA history to win four consecutive MVP awards." - Nelson;

"The honor is not enough to explain Sun's greatness, but this honor is well-deserved, and anyone who loses to him will not feel it is unfair." - Paul;

"What else can I say? I don't seem to be here." - Jordan.

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