I am so Accurate

Chapter 473 Sun Hao wins FMVP again!

"The Lakers are the champions! They are the champions again!"

In the broadcast booth, Su Qun couldn't help shouting.

"This is a championship with great value. They defeated the Wizards, the league's number one team, and they defended the title even though Sun Hao was injured! They deserve it!"

After shouting, Su Qun immediately entered Su blowing mode.

"Congratulations to Xiao Sun. He has won 3 championships in his 6-year career. This is a great achievement! Of course, we must also recognize Yao's performance. His performance is also outstanding."

Zhang Weiping on the side celebrated for the Lakers and Sun Hao, but also felt sorry for Yao Ming.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh!

This China Derby is destined to have a winner and a loser.

And what many people don't notice is that Yao Ming entered the NBA one year later than Sun Hao, but he is actually older, and he has already won two championships.

If this trend continues, this is the rhythm to become the 6th Asia King.

While celebrating on the court, O'Neal hugged Sun Hao completely in his arms. The scene was extremely intimate.

The rest of the Lakers were booing and shouting.

But this is not the most arrogant, the most arrogant is Walker.

The guy ran to the sidelines, turned around, pointed his butt at the crowd, and then launched into his signature twerk celebration.

Fortunately, there is security in the arena, otherwise he would have experienced "Free America" ​​by now.

Mourning hugged the Lakers coaching staff, and when he finally hugged Phil Jackson, his eyes were completely red.

In the eyes of most people, a person with severe kidney disease like him should have retired to recuperate long ago, and he does not lack the basic salary in the past few years.

But he just couldn't reconcile himself to being without a championship for the rest of his life, so he underwent kidney transplants again and again and took risks to come back again and again, in order to win the championship.

At this moment, he finally got what he wanted!

Also with red eyes was Payton. The former number one point guard in the league whose peak coincided with Jordan's, finally won the championship before he retired.

And whether it's Mourning or Payton, like Barkley and Malone before them, they didn't win the championship by relying on their own efforts, but they won it through their own efforts.

This kind of "fighting" championship will make them proud.

The scene showed footage of the audience, showing Jordan standing and applauding the Lakers.

Although the Wizards lost in the end, the Lakers won admirably tonight.

At this time, Sun Hao had been put down by O'Neal and was hugging and chatting with Yao Ming.

Yao Ming's eyes looked a little lonely. He is a very strong person at heart, but he has lost to Sun Hao twice in a row.

"You have already performed very well, and we will win the championship together in the summer!"

Sun Hao comforted him by saying that they are rivals in the NBA, but they are teammates in the international arena.

He knows Yao Ming's character. Yao Ming plays in the NBA more to improve his strength and perform better in international competitions.

Sure enough, Yao Ming's face improved a lot after hearing this.

He failed in the NBA, but in this World Championship, he must win the championship!

The Wizards players left the field one after another, and most of the fans at the scene also left.

The Lakers players went to the locker room to change their clothes. When they came out, they were wearing championship T-shirts, with smiles that couldn't be hidden on their faces.

The first time is exciting, scoring twice is joyful!

Because if you do it again, in many aspects you won’t be exploring, but enjoying it!

Especially for Sun Hao.

He and Nowitzki failed to defend their title in Dallas, which led to the team's disintegration the following year. He would never forget that unwillingness and regret.

But now he does it with the Lakers!

Defending the title feels really good!

And next, is their championship moment!

Scarlett also came to him at this time, and Sun Hao turned around and kissed her.

I had been busy playing games before, so even though I was married, I didn’t have much time to spend with Scarlett.

After this year's World Championships are over, we must start preparing for pregnancy and other things!

He has his own godson, but he has to find a son. He has a huge empire and needs someone to inherit it!

Stern walked to the center of the stage, and the awards ceremony began.

"An incredible game and an incredible round of the finals. This is a perfect ending to this wonderful season in the past. We must congratulate the Lakers. This is their second consecutive NBA championship!"

Stern announced the championship in a way that was both foreshadowing and unique.

The Lakers have also officially announced that they have become the NBA championship for the 2005~2006 season!

And like Stern said, this is their second consecutive championship!

Many of the people staying at the scene were Lakers fans, and at this time they had already started chanting the slogan "Lakers Championship"!

Most Lakers fans at home can witness it with their own eyes, but very few can buy tickets for away games. These people are enjoying VIP-level treatment now!

After Stern announced, he handed the championship trophy to Buss Jr.

Little Bas could not hide the excitement on his face.

Not only because of this championship trophy, but also because of the meaning of this moment.

Buss Sr. did not come to the away game due to physical discomfort, and Buss Jr. took over for him.

This shows that Buss Sr. has tacitly handed over the management of the Lakers to Buss Jr.!

How can such a moment not be exciting!

Buss Jr. held the trophy high, and the Lakers players behind him also raised their hands and came over to take pictures.

This moment is frozen forever.

After taking the photo, Buss Jr. sent the championship trophy back, and the Lakers players also touched and kissed the trophy one by one.

At this time, the host had found Sun Hao for an interview.

"I would say you were the hardest man on the planet today."

The first words the host spoke made Sun Hao's face turn red.

Although you are also very beautiful, my wife is next to you!

"With a dislocated shoulder, I've never heard of someone coming back to play in two days and scoring 21 points. It's really admirable. How did you do that?"

Fortunately, when the host said hard, he meant toughness, not the hardness of something.

"I don't know, I just went out there and did it."

Sun Hao's answer made the reporter's eyes widen and also made the fans at the scene laugh.

This guy is showing off!

"How would you rate Shaq's performance tonight?"

The reporter came to his senses and then asked.

"It sucks."

Sun Hao's answer made the female reporter's mouth grow bigger this time.

"This guy stole all the limelight tonight. If you hadn't asked, no one would have remembered me."

However, what Sun Hao said next made reporters tremble.

Sun Hao now has so many humorous elements that he can't count them.

The reporter smiled and turned around and handed the microphone to O'Neill.

"Shaq, why did you play so well tonight? Is it because of those signs before the game? I noticed they put them away not long after the game."

This reporter observed very carefully.

"Those signs are really annoying, but that's not the main reason."

O'Neal's answer surprised reporters again.

Just when he thought O'Neal would be as humorous as Sun Hao.

"I think Sun Cai should be the MVP. He scored 81 points, 62 points in three quarters, and the highest score in the league, but in the end he was not, so I promised him that I will definitely help him get the FMVP, a man's promise."

O'Neal said something very heartfelt.

His words also caused a burst of cheers from the audience.

It’s really rare to see such a serious shark.

However, it is precisely because it is rare that O'Neal's words are even more true.

"You just said you would win FMVP for Sun Yat-sen, don't you have any idea about this?"

the reporter asked.

"I don't want to say that I already have three guys like this. What I want to say is that he is the core of the team. Isn't the MVP supposed to be given to the best person?"

O'Neal's next words made the reporters smile and nod, and the audience burst into cheers.

Even Sun Hao was a little moved.

If someone on the Warriors team had said this in that year in history, then the FMVP would have been given to Curry, and there would have been no subsequent series of arguments.

After interviewing the two, the selection of FMVP over there quickly came to an end.

The staff member handed Stern the envelope containing the results.

Stern smiled after opening it, and then announced the final winner of FMVP.

Russell also came forward with the help of the staff on the side.

"The winner of the Bill Russell Cup in the 2005~2006 season is Sun Hao!"

When the results were announced, there was a burst of applause and cheers.

Including the Lakers players behind him, O'Neal took the lead and cheered for Sun Hao.

There was not much suspense about this result, and O'Neal's words also wiped out the final suspense.

Although his performance in the last game was like a god descending from heaven, O'Neal only played this good game.

Throughout the finals, including tonight, he averaged only 20.6 points and 9.7 rebounds per game.

For comparison, Sun Hao averaged 31.4 points and 6.6 assists in 5 games.

No matter how you look at it, this MVP should be given to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao took over his FMVP trophy from Russell.

After the cheers died down, Sun Hao began his acceptance speech.

"Half of this FMVP should belong to Shaq."

By this time, Sun Hao was no longer naughty, but spoke seriously.

And the first thing he said was in response to what O'Neal said in a previous interview.

"Without his outstanding performance tonight, we would not win the finals. How good his performance tonight is, I believe the basket that was dunked has the most say."

Of course, humor is essential.

"I also want to give an extra thank you to the fans who came to support us. Almost everyone didn't think we won Game 6, but you still came to support us. Thank you.

Finally, I want to thank my wife. I have spent most of my energy on basketball this past year. I have not fulfilled the responsibilities of a husband, but she has always supported me. Thank you, Scarlett. "

After Sun Hao said these words, the fans cheered, but Scarlett couldn't control her emotions.

What many people may not notice is that the range of choices for athletes’ partners is actually very small.

Because they are either playing or training, their spare time is very limited.

So the direct result is that their significant other is either an athlete, a cheerleader, or a model.

For example, Jordan's second wife Yvette Prieto is a Brazilian model.

There are really not many people like Sun Hao whose significant other is a Hollywood star.

Because both of them have careers, when they are busy, they may not see each other for a long time, and maintaining a relationship will become difficult.

Perhaps only those who have been married know that after entering into marriage, what men and women go through is completely different from when they are in love.

Sun Hao was a bachelor in his last life, so it was his first time to experience this.

Scarlett, of course.

So what Sun Hao said at this moment still moved Scarlett very much.

"We're going to have a baby this year."

And what Sun Hao said next made Scarlett cover her mouth.

Sun Hao had never told her about this before, but that was what she had always wanted.

The scene also burst into cheers.

This news is exciting!

This time next year, they will be able to meet Sun Hao's child!

If it is a son, then next year you can let them have sex hard!

The FMVP awards are over, and the 2005~2006 season has come to an end.

The Lakers players, led by O'Neal, went to the hotel for the championship night carnival.

Sun Hao did not go with him because of his arm injury.

Sun Hao took Scarlett for a drive.

What? How should Sun Hao drive if his hand is injured?

Why can't he drive a Lamborghini with one hand?

And when they arrived at a beautiful place, the two soon had an interesting conversation.

"You didn't bring it?"

"I didn't bring it, you didn't bring it?"

"It's just right, you don't need to wear it anymore."

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the pregnancy preparations were just a little ahead of schedule.

The Lakers are reveling in their championship, and fans are also reveling in the forum at this time.

And because most Lakers fans didn't witness the team's championship moment with their own eyes, they could only celebrate in the forum instead.

"Lakers championship!"

…(100 duplicate messages are omitted here)

"Shaq is awesome! Sun is awesome!"

"We don't want 1 or 2, we want 3, 4, 5 or even more championships!"

"The dynasty is over!"

"I'm not throwing cold water on you, but I think this year should be your last championship. Shaq will be 37 next year. He only had one good game in the playoffs this year. Can you still count on him next year?"

"Yes, Finley is also older, and his contract can't be dealt with. I think the Lakers will probably enter the playoffs next year with Sun, the old, the weak, and the disabled alone, and then the dynasty fails!"

"So it's best to trade Shaq for a star in his prime, so that even if the dynasty fails, the Lakers still have a future, otherwise..."

"I guess the Lakers didn't expect Shaq to degrade so quickly. With a five-year contract, the NBA really can't talk about friendship."

"Shut up, trolls!" a comment from "Basketball God Sun".

"I know you are all Wizards fans, isn't it just a loss? Is it necessary to be so black? A bunch of losers!" A comment from "I am Gao Fushuai".

"Just block these trolls. Now is the time to celebrate for the Lakers to defend their title. Come with me, Lakers championship!" A comment from "You don't understand Scarlett's beauty."

"Lakers championship!"

…(Omit 100 duplicate information here)

"Say silently, Sun Hao's shoulder pads are so handsome!"

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