I am so Accurate

Chapter 433 Sun Hao’s wedding!

Facts have proved that Sun Hao's words are necessary.

After winning the opening game and getting off to a good start, the Lakers didn't get off to a particularly smooth start.

After playing the previous 6 games, they only won 4 of them.

With a record of 4 wins and 2 losses, although the performance is not bad, just like Sun Hao "only scored" 27 points, there is still some gap between what the fans expected.

After all, after completing those signings in the summer, fans expected the Lakers to win 65, 70, or even break records.

The performance of Payton and Mourning is the main reason, and the other reason is O'Neal.

After the body continued to gain weight, the big shark could no longer get out.

In response to this, the Lakers' opponents began to use unlimited high-post jump shooting tactics, hitting each one accurately.

This is actually the same as what happened to O'Neal when he came to the Suns in history, and it was also a very important reason why the Suns finally chose to give up O'Neal.

It's not that the offense can't keep up, but that the defense is too easy to target.

Now without Riley's devilish training, this situation is ahead of schedule.

As the saying goes, everything has pros and cons.

History has changed, O'Neal's injuries have decreased, and his peak period has been extended, but his defensive role has also inevitably weakened.

However, in the next four games, the Lakers gradually got on track and won four consecutive victories.

After 10 games, the Lakers' record became 8 wins and 2 losses, and they suddenly reached the top of the Western Conference.

The main reason for this change is Payton and Mourning.

Under normal circumstances, veterans like Payton and Mourning would, as Sun Hao said, take a long time to find the feeling and form of the game.

But after seeing what Sun Hao said to the media in the newspaper, these two would-be Hall of Fame players started to work hard in advance.

Just like when Barkley chose the Mavericks, the thoughts of these stars of the last century have one thing in common: Although they are hungry for championships, they come to "compete" rather than "huddle".

Different verbs also represent different attitudes.

Such behavior is naturally reasonable.

This is the same answer Wade gave in history when he was asked by the media why he went to the Cavaliers instead of the Warriors at the end of his career.

The Flash has the character of a star of the last century.

Time flies so fast, it is late November, and at this time, fans turn their attention from the NBA arena to another place.

A church somewhere outside of Los Angeles.

Sun Hao and Scarlett's wedding will be held here.

However, only the invited people know the location of the wedding, and the content of the wedding is completely confidential. All shooting tools are prohibited at the wedding site, and the media and reporters are not allowed to enter.

This is the arrangement of Sun Hao's team.

The reason is also very simple. If Sun Hao's current influence is open to media reporters, not only will there be no privacy, but the fans who flock to the wedding will cause a disturbance at the wedding venue.

When you are a bit successful, you want the whole world to know that you are getting married; but when you reach a certain level of awesomeness, you want as few people as possible to know about the wedding.

That's how people are.

In fact, the weddings of James, Jordan and others were done this way in history. The arrangement of Sun Hao's team is not special.

As for those who were invited, they could experience an extremely grand wedding.

Because Sun Hao said this to Gu Yi when arranging the wedding: "Budget means no budget."

The implication of this sentence is that there is no upper limit to the budget, so you can be as luxurious as you like.

And Sun Hao also continued his love attitude. He didn't tell Scarlett about the wedding's layout and theme. This was another surprise.

Of course, the premise that he dares to do this is that he knows his fiancée well enough.

Everything was arranged properly, and on this day, a special car went to the hotel to pick up the guests to the wedding venue.

This church is very large and can accommodate up to 300 people at the same time.

Moreover, many and wide outdoor scenes were temporarily built around the church, which can accommodate thousands of people.

Gu Yi definitely implemented Sun Hao's request.

The guests attending Sun Hao's wedding this time can also be said to be star-studded.

As for NBA players, Sun Hao invited all his former teammates when he played for the Mavericks, as well as all players from the Lakers.

In addition, the NBA players on the invited list also include James, Anthony, and Wade of the 2003 generation.

Sun Hao's national team teammates such as Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian, Wang Zhizhi and Zhu Fangyu are also on the list.

Kobe, Ginobili, Parker, Diaw and other people who have old friends with Sun Hao also came.

Among the celebrities, the "God of Basketball" Jordan, "Magic" Johnson, Barkley, Malone, etc. were also present.

League president David Stern, Lakers owner Buss Sr. and his son Buss Jr., Lakers head coach Phil Jackson, former Mavericks coach Nelson Sr., and his son and current Mavericks general manager Nelson Jr. , and Nelson's daughter Anne, etc. also came to support.

This NBA list alone is almost half of the NBA.

On the one hand, this shows Sun Hao's current status, and on the other hand, it also shows that Sun Hao's popularity is really good.

However, this is only part of it, it can also be part of the man's side, Sun Hao.

Although Scarlett does not shoot kissing scenes, the number of movies she has made is even more than that of the same period. The "Saw" series is even more popular, and there are quite a few movie stars from Hollywood to support her.

When these guests entered from the red carpet, the staff on the sidelines instantly felt like they were at a film festival.

Even that's not all!

These are all public appearances, and many companies that Sun Hao represents have sent senior executives to support Sun Hao.

The wedding of a celebrity like Sun Hao cannot be just a wedding, but a large social party.

Of course, Sun Hao and Scarlett will be the absolute protagonists.

But the interesting thing is that although the wedding was held in Los Angeles, the style of the wedding was oriental.

This was not Gu Yi's idea, nor Sun Hao's, but Scarlett's request.

Blind devotion in love will seriously tilt the balance between the two parties, so when Sun Hao is thinking about Scarlett, Scarlett is also thinking about Sun Hao.

Sun Hao arrived at the wedding venue first to greet the guests.

This alone took a lot of time, because there were too many people, and many acquaintances only had time to meet briefly.

Of course there were some. Even if Sun Hao was in a hurry, he would stop and chat a few more words.

For example, Nelson.

Because they were traded to the Lakers, and Nelson has been out of touch since announcing his retirement, the two have not seen each other for quite some time.

And compared with the last time we met, Nelson's appearance has changed a lot. He has grown a long beard and looks like an old cowboy in an American western movie.

Speaking of which, this is already a 65-year-old guy.

Of course, his energy seems to be very strong.

A long-lost hug between master and disciple, Old Nelson was a little excited.

He was happy for Sun Hao from the bottom of his heart.

The 18-year-old boy he selected in the draft has already started a family and has become a grown man.

During the brief chat, Sun Hao also learned something. After nearly two years of rest, Nelson couldn't help but want to make a comeback.

This is actually an "occupational disease" for many people. It means that after working at a job for a long time, you get tired and stop doing it. But after you stop doing it for a period of time, you can't help but feel itchy and want to do it again.

And Sun Hao also knew where Nelson was going, Auckland.

He will return to the place where he has coached for many years and restart his coaching career.

After listening to this, Sun Hao felt that even if he retired a year early, history had brought Nelson to where he wanted to go.

It’s just that I don’t know whether he will face off against Old Nelson’s master and apprentice at the end of this season, or whether Old Nelson will face off against the Mavericks.

Regardless of the outcome, it will be very interesting.

After greeting the guests, Sun Hao followed the steps of a Chinese wedding and took his groomsmen to the hotel to pick up the bride.

His wedding was star-studded and the groomsmen were quite luxurious.

Anthony, Yi Jianlian, Zhu Fangyu, Nowitzki, Bell, Paul, and in addition there is a child, Doncic.

When Sun Hao got married, Shasa came all the way from Europe and brought Doncic along with him.

Now Doncic is sitting in the back seat of Sun Hao's extended Rolls-Royce, going to the hotel with Sun Hao.

Of course, Doncic has grown up a bit and will no longer call Sun Hao his father. Instead, he will call him godfather according to the title in the Western church.

In the car, Sun Hao asked Doncic to use a very special name when he saw Scarlett later.

The motorcade arrives at the hotel.

Although everything about Sun Hao's wedding was kept secret from the outside world, a large number of fans had already gathered in front of the hotel.

There is no airtight wall in the world. They couldn't enter Sun Hao's wedding venue, but it was impossible to control these places outside the hotel.

Of course, Sun Hao didn't deliberately avoid this. The crowd cheered when he got out of the car.

He and his groomsmen also smiled and waved to the fans, and the crowd suddenly became excited.

Sun Hao went to the hotel, and then there was a very Chinese style of blocking the door and stuffing red envelopes, and the best man completed various tasks on behalf of the groom.

Because they have never experienced it before, these NBA stars are extremely dedicated to playing.

After everything cleared up, Sun Hao finally put Scarlett in his Rolls-Royce.

Scarlett was photographed crazily when she left the hotel.

She wore a crystal cake wedding dress, which originated from the movie "Gone with the Wind". It was retro and dignified, and looked indescribably beautiful on Scarlett.

Scarlett also felt the enthusiasm of the fans, but she did not stop and was helped into the wedding car by Sun Hao.

Those who didn't capture it were unspeakably regretful, while those who did captured it were ecstatic.

This is likely to be the only externally known video of Sun Hao's wedding.

The car left the hotel and headed to the wedding venue.

Also in the car, Doncic Xiao shouted to Scarlett the title that Sun Hao gave him.


Translated, it means godmother.

Hearing this title, Scarlett showed a happy smile on her face.

Others may have forgotten it, but Scarlett clearly remembers the first time she met Doncic Jr. in Dallas. The word "father" directly caused her to misunderstand, and she almost missed Sun Hao. Pass.

Now this call of godmother was correct, and it made her have a great impression of Xiao Dongcic.

Anyone who has raised children knows that the chubby type is the cutest.

The car arrived at the wedding venue, and Scarlett was helped out of the car by Sun Hao.

The moment she came down, she was stunned.

This church is located in a dense forest, which was something Sun Hao deliberately considered when choosing the location.

Of course, these trees are not the point. The point is that the trees are finished and dressed up to give the feeling of a tropical rainforest.

They entered the wedding venue step by step, including the church, which was full of tropical rainforest style.

It feels like being in a real tropical rainforest.

Scarlett, there is an indescribable feeling of happiness in her heart.

Sun Hao really understands her so well. This kind of scene arrangement that she has never experienced before is a big surprise for someone who likes to travel.

This wedding she will never forget.

Her face turned rosy with excitement. If it weren't for the fact that there were so many people around, she would have been kissing Sun Hao properly.

No woman doesn't like to be pampered.

She is now really glad that she went to Spain, and she is also glad that she and Sun Hao can meet again after so many years of separation.

There are only a handful of men like Sun Hao.

The wedding will only take place in the evening. According to the process of Chinese weddings, they will first take some wedding photos in the afternoon.

Don't think that the crystal cake wedding dress Scarlett is wearing now is the one she used when she got married in the evening. If so, it does not match this luxurious wedding.

In fact, this is similar to what we usually wear when we get married.

Foreigners, of course, also take wedding photos.

So this afternoon, Sun Hao and Scarlett went to several meaningful locations to take wedding photos.

Staples Center and Hollywood Studios are must-see places.

For both of them, the basketball court and the film and television city are the most important places in their lives.

After the wedding photos were taken, Sun Hao and Scarlett were so tired that they almost fell down.

Getting married is a very happy day in the eyes of many people who have never been married, but in fact, those who have been married know that happiness is happiness and the most tiring.

As they sat there resting, Anne came over to them.

This time, there was a special person among the best men, Xiao Dongcic, and there was also one among the bridesmaids, namely Anne.

Under the careful care of Nelson and the superb medical skills of the Swiss doctor, Annie's condition has become no different from that of a normal person.

This can be regarded as a medical miracle.

So for this wedding, Annie took the initiative to be the bridesmaid at Sun Hao's wedding, and Sun Hao had no reason to refuse.

Annie walked up to Sun Hao and Scarlett, as if she had gathered up her courage.

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