I am so Accurate

Chapter 431 So cool!

After the coaching staff, it was the players who received the championship rings.

Sun Hao was the first player to go up and receive his championship ring.

He shook hands with Stern first.

After Stern said congratulations to him, he walked towards Johnson, who was the celebrity who presented him with the ring.

"Congratulations. I hope that this time next year, I can still be standing here giving you this ring."

Johnson hugged Sun Hao cordially. Since last season, he has higher expectations for Sun Hao than anyone else.

Then, under the spotlight, Johnson presented Sun Hao with two championship rings.

etc! Two rings? !

During the ring presentation ceremony, the cameras and spotlights, including the large LED screen, were all focused on the field.

But what happened on the field made them unable to understand.

What are you doing...? !

Did the Lakers not only create bigger championship rings than anyone else this year, but also give two to one person? !

If this is the case, then old Bass's heroic spirit is not enough to describe it.

But soon, fans discovered that they were thinking too much.

It doesn't mean much to give out two championship rings to one person, because it's just a symbolic thing.

Moreover, the actual value of championship rings at this time is not as big as the one worth millions in the future, and the difference between one and two is not that big.

The reason why Sun Hao received two of them was soon known to them.

Because after Johnson finished giving, the host who had been waiting at the side had already handed the microphone to him immediately.

"You must be curious about why I have two championship rings. In fact, I am also very curious."

Sun Hao's first words after taking the microphone made the entire audience laugh.

"I remembered, this is what I asked for, so brothers, don't think too much."

What he said next made the Lakers teammates behind him even laugh.

"Of course I paid extra for the extra rings."

His next words made everyone laugh, including Stern who was standing on the sidelines.

Sun Hao really has a sense of humor that is rare among Easterners.

"Last year, I had a plan to do something with this championship ring, but at that time I thought it was too long and it would take a whole summer to get it, so I gave up."

After the humorous opening remarks, Sun Hao began to get into the theme.


But he had just started, and the quick-thinking audience in the front row had already realized what was going on.

"Propose, you were right."

Sun Hao took the words with a smile.

There was a lot of excitement at the scene.

Proposing with a championship ring sounds incredibly romantic!

It's a pity that Sun Hao didn't do that in the end.

And the reason is completely understandable, because he can't wait.

Indeed, it would be particularly uncomfortable if you have the idea of ​​​​proposing but have to wait all summer in vain.

And the proposal at the Night of Champions is not that bad either.

It's just a little bit of a pity for this idea.

And the key is, after Sun Hao said this, the audience became more curious.

What is the connection between that matter and the two rings in front of me?

Fortunately, Sun Hao is always the kind who doesn't keep people waiting for too long and can quickly satisfy people's curiosity.

"This will be my wedding ring, Scarlett, I..."

Before Sun Hao finished speaking, the cheers on the scene could not be stopped.

Sun Hao, it’s a pity that he couldn’t use the championship ring as an engagement ring, but it doesn’t matter, now he uses it directly as a wedding ring!

It's no wonder why he has two rings, because the rings are matching rings!


Never before!

Scarlett obviously didn't know this, and she felt the feeling of "what the hell is a surprise" for a moment.

At that moment, happiness filled her mind.

Sun Hao had never been in love at first and didn't understand love, but he gradually learned a lot.

Marriage is the tomb of love because after entering the marriage, neither party wants to create an atmosphere of love anymore.

And to have that kind of atmosphere, surprise is the best thing.

Small surprises from time to time, big surprises from time to time, even if you are married, love will be as bright as a newly bloomed rose.

This surprise from Sun Hao was bigger than giving him a Lamborghini or something like that.

When the cheers died down, Sun Hao continued to speak proudly.

"Scarlett, I only said during the championship parade that our wedding would be after the start of the season. I didn't say the specific day, and you didn't ask me. What I want to say now is that I am ready. Well, November 22nd, your birthday, is also our wedding day. This pair of championship rings will be our witness, and I will let you have a new life."

By the time Sun Hao finished speaking this affectionate confession, the cheers at the scene were completely unstoppable.

The full amount of dog food was spilled, and the dog was immediately hung up and killed.

On the other end of the court, Nowitzki smiled and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch his nose. What Sun Hao did made him full of longing for marriage!

Because everything in front of me makes me feel extremely happy.

Just like before, many people were surprised that Sun Hao was so rich and status but only had one woman. It was really special that he was so rich and status and yet he cared so much about that one woman.

At the signal of the people on the side, Scarlett stood up and walked towards Sun Hao, and then kissed Sun Hao amidst the cheers of the audience.

Old Bass's face turned red at this time, and he seemed to be recalling a long time ago in his mind. What a sweet memory it was to him.

Who hasn’t lived through youth?

The cheers and whistles from the audience were also endless.

The scene in front of them made them envious, but they couldn't help but want to cheer.

They are also lucky to be able to witness beautiful things.

I'm afraid the reporters after today's game were really busy.

Phil Jackson's ten championship rings and Sun Hao's wedding confession, no matter which one is worthy of a close-up.

Sun Hao's confession made the award ceremony take a little longer than expected, but that didn't affect it.

After the ring presentation ceremony, the scene began to unveil their championship banner from last season, which was also the 15th championship banner in the history of the Lakers.

Along with the countless flags hanging overhead, it makes the Staples Center even more glittering.

The cheers at the scene were so loud that they seemed to lift the roof of the arena.

During the championship parade last season, Bass said the words "Not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4, 5, 6" in public, which made the fans in Los Angeles look forward to it. The performance in the pre-game showed signs of making that expectation come true.

The emotions of the fans can be imagined.

This also makes the Mavericks feel a bit stressed.

This kind of home momentum will be a huge bonus to the home team.

But there was one exception. Kobe's eyes were firm, as if everything in front of him didn't exist.

It's hard to find a second person in the basketball circle who is more paranoid than Kobe, and it's also hard to find a second person in the basketball circle who is stronger than him.

After the award ceremony, the scene entered the opening ceremony, and the starting lineup of the two teams appeared one after another.

The Lakers' starting five are the same as in the preseason, with Sun Hao and Finley on the outside, Ariza and Walker on the forwards, and center O'Neal.

The Mavericks' starting lineup is the same as in last season's playoffs, with Fisher and Kobe on the outside, Bell and Nowitzki on the striker, and Diop at center.

There were not many lineup changes. When the two teams started playing, especially the Mavericks players, there seemed to be flames burning in their eyes.

They were eliminated 1-4 last season, and they were all holding back their energy. It was the fire of revenge that they had been holding back for a whole summer!


As the referee on the sidelines blew the whistle, Diop jumped first and moved the ball back to the Mavericks half, officially kicking off the game!

As soon as the Lakers came up, the ball still went to Kobe.

Kobe singled out Ariza and turned into a backward shaking pull-up.

His movements are obviously more consistent than last season, and the stability of his shot has also been greatly improved.


Kobe's shot came up empty, giving the Mavericks the lead!

There was a restlessness at the scene, and even the fans could feel Kobe's progress.

This improvement is amazing, because Kobe is already strong enough.

Taking the next step forward is something only a few people can do.

But seeing this scene, Sun Hao felt relieved for a moment.

A summer of hard training has made Kobe Bryant stronger personally, but his style of play has not changed.

It's just like using better medicinal materials when making traditional Chinese medicine, but the formula is still the same.

After the Lakers advanced to the frontcourt, they directly launched a triangle offense.

Sun Hao is at a 45-degree angle on the right, Walker is ambushing in the right corner, and O'Neal is holding the ball in the paint and playing behind the ball.

This game is like a replica of last season. The only difference is that the person squatting in the corner has changed.

The Mavericks chose to double-team under the basket amid the shouts of head coach Johnson.

People have impressions of many things that go deep into their minds. For example, Walker loves to shoot three-pointers and is inaccurate.

Johnson's natural choice was to pass him up.

Nowitzki shrank to the basket, and O'Neal chose to pass the ball to Walker in the bottom corner!

The preseason is a place to run in the lineup and practice tactics, which is also a tactic they use a lot in the preseason.

After receiving the ball, Walker happily shot a three-pointer just like in the preseason.

Sun Hao watched Walker take action, and quickly saw from the trajectory of the ball that the ball could be scored.

The happy Howard plays very vigorously, and the happy Walker is no less generous!


With a crisp sound, Walker's three-pointer hit the net!

"Shooter Walker!"

Just after Walker hit the three-pointer, some spectators on the sidelines couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Walker was about to do his signature twerk celebration, but stopped abruptly after hearing the shout.

And soon, he found the audience member who shouted that voice. It was a beautiful plump girl.

For a moment, he felt like his hormones were bursting.

He blew a kiss to the girl!

This scene was captured by on-site photographers and instantly caused cheers.

At this time, Walker had already married and started a business, and he and his wife Losada were very affectionate. This scene was captured, and I am afraid that he will inevitably have a "washboard" after returning home.

But Walker didn't seem to care.

To be successful in life, you must have all the fun, and this has always been his philosophy of life.

Looking back, Kobe continued to attack with the ball.

Even if he fails to make the first shot in the opening game, he will still continue to shoot. Like Walker, he also has his own philosophy, but it is a basketball philosophy: he would rather make 0 for 30 shots than 0 for 9 shots.

Needless to say, he made the first ball.

But it's a pity that Kobe was interfered with when he took action this time.

Kobe is improving, and so is Ariza.

This past summer, he trained with Sun Hao in the training camp, and his defensive ability improved rapidly.

Especially after Sun Hao learned to play from behind, his defensive skills against Kobe have also been improved invisibly.


Kobe's second attempt hit the frame and O'Neal grabbed the defensive rebound.

Then, just like in the preseason, the ball was given to Walker immediately.

The Mavericks showed their ability to defend against fast breaks, but Walker also showed his talent. After dribbling behind his back to avoid Nowitzki's jam, he fed Sun Hao a long pass that looked across the court.

You have to admit, there's a reason why Walker is called the "Successor to Magic."

As a power forward who can pass long passes of this quality, there are only a handful of them even in NBA history.

Sun Hao caught the ball and accelerated with one step, creating wind at his feet. He quickly broke into the frontcourt and made a violent slam.

He will basically not participate in this year's dunk contest, so he must not miss it when it's time to show off.

Especially in Los Angeles!


The ball was hit hard into the basket, and the emotions of the fans exploded instantly like a ignited powder keg.

Although Kobe's first goal was beautiful, the Lakers played as mercury-filled as they did in the preseason, which was a joy to watch!

Theoretically, the intensity of the regular season games must be higher than that of the preseason games, but there seems to be no difference between what the Lakers played and the preseason games!

This shows one thing: they are really strong!

Kobe, then singles.

This time he turned around and broke through for a layup, causing Walker to foul. After an aerial confrontation, he shot the ball and almost scored.

It can be seen from this ball that his summer training is not just about shooting. His shots after layups and confrontations have also become much more stable.

At this time, Sun Hao belatedly remembered something. Historically, this season was the season in which Kobe Bryant scored 81 points.

In other words, this season is the season when his personal offensive strength reaches its peak.

Although with the presence of Nowitzki, the possibility of Kobe Bryant scoring 81 points has become lower, but that is only a difference in scoring numbers. His personal ability has already reached the point.

It may even be stronger than the same period in history.

After all, the excitement of losing in the playoffs last season was greater than what the Lakers experienced at the same time in history.

Kobe made two free throws despite interference and scored the Mavericks' first 4 points.

However, the Mavericks seemed unable to stop the Lakers from scoring on the defensive end.

It's still a triangle offensive tactic. This time Nowitzki didn't go to the basket to help defend. O'Neal singled out Diop, turned around and suppressed, then hit the board with a hook!

The Shark continues to gain weight, which makes it harder for him to get out of the penalty area on the defensive end, but the offensive end has a greater suppression advantage and seems to be playing more easily.

Kobe continued to break through, but this time the Lakers were double-teamed early. Kobe faced the double-team and shot... smashed out of the frame!

With 1 of 3 shots and 4 points, Kobe's scoring efficiency cannot be considered low.

But Sun Hao's emotion at the beginning was not without reason.

Or it can be described in this sentence: No. 8 Kobe is the Kobe with the strongest personal offensive ability, but only No. 24 is the peak Kobe!

The Lakers continued to play the triangle. This time the Mavericks' wings shrank inward, and Finley also made a mid-range jumper with one step after receiving the ball.

You may not believe it. For nearly half of the opening quarter, Sun Hao only took one shot and scored 2 points, but the Lakers already led 9-4!

This rhythm made Sun Hao instantly feel like he was possessed by Wiggins.

Have you reached the stage where you can win without sweating?

The game is indeed developing in this direction.

About 10 minutes into the first quarter, when the two sides entered the substitute transition period, the Lakers already led the Mavericks by 9 points, 23 to 14!

Sun Hao still only scored 2 points.

When he came off the court, he smiled and chatted with O'Neal next to him. His expression was even happier than when he scored 20 points in a single quarter last season.

Those who are close to red are red, those who are close to ink are dark. After spending a long time with O'Neal, he gradually realized the true meaning of paddling in the regular season.

The feeling of winning without sweating is indescribable.

He couldn't help but take out his wolfberry tea from under the bench and take a sip.


ps: Something unexpected happened. I will update this today and more tomorrow.

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