I am so Accurate

Chapter 341 Sun Hao is going to be traded?

Tracy McGrady was sent to the Wizards!

It's like a long streak of lightning flashing across the sky before a storm and then exploding into thunder on the ground.

The fans in the forum really don't need to sleep tonight!

"T-mac, Yao! Next season's championship will be Washington's!"

"It's crazy, the two-time scoring champion plus the league's second center, this is the new OK combination!"

"Don't ignore Richard Hamilton. With him, you dare not double-team Yao or T-mac. It's scary to think about it!"

"McGrady, Ming, Richard, the MMR team!"

"Wesbrod is the stupidest general manager in the league! He created an unbeatable opponent for himself!"

"I really can't figure out why the Magic would do that, just like I can't figure out why they couldn't keep Shaq and recruit TD!"

"As an Orlando fan, I'm used to it. Our management always does the stupidest things at the most critical moments."

"I don't think the Magic are losing money... Arenas is talented, Mobley is an immediate player, and the Magic are expected to make the playoffs next season?"

"Pistons, Pacers, Wizards, next season the Eastern Conference will be more interesting than the Western Conference!"

"Really Romance of the Three Kingdoms!"

"McGrady has settled down now, where is Kobe?"


Not long after the deal was announced, the time has come to July 1, and the door to the NBA free market officially opened.

However, the NBA has a rule called the "July Freeze Period."

The freeze period came about because the league needed to calculate the income and expenditure of last season to get the exact salary cap for the new season.

During the freeze period, players can reach a verbal agreement with the team, but they cannot formally sign a contract.

This freeze period has been changing, at the beginning it lasted all July, then shortened to 18 days, 17 days, 16 days, and then all the way to 14 days.

This season is also the first time in NBA history that the freeze period is only 14 days.

For teams, that also means they have the shortest time ever to deal with free agency.

However, after the free market door opened, except for players like Camby and Rasheed Wallace who were 100% sure to stay in the team and reached a verbal agreement with the home team, everyone else was extremely quiet.

The reason is naturally because of the Lakers.

Before the Lakers finish their affairs, the league structure may change at any time, and they naturally have to choose their next home depending on the situation.

On this day, Cuban received a call from Bass Jr.

On the phone, Buss Jr. chatted about the possibility of a trade between the two teams.

Bass Jr.'s proposal is to trade O'Neill for Sun Haojialafrenz.

If Cuban needs it, the Lakers can make a little more trade or a second-round pick.

He didn't go to Nowitzki, because he knew Cuban's love for Nowitzki, and mentioning it would only make Cuban feel disgusted with him.

But even so, Cuban quickly rejected Bass' proposal.

"Jim, I have no reason to trade a player who just won Finals MVP, a 22-year-old player, for a 32-year-old veteran, even if he is Shaq."

Cuban's words are very real.

Sun Hao is only 22 years old, and he has just fulfilled his rookie contract with the Mavericks. Even with a maximum salary extension, his salary is even lower than that of Finley on the same team.

On the other hand, O'Neal is 32 years old, but his contract for next season is 27.7 million US dollars, which is directly worth 2 Sun Hao's salary.

Of course, he didn't say anything about the latter.

Little Buss got a bad nose.

The advice West gave him was unreliable!

He can only think of other ways.

A deal with the Heat is an option.

Even if the whole money is split, he hopes to get back one with the closest value.

But after one lap, he discovered a very cruel reality.

Although O'Neal is still the league's number one center, and played a very good performance last season.

But with his 32-year-old age and salary of 27.7 million, many teams are unwilling to pay too much for a comeback.

After all, O'Neal is an insider.

The rate of decline in the level of inside players after they age is far greater than that of outside players.

Even if he is an unprecedented shark.

It seems that sending O'Neal to the Heat is the only option.

After Little Buss realized this, he felt a little helpless in his heart.

To be honest, most of the things Kobe does now are very immature, plus the Eagle County incident, and this time the forced palace incident.

If there is a choice, the Lakers will not choose Kobe.

But the Lakers had no choice.

Just like this, I don't know how much the Lakers will pay for Kobe's maturity.

Perhaps the only consolation is that Kobe is a superstar with a "perverted" level of effort.

Such a person, as long as there are no major injuries, not to mention surpassing, it is definitely possible to chase Jordan.

This is the only thing that can be said for consolation.

"Shaq, I can only wish you the best of luck in Miami!"

Although helpless, Bass can only say so in his heart.

This ending may be good for both parties.

He called Kupchak to his estate.

Now that it has been decided, it will be a quick cut.

This is also what West taught him, hesitation will make things uncontrollable.

After explaining to Kupchak, he is also going to report to his father.

The reason why he said it at this time is because he knew that Old Buss liked Kobe very much.

With such a result, his father will definitely be happy to hear it.

But after picking up the phone, he hesitated for a moment, and called West first.

"I didn't make it, I was going to send Shaq to Miami."

West is his mentor and friend, and has made the final decision, and it doesn't matter to talk to West about it at this time.

"Is Mark Cuban not interested in Kobe?"

However, West's next words made little Bass silent for a long time.

He was a little bit, not getting what West meant.

West is such a smart person, he also realized from the reaction of little Bass on the phone that the two may have had some misunderstandings before.

He may have overestimated little Bass a little bit.

O'Neal, the Mavericks certainly don't want it.

So what he said before was to let Bass try to exchange Kobe for Sun Hao.

"Kobe wouldn't agree to go to Dallas, Dallas wasn't on his list."

After little Bass reacted, he said quickly.

The reason why he didn't think of this possibility before, as he said, is that the probability of this possibility happening is too low.

Let's not talk about Cuban's interest in Kobe.

As far as the city of Dallas is concerned, Kobe, who is used to Los Angeles, may not be able to accept it.

Not to mention, Cuban's love for Nowitzki, Kobe may not be the master if he goes.

These points together, doomed Kobe will not agree to go to Dallas.

You must know that Kobe is a completely free agent now, and his own opinion represents everything.

"Kobe will be willing to go, you just have to say this to him..."

After listening to West's words, Little Bath was stunned.

He suddenly found that all the things he was considering were vulnerable to West's words.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

West's angle of thinking is completely different from his.

However, even if Kobe can be dealt with, it is only the first step.

What he really needs to get right now is Cuban.

Although Sun Hao is also a free agent now, he is a restricted free agent.

Cuban refused to agree, even if Kobe wanted to go, it would be useless.

He went back to the living room to let Kupchak stop for a while, and then called Cuban.

No one answered.

He put his phone aside and waited for Cuban to call back.

"Jim, did the Mavericks change their mind?"

Kupchak was curious.

Little Buss smiled and waved his hands, but didn't say anything.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Kupchak also knew that the matter probably hadn't been written yet, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, Cuban didn't return the call, and Bass called again.

This time Cuban took over.

"Kobe for grandson?"

This time, Cuban obviously paused after hearing Bass Jr.'s proposal.

Although, Sun Hao is only 22 years old; although, Sun Hao was "handpicked" by Jordan as the top five shooting guards; although, Sun Hao just won the FMVP.

But, that is Kobe after all!

When someone tells you to trade Kobe to you, everyone hesitates.

Regardless of personality and off-court factors, in terms of overall personal strength, Sun Hao is now weaker than Kobe.

"No, I won't agree to this."

But after thinking about it again and again, Cuban rejected Bass again.

Kobe lowered his value abruptly in the playoffs last season, and Sun Hao also has the bonus of the Chinese market.

"Anybody, you can have anybody on this team except Shaq."

Bass Jr. did not give up.

Kupchak, who was sitting across from Little Buss, was stunned for a moment after hearing this sentence. He didn't expect Little Buss to be so determined.

But he didn't know the relationship between Bath Jr. and West.

Bass Jr. would not question West's vision.

You must know that the "behind the scenes" of the OK group was West.

"You must be joking. If I trade Sun for Kobe, you will need two first-rounders, and even Ariza you just selected, and even give you a big contract like Finley. Would you agree?"

Cuban thinks that Buss Jr. sometimes speaks a little childishly.

It's kind of funny for anyone to say that in a transaction.

So he said a plan that Bass Jr. could never accept.

"If that's what you're asking for, I agree."


But what Cuban never expected was that Bass Jr. agreed!

Is this guy crazy?

"I'm not kidding."

"Nobody's joking around here."

"...I want to think about it."

After making sure Buss wasn't joking, Cuban said he had to think about it.

This matter really needs to be considered.

There are too many things involved in this transaction.

When he saw Buzz hung up the phone, Kupchak couldn't help looking at him for a while.

Kobe still has 2 future first rounds, and Ariza has to eat a semi-junk contract.

He also felt that little Bass was a little crazy this time.

But he couldn't say anything, he was just a part-time worker for the Bass family's property.

Little Buss took a long breath, took out two chewing gums from his pocket, and started chewing.

If it is really this bargaining chip, the price is a bit high.

But in fact, what he is doing now is just to get Cuban hooked.

After all, for a real transaction, the two parties must sit down and negotiate continuously.

It is impossible to say that the two of them can just say a few words casually.

This may be the only way to stop losses.

Although Sun Hao's current combat power is not as good as Kobe's, Sun Hao has a good image.

In a big city like Los Angeles, having a good personality can mean many things.

Moreover, Sun Hao still has a huge Chinese market. The Chinese in Los Angeles are not comparable to places like Dallas.

Think about it when Yi Jianlian was playing in high school here, the attention was already very high.

If Sun Hao can really come, it can be predicted that it will explode immediately.

Even, during the previous All-Star Game, Sun Hao and O'Neal's internal and external cooperation looked great.

While a brief glimpse of it doesn't mean anything big, it's at least a good sign.

Besides, in terms of getting along with the team, Sun Hao can get along so well with Nowitzki, and it shouldn't be a problem with O'Neal.

He thought about it, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Jim, why don't you call your boss first?"

Kupchak looked at the raised corners of Bass' mouth and couldn't help reminding him.

If Old Buss knew that Buss Jr. had traded Kobe away, he would probably be furious.

"Let's talk later."

Of course, little Bass also knows this, so this matter must be dealt with first.

Moreover, this matter is really nothing, at most a little bit.



Cuban is in infinite entanglement.

In the end, he made a phone call and called Old Nelson to his manor first.

Although the two used to quarrel because of this and that.

But in terms of team trust, the one he trusts the most is Old Nelson.

After all, the team's management team can really stand alone, that is, old Nelson.

Cuban didn't specifically say what was going on on the phone, so Nelson looked puzzled when he arrived.

He was not idle during this freeze period.

Getting Nash back is also in his consideration, but the question is how to convince Cuban.

The result is that when two people face each other, they are hesitant to speak.

In the end, Cuban spoke first.

"Just now the Lakers called me and said a trade proposal, related to Sun."

Cuban really spoke without dragging his feet.

He is still very capable in what he does.

Hearing that it was related to Sun Hao, all the things in old Nelson's mind were thrown aside.

"Sun is not for sale."

He said it directly.

After getting along for more than three years, he knew Sun Hao's talent and upper limit.

Among other things, being able to suppress Nowitzki to become the boss of the team by virtue of his strength is not something ordinary superstars can do.

There are infinite possibilities in Sun Hao.

"The Lakers took out Kobe."

Cuban continued.

"There are two future first-rounders, including Ariza, whom they selected in the first round this year. The one you said you wanted in the draft but was cut off by them. They are still willing to accept Finley."

Cuban added in one breath.

"I disagree!"

Old Nelson stood up immediately.

His face had turned red.

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