I am so Accurate

Chapter 204 The Future Is Yours

Basketball fights are not a good thing.

Friendship first, competition second, has always been the purpose of sports.

But sometimes there are some fights that he should fight and still have to fight.

Just like the dark foot Sun Hao used against Ferry in the Western Conference Finals last season.

If you don't respond, others will just kick their noses at you.

Zhu Ba Iron Fist, Li Nan Jun Tai Fist...

I opened the sky with my right fist and turned into a dragon.

Liu Yudong even picked up the bench to open the way.

The Lebanese team members were beaten and fled in all directions.

The Chinese men's basketball team played vigorously.

In the end, the Lebanese team never played or fought.

The conflict lasted for more than ten minutes before it was finally subsided.

After the referee successfully rescued the field, at least three people in Lebanon had blood on their faces.

Later in the day, the award ceremony was held on the spot.

The game is the first to award the best team and most valuable players.

Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi and Sun Hao were all selected to the best team.

Sun Hao was elected the most valuable player.

Although he paddles, it can't stop him from being efficient.

Throughout the Asian Championships, he averaged 20.6 points and 6.5 assists per game.

The shooting percentage reached 67%, and the three-point shooting percentage was 61%.

And because the Chinese team's games are basically played in three quarters, Sun Hao's average data is basically three quarters.

It's unreasonable not to get the MVP.

After individual honors are awarded, group honors follow.

China, Lebanon and South Korea won gold, silver and bronze.

When the awards were presented, only Khatib and a few people from the Lebanese team came.

When they reached the runner-up podium, they were also booed by many fans at the scene.

In a sense, they lose and lose.

When the Chinese team members reached the highest podium, the cheers were deafening.

Perhaps because of the inevitable ticket at the end of the fight, they like the performance of the Chinese team very much, which is tough enough.


After the awards ceremony, to Sun Hao's surprise, Khatib came to congratulate him.

Speaking of it, Khatib was mediating when Zhang Cheng and Walid had a conflict, and he also tried to dissuade his teammates at the last moment.

He looks different from Vogel and the others, not the kind of person who can't afford to lose.

"But next time I'm going to be stronger and I'm going to win it back."

After congratulating Khatib, he also showed his determination.

Everyone who can leave a name in history is not an ordinary person.

Khatib can become the number one small forward in Asia. Like Yao Ming, he is outstanding in all aspects.

At least this kind of neither overbearing nor humble makes Sun Hao think it's pretty good.

And he also remembered that Khatib had won the Asian runner-up several times in history, and was also nicknamed Asian LeBron.

He couldn't help but reached out and touched Khatib's head, and spoke in the latter's astonished eyes.

"The future is yours."

The famous scene of Asia Jordan vs. Asia LeBron.

Khatib froze for a moment, then nodded.

He is two years older than Sun Hao. In his opinion, what Sun Hao said is that he regards him as a long-term opponent.

This is actually a kind of recognition.

He will beat the Chinese men's basketball team and win the Asian championship belonging to Lebanon!

At the press conference after the game, Sun Hao and Wang Zhizhi attended with Wang Fei.

"I apologize to Lebanon, and to all the fans, for the clashes during the game.

In the following games, we must learn how to play when the penalty scale is unfavorable, and we must also learn how to restrain our temper under the opponent's provocative actions. "

Wang Fei's apology is very interesting.

"Our strength is enough to win everyone. If we can't beat, we can't beat. There is no need for that."

Although Wang Zhizhi didn't take part in the fight, he was there proudly.

Both old kings expressed their views on the conflict in the final moments of the game.

Sun Hao didn't mention it at first, he was more talking about the game and conveying the team's unity atmosphere.

"The Chinese men's basketball team is the most united team, both on and off the court."

But he ended up using metaphors too.

"No matter how much the men's basketball team will receive this time, I will pay for the team."

And at the end he also added a sentence.

In any case, the punishment of the men's basketball team is inevitable.

Regardless of how big the ticket is, it won't have much impact on him, but this is a great opportunity to buy people's hearts.

Only when the team has enough influence can he lead the men's basketball team to a breakthrough in the World Series.

The team he was talking about was not just polite words, only a team that is twisted together can be invincible.

Although the conflict in the final was somewhat unexpected, the Chinese team's trip to the Asian Championships can be said to be very successful.

Wang Zhizhi scored a team-high 19 points in the final.

Yao Ming averaged 15.8 points, 9.2 rebounds and 3.7 blocks per game.

Li Nan's 49% stable performance outside the three-point line.

And the little surprise brought by the young player Zhu Fangyu.

On the second day after the finals, the men's basketball team was holding a review meeting.

The men's basketball team participated in the ideological education very cooperatively, and accepted a super fine of 150,000 yuan issued by the Basketball Association.

Sun Hao also fulfilled his previous promise and paid for the men's basketball team in full.

After Sun Hao did this, he could see that the way many players looked at him changed.

Doing this kind of thing not only buys people's hearts, but also really unites the team.

Absolutely worth the money spent.

This also includes Zhu Fangyu.

He looked at Sun Hao with endless admiration.

Sun Hao's on-court performance and his off-court operations this time, his personal charm is too great.

Sun Hao also noticed Zhu Fangyu's small eyes.

Originally, his idea of ​​giving advice to Zhu Fangyu just passed by in a flash, but last night Zhu Fangyu's sentence "Brother Hao, don't move, I'll do it" still moved him very much.

To be honest, as his fame is getting bigger and bigger, it is really not suitable for him to do this kind of thing casually.

But he can't be indifferent, then the little brother is very important.

For the national team, Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi, and even Yi Jianlian were not suitable for this role.

But no one is more suitable than Zhu Fangyu, who can play on and off the court.

After the review meeting was over, Sun Hao called Zhu Fangyu to his side.

"Do you want to play in the NBA one day?"

Sun Hao asked with a smile.

"Think, who doesn't want to play in the NBA."

Zhu Fangyu answered directly.

"Okay, then you will go back to Dallas for training with me later."

Sun Hao nodded.

He didn't know if Zhu Fangyu could play in the NBA.

But since Zhu Fangyu has this idea, and he doesn't look like the undisciplined person in history now, there's no harm in giving it a try.

Taking a step back, even if Zhu Fangyu can't play in the NBA in the end, being stronger in the national team means that his younger brother is stronger.

No matter how you look at it, it's a good deal.


Asian Championships ended, the national team did not disband immediately.

They will play a friendly match with Adidas team later.

Well, it is the Adidas China trip that Sun Hao mentioned before.

Kobe, McGrady, Garnett, Duncan, Arenas...

Except that Arenas is a rookie, Adidas has brought in all of their top players in the NBA.

The door of the Chinese market opened, and Adi was the first to rush in.

The first battle of Adidas China Tour is the outdoor fan meeting in Shanghai.

Sun Hao went to the hotel to meet other people, and the group took the bus to the event site.

Kobe, who looked lonely while holding a newspaper;

With open and squinting eyes, Maddie seems to be able to fall asleep at any time;

The curious baby Duncan who is full of curiosity and looking left and right;

Wearing headphones, Garnett was intoxicated by his own singing;

And, taking the initiative to sit next to Sun Hao, smiling and approaching Arenas.

"Sun, can I train with you in summer?"

After chatting for a while, Arenas took the initiative to ask.

This made Sun Hao not expect that he was not very familiar with Arenas before.

But he didn't refuse either.

With a little more people in training, we can play the whole court at that time.

The training match is not as good as the competition, but the improvement of proficiency will be faster than his own practice alone.

The bus passed the Oriental Pearl Tower at this time.

Garnett took off his earphones, pointed and shouted.

McGrady and Kobe also started talking one after another, and the atmosphere on the bus suddenly became lively.

"Hey Kevin, are we going to come back with a 58-point win tonight?"

Kobe turned his head and shouted at Gane.

There was a burst of laughter in the car.

Sun Hao also froze for a moment and laughed.

The Mavericks beat the Timberwolves by 58 points last season, and word spread among the players.

Garnett's reputation is great, and this is the rhythm to get the name of "58 Special" before Paul.

"That's not easy, Sun is opposite."

Maddie said.

In the evening game, Sun Hao represented the Chinese team.

He and Sun Hao had a 40+ exchange rate last season, and he recognized Sun Hao's ability.

"Yes, I almost forgot, this guy is not so easily defeated."

Kobe nodded in agreement.

He remembered the scene when Sun Hao played against him in the trial training last season.

Garnett didn't speak, his expression slightly embarrassed.

He doesn't like this 58 stem very much.

But what Kobe said reminded him a bit, he will put more effort into the game tonight.

Adi's fan meeting was unprecedentedly grand.

With his outstanding performance on the field and Su Qun's help, Sun Hao's domestic influence has reached a phenomenal level.

Coupled with Kobe and Garnett who also have many fans in China at this time, it is impossible for the fans to react little.

Sun Hao and Arenas exchanged three-pointers, and Kobe and McGrady dunked.

It's not unreasonable for outside players to sell shoes more. Take this kind of meeting as an example, you can't let Duncan show a big windmill in situ to please the fans.

But I don't know who called it, but some fans at the scene even shouted for Sun Hao to perform a 360° dunk.

When Sun Hao was playing in La Liga, the black history of dunk slips and dunks on the rim was also talked about by the fans. Whenever he talked about it, there would always be a smile on the corner of his mouth inadvertently.

But this time in the Asian Championships, Sun Hao performed an actual one-handed gliding dunk, which made a good name for himself. The fans hope that he will go to the next level.

Sun Hao couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of the fans, so he played with the ball.

"Can he do that?"

McGrady couldn't help looking at Kobe curiously.

Kobe shrugged.

"I doubt it."

Maddie is honest enough.

Kobe also pouted and nodded.

It doesn't even make people suspicious, Sun Hao is a serious shooter.

Let Sun Hao do a 360° dunk, isn't this forcing O'Neal to shoot a three-pointer!

It was Garnett who reacted quickly. I don't know which fan got the camera and was ready to capture it.

Kobe couldn't help coughing after seeing it, Garnett was a little black-bellied.

Holding the ball, Sun Hao took a deep breath under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes.

To be honest, he has no idea, because he has never tried this kind of thing!

However, the ultimate goal of the fan meeting is to please the fans.

Of course it's cool if you get it in, but it's okay if you don't.

As long as the fans are happy.

He took a breath, took the ball and rushed towards the basket under the expectant eyes of the fans.

Less than two meters away from the basket, Sun Hao jumped into the air.

While getting up, he took the ball in his hand and turned his body along with it.

The sky and the earth rotated, and Sun Hao felt a little bit lost in the direction of the basket.

But something in his heart yelled.

Socialist basket!

This is my place!


Under the stunned eyes of the fans, Sun Hao hit the ball hard...

Buckle to the basket.

Sun Hao was pushed out by the rebounding force, and fell to the ground.

The scene that happened in La Liga back then is reproduced here!

This time, none of the socialist baskets worked.

Sun Hao made a protective action to not hurt himself, spread his hands, and burst out laughing.

Well, it's a little hard on myself.

Playing 360° dunks without practice, he is not superman!

The scene was already bursting with laughter.

They used to chat about Sun Hao's dark history only in their imaginations, but today they saw it with their own eyes.

Dallas Carter.


And the moment they laughed, they seemed to feel that the distance between themselves and Sun Hao had been shortened.

It turns out that Sun Hao is on the same level as them when it comes to the 360° dunk.

This feeling can be described in one word: down-to-earth.

Sun Hao was pulled up by Kobe and McGrady who came over, his smile didn't stop.

"Shall I show you a demonstration?"

Kobe asked kindly.

"no, I'm fine."

Sun Hao made a farewell gesture.

Can't afford to provoke.

However, seeing the happy smiles of the fans at the scene, he felt that it was the same as what he thought before, and it was not a bad thing that it was not deducted.

He scratched his head when he saw Garnett holding the camera and laughing at the photos.

He also has to work hard at night.

Sun Hao's 360° impromptu dunk performance failed, but he became the focus of fans' attention in the fan meeting.

Sometimes failure is more popular than success, and it is easier to become a classic.

After the meet and greet, the group went directly to a dinner party and had something to eat.

After resting for a while, I went to the arena.

The evening friendly will be played there.

When they arrived, the arena was already crowded with people, and the scene was even more exaggerated than the previous Asian Championship finals.

This time, the Adidas team has four NBA All-Stars and less than half of the US team.

The Chinese team won the championship all the way in the Asian Championships. Although it was cool, they didn't meet a real opponent.

Tonight's friendly match is the time to test their true strength.

"I will do my best."

After arriving at the arena, feeling the enthusiasm of the fans in the arena, McGrady said to Sun Hao.

He likes to show himself when there are many people.

Kobe on the side also nodded.

Two big four shooting guards need to be serious, plus a 58 special who is eager to try, this game is worth seeing tonight.

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